Higher than level 20, not what you may think



Join Date: Nov 2005


Simple Idea really.

Since level 20 is so easily reached, I was thinking about letting people's level come above 20. No more points for attributes or skills or anything, just a way for people to see that you're more experienced than people who've owned the game for 3 days. It goes hand in hand with earning skill points at ever level after level 20. Put a cap on it like level 50.

The only possible downfall would be that it could create elitism, but that could also eliminate some of the big problems with pugging with morons.

GLF Monk, must be lvl 50.

So I join and the group is all level 20......I disband and wait for a group more fitting to my level of experience.

Sure, people could farm up to a higher level, but that would at least indicate some discipline and lessen the odds that they'll look like they're dying on purpose to achieve a DP of 60%.(we all know the charge into battle types, the ones that do it before even they're at full HP after a bigger fight...)

*edit to the below

I left out that it could be easily retrofitted based on XP numbers, as it's a set amount of XP for everybody, or on skill point numbers if it's cataloged how many you've earned total.
And if the XP to reach lvl 20 has changed, it can't be by astronomical numbers, "close enough" would serve the purpose. The purpose is to represent a level of experience someone has achieved relative to other characters, proof.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006

/not signed

Imagina a lvl20 player with 300k exp and a lvl20 with 2mil exp, which means a player with 2mil exp need even more exp to get to lvl 21 then the 300k one. In WoW you stop getting exp afther lvl70 in TBC so the next expansion that will allow to be lvl80 is a fair start for everyone cause the exp did not increase afther lvl70.

This is how you can see that Anet isn't planning to get ever higher then lvl20, because Anet has to make the exp over all lvl20 the same to give everyone a fair play, and not 3mil exp player farm loads more then 300k exp lvl 20 people.
When this happens, when Anet should decrease the earned exp, people lose there survivor title at max, because that one needs 1337k and if you died afther rank 3 of this title you will never be able to earn the rank3 again.

So that's why Anet would never make the lvl20 higher, unless they all decrease it back to the 1337k amount.

Meat Axe

Meat Axe

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2007

Brisbane, Australia


Originally Posted by Aeon_Xin
The only possible downfall would be that it could create elitism, but that could also eliminate some of the big problems with pugging with morons.

GLF Monk, must be lvl 50.
Possible? This isn't a possibility. This will definitely create elitism, and that's not what GW is about. It's not about the levels in GW, it's about how you use your brain. Adding higher levels will completely throw this off.

Now, as you said, possibly you won't gain any new attribute points or anything after lvl 20.. So what is the point in raising the cap? Just so people can see how much xp you have? But I really doubt anyone will care. If you wanna know what virtual level you are, go to the experience page on Guildwiki and get that formula, and apply it to your xp, to satisfy yourself. In fact, I'll make it easier for you. Here's the formula: ((XP - 182,600)/15,000)+23

We don't need this.



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


It's been suggested many times before. And every time it's been suggested, it's been shunned upon.