Ever had a large amount of junk in your inventory that you want to sell to the merchant? Ever accidentally sold an item or weapon that you really wanted to keep? Maybe you clicked the sell button too fast and or lag caused you to sell two items at once?
Why not have the ability to lock/protect an item? You right click a weapon, select "protect" and if you accidently try and sell it to a merchant, Guild Wars says "you cannot sell a protected item, please unprotect first, then sell the item ".
Is anyone with me?
Protect items from accidental selling
It never happened to me. I generally keep an unsellable quest item just before my armors and weapon swaps. That way even if I have a lag spike nothing can happen 
It would be a nice addition tho, /signed

It would be a nice addition tho, /signed
I'm with you, but there's already a safety in place.
You can select which bags are open to vendor/merchant.
Simply take an inventory before you go to a merchant and move the stuff you want to keep.
You can select which bags are open to vendor/merchant.
Simply take an inventory before you go to a merchant and move the stuff you want to keep.
To prevent this, what I do is put all my armor or weapons in my last bags, and the junk I get to merch is sperate from the good stuff.
Originally Posted by deadman_uk
Is anyone with me?