Likelyness of unique weapon drops?
I have been farming Dabineh Deathbringer for ages and he still hasnt dropped the deathbringer. Whats the percentage of chance that he actually will? Can i raise this percentage or lower it?
There are discussions on that @ wiki. There might be some here. I know one way to raise your %. Do not have that green equiped when your farming. That and the "farming code".
Originally Posted by Verata
There are discussions on that @ wiki. There might be some here. I know one way to raise your %. Do not have that green equiped when your farming. That and the "farming code".
Yep did a seach and confirmed what Vitas said. Sorry for the wrong information.
Feathermoore Rep
Besides the fact that I have no idea why you would want the Deathbringer, you can not use heroes or henchies, aka solo it, or you can just make sure you flag your heroes away until they gray out.
The chances of getting the drop on a normal day, there are other topics with that information that i cant place off the top of my head. Try wiki though. But even if you farm it enough, it will eventually drop.
The chances of getting the drop on a normal day, there are other topics with that information that i cant place off the top of my head. Try wiki though. But even if you farm it enough, it will eventually drop.
Well I'll tell you straight and forward: Persist and it will drop!
Thats how i get my greens, sometimes takes me like 7 runs to get a greenie and mostly using hench
Thats how i get my greens, sometimes takes me like 7 runs to get a greenie and mostly using hench