Reduce cost of new skills to...
...1 skill point OR 1 platinum, not both.
I understand the need for gold sinks, but the current system barely affects the wealthy players, and really penalizes the new players trying to develop good builds.
I understand the need for gold sinks, but the current system barely affects the wealthy players, and really penalizes the new players trying to develop good builds.
Knightsaber Sith
If new players look online and plan out their builds ahead of time, they wont need many skills anyway.
If new players look online and plan out their builds ahead of time, they wont need many skills anyway.
Melody Cross
/signed. I'd also like to see PvE characters have the option to buy skills with Faction (not elites, of course, but regular skills).
There is a severe imbalance between PvP only players/characters having full access to all skills while PvEers are left to farm plat to buy their build up. Balth Faction is also worthless once players reach UAX.
If PvEers have to grind for skills, let us grind once please and pick how.
There is a severe imbalance between PvP only players/characters having full access to all skills while PvEers are left to farm plat to buy their build up. Balth Faction is also worthless once players reach UAX.
If PvEers have to grind for skills, let us grind once please and pick how.
Here's an idea, how about just give everyone every skill in the game for free? Maybe we can unlock all locations from the start too, that way no one has to play the game at all!
Melody Cross
^^You mean like paying 30 some odd dollars for every skill in a campaign; elites included? Like PvP only players do right now?
I'm not talking about giving skills away. Neither is the OP. Its about reducing the amount of time and energy people have to spend farming for PvE character skills.
They did it for PvPers and were applauded for it. Why shouldn't PvEers have different options too?
I'm not talking about giving skills away. Neither is the OP. Its about reducing the amount of time and energy people have to spend farming for PvE character skills.
They did it for PvPers and were applauded for it. Why shouldn't PvEers have different options too?
bamm bamm bamm
I suggested something strikingly similar to this awhile back, but I used it as a vehicle to get people questing. Signed if the method of gaining skill points is changed from leveling up to quest rewards only (or only before reaching level twenty, allowing new players 20 skills for free). This would effectively bring back the old skill quests that everyone loves, but allow the player to choose the skill they want.
The only problem being the skill point glut we currently have. Everyone immediately has access to 200+ skills. I would suggest a complete reset but I know that would not be a... popular opinion.
The only problem being the skill point glut we currently have. Everyone immediately has access to 200+ skills. I would suggest a complete reset but I know that would not be a... popular opinion.

Silas Verdeii
I think that reducing the cost of new skills could be a good idea but i would not support the harsh reduction the OP is suggesting. after restarting my warrior it's really frustrating to have to pay 1 platinum for each skill after the first few and i would love to see the cost reduced though to be honest i don't think i'd want it to be reduced any lower that 500g + 1 skill point due to the ease of aquiring skill points and the importance of having some challenge and sense of accomplishment built into the game. Sure some people with hoards of platinum would over benefit if it was reduced in cost but i know i would benefit. just not a huge reduction please.
The 1k + 1 skill point is a great cap already.
The previous scaling price + 1 skill point sucked.
The previous scaling price + 1 skill point sucked.
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
If new players look online and plan out their builds ahead of time, they wont need many skills anyway. |
Carl Butanananowski
UAX is what...?
Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by Sven788
Yes maybe, but some players do pvp also and want to unlock a big part of it by pve???
Instead of that, making a way to earn unlimited hero skill points would be fine.
If you want skills fast, you pay them, if you want skills cheap, you earn hero skills points.
Choosing between cheap and fast is a classic in Guild Wars.
You may wait for weapons to drops and pick collectables...
Or craft them... (does anyone actually craft weapons?)
If you want skills fast, you pay them, if you want skills cheap, you earn hero skills points.
Choosing between cheap and fast is a classic in Guild Wars.
You may wait for weapons to drops and pick collectables...
Or craft them... (does anyone actually craft weapons?)
buying skills for just 1 skillpoint is too little.
500g + 1 skill point would be best
500g + 1 skill point would be best
Sophitia Leafblade
Originally Posted by lyra_song
The 1k + 1 skill point is a great cap already.
The previous scaling price + 1 skill point sucked. |
Dougal Kronik
No, it's fine the way it is, and I'm not a rich player.
Just play the game, and you'll make money to buy all your skills. Especially with the newer campaigns also giving gold as a reward for mission completion.
Just play the game, and you'll make money to buy all your skills. Especially with the newer campaigns also giving gold as a reward for mission completion.
Originally Posted by Dougal Kronik
No, it's fine the way it is, and I'm not a rich player.
Just play the game, and you'll make money to buy all your skills. Especially with the newer campaigns also giving gold as a reward for mission completion. |
Ignorance is bliss.
And this idea has already been suggested.
Originally Posted by BrotherGilburt
buying skills for just 1 skillpoint is too little.
1 plat? Killing 4-6 tengu too much work? I have spent over 500k in skills on my warrior, it takes time and effort to become a PvE pure PvP'able char.
Whoever had mentioned the fact that PvP char's get the option, your right, but PvP char's cant get 15k/FoW armor, any PvE title, any unique skins, any inventory upgrades, etc etc. Both playstyles of character creation limit you to what you want to do, I just think there should be better repeatable quests that give good amounts of platinum in all campaigns since farming is nerfed beyond belief. That is your main problem.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
You may wait for weapons to drops and pick collectables...
Or craft them... (does anyone actually craft weapons?) |
If you don't want to PvE and grind out your equipment and money for skills, then create a PvP character.
But seriously, 1k isn't all that much, my last character in pre could do that in about half hour or so, and I'm not all that good a player.
I'm unsigning this authoritatively for some of the same reasons I unsign personal shops, you people place too much focus on getting money easy and trying to weasel in suggestions daily to make the easy time you're having easier.
Put that much effort(weaseling) alone into farming and your monetary problems will soon be over.
But seriously, 1k isn't all that much, my last character in pre could do that in about half hour or so, and I'm not all that good a player.
I'm unsigning this authoritatively for some of the same reasons I unsign personal shops, you people place too much focus on getting money easy and trying to weasel in suggestions daily to make the easy time you're having easier.
Put that much effort(weaseling) alone into farming and your monetary problems will soon be over.
The Hand Of Death
I like the idea, but I dont mind it the way it is so undecided.
Samuel Dravis
Originally Posted by Sophitia Leafblade
It has only ever Scaled to 1k Max as far as i know, i could been mistaken but having played since the start ive never had to pay more than 1k for skills. IT was gaining skill points that scaled which was nasty, thank god they changed that.