2 Problems
Ok there are two new problems in-game.
This is simply sad, if you do not believe me, simply visit there, and see what sign is on your elite skill. It's a LOCK.
I simply loved owning nubs with SS, or healing with WoH. Oh well, i guess its time for my necro/monk to grow past level 10.
Second one: Staffs pass through capes, and I mean all Staffs. This is especially the case with female Spell Casters.
This is simply sad, if you do not believe me, simply visit there, and see what sign is on your elite skill. It's a LOCK.
I simply loved owning nubs with SS, or healing with WoH. Oh well, i guess its time for my necro/monk to grow past level 10.
Second one: Staffs pass through capes, and I mean all Staffs. This is especially the case with female Spell Casters.
placebo overdose
ok i noticed the first today but really it should be like that for what u said
owning noobs just because they dont have the same resources is cruel and sad and for the second idfc
owning noobs just because they dont have the same resources is cruel and sad and for the second idfc
Calen The Civl
If this is an update, I am rather glad they added this. Elites really dont have a place in starter arenas. They overpower the new players to the arenas in a way that turns them off to pvp completely.
Lets hope for armor requirements next to further clean the early arenas of unfair influences that turn off newer players to pvp.
Lets hope for armor requirements next to further clean the early arenas of unfair influences that turn off newer players to pvp.
Originally Posted by Lord-UWR
Ok there are two new problems in-game.
First one: YOU CAN NO LONGER USE ELITE SKILLS IN ASCALON, YAK'S, SHING JEA, OR KAMADAN ARENA. This is simply sad, if you do not believe me, simply visit there, and see what sign is on your elite skill. It's a LOCK. I simply loved owning nubs with SS, or healing with WoH. Oh well, i guess its time for my necro/monk to grow past level 10. |
Skyy High
Originally Posted by Lord-UWR
Ok there are two new problems in-game.
First one: YOU CAN NO LONGER USE ELITE SKILLS IN ASCALON, YAK'S, SHING JEA, OR KAMADAN ARENA. This is simply sad, if you do not believe me, simply visit there, and see what sign is on your elite skill. It's a LOCK. I simply loved owning nubs with SS, or healing with WoH. Oh well, i guess its time for my necro/monk to grow past level 10. |
Took way too long, but very, very appreciated. GJ ANet for cutting down on jerks who made those arenas just pathetic to play in.
As for the second one...there are a lot of clipping issues in game.
2 actual problems I see from this thread:
1. Too many selfish jerks in the game discourage new players from enjoying certain aspects of GW.
2. Whinners whine about everything.
1. Too many selfish jerks in the game discourage new players from enjoying certain aspects of GW.
2. Whinners whine about everything.
Originally Posted by Lord-UWR
Ok there are two new problems in-game.
First one: YOU CAN NO LONGER USE ELITE SKILLS IN ASCALON, YAK'S, SHING JEA, OR KAMADAN ARENA. This is simply sad, if you do not believe me, simply visit there, and see what sign is on your elite skill. It's a LOCK. I simply loved owning nubs with SS, or healing with WoH. Oh well, i guess its time for my necro/monk to grow past level 10. |
Originally Posted by Lord-UWR
Second one: Staffs pass through capes, and I mean all Staffs. This is especially the case with female Spell Casters.
Parson Brown
This is about a year too late, but GREAT!
Now ban max armor!
Now ban max armor!
great update, and now for the armor requirement upon entering...
Originally Posted by Lord-UWR
Ok there are two new problems in-game.
First one: YOU CAN NO LONGER USE ELITE SKILLS IN ASCALON, YAK'S, SHING JEA, OR KAMADAN ARENA. This is simply sad, if you do not believe me, simply visit there, and see what sign is on your elite skill. It's a LOCK. I simply loved owning nubs with SS, or healing with WoH. Oh well, i guess its time for my necro/monk to grow past level 10. Second one: Staffs pass through capes, and I mean all Staffs. This is especially the case with female Spell Casters. |
About damn Time!!!
Sorry to hear that you are one of THOSE people.
cthulhu reborn
Yeah...I got turned off from PvP right from the start because the low level arena's were being ruined by guys like this: people who were completely decked out with max gear and skills. I always felt that armour and certain skills should have some level requirements, like lvl 10 or something.
yeah, maing no elits in starter arenas is making them fun again,now id see no max armor or weapons.They need to be lwoered to lvl 10 lvls.
2 problems? I see a solution to an old problem, and a complaint about a clipping bug that's been in the game since release. Waste of space.
Well, I guess the op just shoot himself in the foot there. "loved owning nubs" isn't the way forward, is it?
Originally Posted by Lord-UWR
Ok there one new fix and one new problem in-game.
First one: YOU CAN NO LONGER USE ELITE SKILLS IN ASCALON, YAK'S, SHING JEA, OR KAMADAN ARENA. This is simply sad, if you do not believe me, simply visit there, and see what sign is on your elite skill. It's a LOCK. . Oh well, i guess its time for my necro/monk to grow past level 10. Second one: Staffs pass through capes, and I mean all Staffs. This is especially the case with female Spell Casters. |
I simply loved owning nubs with SS, or healing with WoH |
You should grow up and try some pvp where everyone is on a level playing field.
