I would recomend non-warrior class HoH exclusive drops.
I'm certain I'm not the only one to have thought of this, but searches yielded no previous discussion on the subject. I suggest an addition to variety in HoH drops. Currently the only drops available are listed here: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Category:HoH_weapons. Notice anything missing?
There isn't a single weapon design for any class other than warrior. Now I know there is the argument that everyone has a warrior, but there are certainly people out there who play characters other than warrior. Giving them something to strive towards when taking and holding halls can hardly be called silly, and if a warrior should happen to get a (insert new hoh weapon name here) and not like it he can certainly sell it just as a monk might sell any of the warrior class weapons he might recieve. I'm not trying to complain(too much ) about how warriors get more love than other classes, just asking that other classes get a chance at the glory of wielding a weapon comparable to a crystalline,runic, etc weapon in rarity and beauty.
After all, who doesn't enjoy a good ctrl-click of their req8 15^50 (insert rare weapon here)?
New HoH weapon drops
Cj Two A
well there is that Mini Ghostly Hero running around now. that's from the HoH chest
Yeah. I find it kinda strange there isn't a HoH only scythe, dagger, spear, or bow. And casters generally get wierd stuff for items like raven staves that can be used in any attribute, so its not like they'd have to design THAT many new items to do this.