1 - Armor storage. Simple, all my 8 chars are armored but why should I keep the old Grotto Prophetie armors when they are just non updated with the new armor system from NF...simple...its nice to have those so why no armor storage.
2 - Materials storage upgrade for stacks of 250. I keep on seling those materials, the common one I get from mission and question, to trader.We have material storage but limitied to 250 units..why not stacks counters where you can put those materials for later use when new chapters are added and they are not even available from trader ?
3 - Mini pet global storage. Isint hard to save those spaces already tooked by all the differents weapons for all situations, all the differents head armors pieces or even all sets of armors and then we have to think on adding the minis to each one if you like em. Instead of giving new minis, just add a general storage so we can chose from any chars we have, anytime and save space.
4 - Nice to get Hats trainers but hey...I just deleated tons of those anyways becuse it jsut take places for nothing.....SO how about that hat storage we never add.
I say this becuse I kinda buged out to always take time to manage those littles things where they are just plain simple and make common sens.
Now all might not suit every players but in my case I would like all those to be updated one day.
Becuse 3 Mules is jsut not enough.
Ho maybee getting a stable for our mules then
Cmon all...any ideas or sugestions to Devs about those missing elements ?
P.S. dont flame my english, im french so making all the efforts to get this as readalbe as possible. Thanx for the answers from the comunity