Way to go A.Net, Taking elites into newbie arenas is a pimp slappable offence in my opinion. Glad that's been sorted.
To the OP, Just go to RA instead with an "uber leet build dat cn pwn da nubs!".. there's not exactly a massive jump in the skill level required..
To the OP, Just go to RA instead with an "uber leet build dat cn pwn da nubs!".. there's not exactly a massive jump in the skill level required..
The Abbott
lmfao at the OP getting owned by every post, I agree its a sad thing when you boast about owning new players, good one anet
people play in starter arenas? why waste your time imo
Diddy bow
i remember bringing mind shock to Yaks and getting loads of wins XD. Glad they changed it though cus getting an eilte on a level 10 just isnt possible without a run (exept icy shackels or w/e its called but that sucks anyway)
Ok....this is bad why?
Let's see...now the low level arenas are actually kept to low level skills! Ok that makes sense, thank you Anet. Now new (Hate that newb nub thing) players might be able to try PvP withoout buttheads that are feeling ahhhh inadequate in other areas of thier lives ruining it by getting some weird superiority kick off owning "nubs". Yeah, never made you look cool or competant dude, just....sad :S move on k?
Let's see...now the low level arenas are actually kept to low level skills! Ok that makes sense, thank you Anet. Now new (Hate that newb nub thing) players might be able to try PvP withoout buttheads that are feeling ahhhh inadequate in other areas of thier lives ruining it by getting some weird superiority kick off owning "nubs". Yeah, never made you look cool or competant dude, just....sad :S move on k?
I remember one funny incident when I was playing in Yaks Bend arena.
I was standing around in the "waiting area" to enter a battle when a Level 20 Warrior decked out in Obsidian armor shows up. He starts strutting and yelling that he has every Elite unlocked on this character. He then flashes a rank emote (not sure which one) and saying that he is one of the BEST PvP players in the game.
Next he says something like, "I'll join your team and get you instant wins for 5k".
Everyone in town was laughing at him until he finally decided to slink away.
I was standing around in the "waiting area" to enter a battle when a Level 20 Warrior decked out in Obsidian armor shows up. He starts strutting and yelling that he has every Elite unlocked on this character. He then flashes a rank emote (not sure which one) and saying that he is one of the BEST PvP players in the game.
Next he says something like, "I'll join your team and get you instant wins for 5k".
Everyone in town was laughing at him until he finally decided to slink away.
You just admitted you can only play pvp is you have superior skills and armor compared to everyone else. Congratulations
Kuldebar Valiturus
It's a troubling move because "everyone" was capable of getting elites using the same methods. The whole idea of competition is to gain advantage over your opponent by any means possible using existing game mechanics. Appears the rug has been pulled out from beneath the feet.
Maximizers are in every game: people that "twink" out their lower level characters, etc. Trying to stop the "maximizers" only hurts the game by reducing play variety.
What next, level restrictions on max armor?
Maximizers are in every game: people that "twink" out their lower level characters, etc. Trying to stop the "maximizers" only hurts the game by reducing play variety.
What next, level restrictions on max armor?
Originally Posted by Kuldebar Valiturus
It's a troubling move because "everyone" was capable of getting elites using the same methods. The whole idea of competition is to gain advantage over your opponent by any means possible using existing game mechanics. Appears the rug has been pulled out from beneath the feet.
Maximizers are in every game: people that "twink" out their lower level characters, etc. Trying to stop the "maximizers" only hurts the game by reducing play variety. What next, level restrictions on max armor? |
Kuldebar Valiturus
Originally Posted by Shakti
No actually "everyone" was not able to get those elites at that level. A new player would not have resorces to get run to cap them, even if they knew how. The only way to get SS he mentioned, or WoH at level 10 and below, is runs. Now what the op mentioned was not "twinking" a low level char, not "maximizing" anything. The op said flat out "owning nubs", and how he loved it. That is not competition. IMO, a strong steriod ridden expierenced fighter beating on some underweight geek who doesn't know the playground rules yet is just crappy and pathetic. You want competition? Go to HA. You want to show how big your E-peen is by beating on the baby chars with your buff char in drag? Get a life.
..."everyone" was capable of getting elites using the same methods"
Spare me the whine that people shouldn't get their butts kicked by other players that have spent more effort to get elites, better weapons and better armor for their characters. Nothing but effort restricts people from maximizing their characters, the path is open to every one.
When you get you rear end slammed that should only drive you to improve your situation. Instead of bringing everyone down to beginner level, why not allow people to maximize to their full potential?
it was about time! i'm sure this way more newbies won't be intimidated by pvp.
Guild Wars Idol
That person just needs to get laid and clearly doesn't have a real social life. Let him be. lol.
Kuldebar Valiturus
Originally Posted by Code=007
it was about time! i'm sure this way more newbies won't be intimidated by pvp.
