Im absolutly sure this has been addressed before, but i could not find it though the forum search function.
You know how your Necro heroes have a godly knowlege of everything around them? Why not pass on some of that information on to the REAL players.
Woudnt it be cool if your running a Death Necromancer to Bring up a small second party window for Allied creatures such as Minions with their health bars on them?
Woudnt Jagged Bones and Death Nova and Minion sacrificial spells become USEFUL skills as a Human controled Minion Master with a group of 10 Minions, instead of having them all clumped up and HOPE you cast it on the right minion before they die?
I always found that so frustrating and just never bothered after with them much.
Having a minature version of a party window you could move or doc somewhere on your screen would be infinitly useful and would add more uses to necromancers
Thank you