Instead of Asking for an upgrade of the ignore list to be extended, how about keep the current Friends Ignore list the way it is, i think ignore after a short time/3 months in extreme cases is ample, i mainly use it for spamers in local chat but most people have got the hint by then, but have another new funtion/list "Not My Friend" perhaps have it as an infinate list, If you try to add them to your party a warning will flash up on your screen "Not My Friend" or even better leave it blank so we can put our own "WORDS" there and is totaly ignored on your chat as well, for those peeps we just never want to deal with listen to or help again, It would have to work both ways though, you wouldn`t be able to contact them either, otherwise these same people we are tryn to ignore will use it as way of abusing others, would be used mainly for AFKers,as in ABing etc, that rude intolerable PUG who just wont listen when questing or doing a mission and gettn everyone or just himself killed, then abusing the poor Monk for letting him/her die, no im not a monk, or that foul mouthed little so and so sitting at an outpost spaming trash and thinks that he/she is Tu Pac reincarnated but kisses his momma so sweetly on the lips when she tucks him/her into bed that night to get them ready for pre school or those morons sitting there telling everyone how good he/she is at the game and can Solo every part of the game and everyone else is a usless noob, you see them 2 hours later at a Mission outpost spaming for a group and yelling abuse at people for not letting them in to their group. I think the way the social aspect of the game has gone since NF was released has changed enough to warrant a new funtion like this. and would be better than asking for Moderators etc.
If this function was incorperated at the begining of prophecies i can imagine i would have a very long list indeed and would be a goodway to remeber all those "Nice lovely People" although it shouldnt tell you if they are online or not.
All Feed back is appriciated, Flamed or Otherwise, PS Dont`t Flame a Flamer, everyone has right to have their opinion heard, unless its abusive
A New "Not My Friend" List/Function
Why not clean out some of your ignore list after a few days?
Originally Posted by Tarun
Why not clean out some of your ignore list after a few days?
My point is i would like to be able to leave these undesirables on a permanent black list as i wouldn`t like to give them my assistance anymore or assist people who act unsocialable or undesireably like constant afkers in ABing and writing there names in a book that sits beside my computer isn`t managable.
keepeing the ignore list as is for when in town and wanting to be able to socialise and not wade through tons of spam of WTS and Join my Guild in local chat
Originally Posted by Tarun
Why not clean out some of your ignore list after a few days?
I'd like to read and give my opinion about your idea, but, please, first add punctuation to your post so people can read it.