Corsair XMS vs. OCZ



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Which is better?

I would be running them on the below motherboard.

According to the timing, I would think OCZ is better, and they back up their warranty even if you overclock, up to 2.8v.

I am thinking OCZ, they are both great brands, so I doubt I can really go wrong. Please reply promptly as I have to order right now to take advantage of the rebate.

In a newegg review, someone pointed out you might have trouble with the OCZ if you DIMM slots are really close. Unfortunately, they seem to be pretty close judging by the image. Anyone know if this is ok?



Tech Monkeh Mod

Join Date: May 2005

Good Old North East of England


Both really good memory.For me it would be the OCZ overclocks like a dream, but then again the Corsair aint that bad either.

Another which is what I have is

This Patriot is great.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

I think I am going to go with the OCZ even though the rebate has passed.
Only major question I have is do you think it will fit in my motherboard?
My mobo has the slots so damn close to each other, and some reviewers mentioned with motherboards that place the DIMM slots really close to each other it might not fit.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

I am looking at the two sticks, and the OCZ just looks like it won't fit. I am thinking of getting the Corsair, but when I compare the speeds, the OCZ is 2-3-2-5 and the Corsair is 2-3-3-6

Is there a noticable difference?
I see that some people in the OCZ reviews say "waay better than Corsair" or things like that, is because of the speeds?

LiQuId StEeL

LiQuId StEeL

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005


Ego Trip From Rank [ZERO]


I just picked up some Crucial, and couldnt be happier. Got it from Newegg with timings of 2-2-2-5 if I remember correctly. Not bad for $120 for 1gb.

People I've talked to have never been satisfied with Corsair. Never really been willing to try OCZ ram, even though the PSU is dead shecksi.

EDIT: If you are building a new system, is there a specific reason you are using that mobo? AGP is a "dead" socket, and if you are spending 200+ on memory, why not spend ~100 on a decent motherboard? (just an observation, if you already have the mobo, it will work fine)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

I have and AGP vid card that I don't plan on upgrading any time soon. I would get 2 one gig sticks, but I want to get a dual channel kit.

Did I read corrects, NEVER been satisfied with Corsair? It seems like everyone I see has been satisfied with both. I am actually leaning towards OCZ right now, because it still provides a warranty even when you overclock it. ehhh Those sockets look so close... Are the corsair sticks any thinner than the OCZ ones? And does 2-2-2-5 run any faster than 3-2-3-6 or 3-2-3-8, I forget which the Corsair I have listed is... I am talking will I be able to notice a difference?

LiQuId StEeL

LiQuId StEeL

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005


Ego Trip From Rank [ZERO]


I should have specified more. 5 people I've talked too in the last week have told me to go with a brand other than Corsair. It wasn't that it was slow, but that it didn't perform as well as other memory in the same price range (as far as oc'ing for them).

Looking through newegg, I guess Crucial (what seems to be a good choice, and what I have) doesn't have a Ballistix (1gb x2)... hmm. I'd go with the OCZ, but it probably won't matter as long as you don't oc too far.

white wolfgang

white wolfgang

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Middle Of No Where



Go to and click on the memory tab. They have recently reviewed the lates 2gig kits