Wouldn’t it be good to have the ability to type out and save a price for each of the items you want to sell? Sort of like sticking a price label on that item. Every weapon (and some items) each have a text box which can be accessed by clicking a little drop down menu on the corner of an icon in your inventory. This text box gives you the ability to insert a price or value of that particular item.
I made a picture to show you what I mean....
Clicking that little eye in the corner of the item gives you a drop down menu called "price". In there you can type a value in gold and platinum blocks. When you are done, you click the "save" button which is underneath.
When hovering over that item, you now get an additional piece of information. I have made another picture to show you what I mean...
The idea is for you to drag this item into the trade chat window. Guild Wars will provide the name of that item plus the value or price you have entered in that drop down menu box.
This allows you to save values for each item you want to sell, without having to remember and type out the prices everytime you wish to sell it. It also saves you from typing out the items name.
Does anyone understand what I mean? I was never good at explaining lol.