My problem with the change is that it just delays the time when "newbies" become intimidated. PvP requires a "fire in the belly".
Try as they might, Anet can't make PvP a casual pastime. Maximizers will always have more than the "toe-dippers" in the PvP pool.
So, at the end of the day, nothing is solved.
Did you miss what arenas they changed? Those arenas are SUPPOSED to be beginner, low level arenas.
Yes, I did read and respond to your statement. My point was that not everyone CAN use thier methods. You said "using the same methods". I was pointing out that new players don't have the resorces to access those methods. That path may be open to everyone who has played for a time, but not a new 1st time player.
Did you miss what arenas they changed? Those arenas are SUPPOSED to be beginner, low level arenas.
Yes, I did read and respond to your statement. My point was that not everyone CAN use thier methods. You said "using the same methods". I was pointing out that new players don't have the resorces to access those methods. That path may be open to everyone who has played for a time, but not a new 1st time player.
Kuldebar Valiturus
Originally Posted by Shakti
Did you miss what arenas they changed? Those arenas are SUPPOSED to be beginner, low level arenas. Yes, I did read and respond to your statement. My point was that not everyone CAN use thier methods. You said "using the same methods". I was pointing out that new players don't have the resorces to access those methods. That path may be open to everyone who has played for a time, but not a new 1st time player. |
@ da OP:
Type this when you try to go into ascalon arena again.
/ggkthxplzuninstallIwillnowjustpissandmoanabouthowt heUnitedStatesisinIraq
Then a minipig will come and make all your pain go away.
Type this when you try to go into ascalon arena again.
/ggkthxplzuninstallIwillnowjustpissandmoanabouthowt heUnitedStatesisinIraq
Then a minipig will come and make all your pain go away.
nope, time and effort will get you to level 20 before you get what you want, playing normally wont grant you that, paying is not included on "time and effort" no one will take you on any further mission if you are below level 10, if someone let you you are leeching, that also is not included on "time and effort"
Free Runner
About time Anet fixed this. I dont understand why anyone would have fun doing it....i mean what is there to own? wheres the challenge? all you do is drive away the player that felt like stepping into an arena for the first time only to get owned by an elite that hurts him each time he does something.
It's not just newbie players who may rejoice at this news. I've been playing a long time, never gotten a run, never leeched, and I have enough money to buy max armor.
But I am one of those freaks of nature who thinks that even if you DO have all the right resources and connections, that you should not take advantage of them just for pwning in low level arenas. Low level arenas are about making do with the equipment and skills that should be available to you at that time.
I am not sure where some get the idea that learning how to PvP should be like learning how to swim by getting thrown into a churning river... That somehow the cream of the PvP crop rises to the top after getting pwned in these arenas? The "fire in the belly" comes from being smeared by skills you've never heard of?
Do you think that those who do take advantage, are better players? I submit that they are not, if they require elite skills to win against a lvl 8. They are pathetic losers who need to earn faction in this manner. IMHO.
GG Anet, I applaud you (even though it's way too late for me).
But I am one of those freaks of nature who thinks that even if you DO have all the right resources and connections, that you should not take advantage of them just for pwning in low level arenas. Low level arenas are about making do with the equipment and skills that should be available to you at that time.
I am not sure where some get the idea that learning how to PvP should be like learning how to swim by getting thrown into a churning river... That somehow the cream of the PvP crop rises to the top after getting pwned in these arenas? The "fire in the belly" comes from being smeared by skills you've never heard of?
Do you think that those who do take advantage, are better players? I submit that they are not, if they require elite skills to win against a lvl 8. They are pathetic losers who need to earn faction in this manner. IMHO.

GG Anet, I applaud you (even though it's way too late for me).
Here are the 2 Problems:
1: The OP made this thread.
2: It's still going on! close please.
1: The OP made this thread.
2: It's still going on! close please.
How is everyone just now noticing elites are locked in low-level arenas? I've known about it for months and months, and I've never even used the arenas. o.O
Originally Posted by KamikazeChicken
How is everyone just now noticing elites are locked in low-level arenas? I've known about it for months and months, and I've never even used the arenas. o.O
Originally Posted by Kuldebar Valiturus
And, I maintain that they do have the same resources available: time and effort.
Originally Posted by Kuldebar Valiturus
Listen, if you are going to dispute what I said, have the decency to read the full sentence, or at the very least the concept of what I was saying:
..."everyone" was capable of getting elites using the same methods" Spare me the whine that people shouldn't get their butts kicked by other players that have spent more effort to get elites, better weapons and better armor for their characters. Nothing but effort restricts people from maximizing their characters, the path is open to every one. When you get you rear end slammed that should only drive you to improve your situation. Instead of bringing everyone down to beginner level, why not allow people to maximize to their full potential? |
Mercury Angel
The low-level arena twinking arguments have gone on often enough before, and this incarnation hasn't escaped the personal attacks. The information's still here, closed or not, so no remorse about thread closure from me.