This do not seem to be in the Index nor by seaching:
I've asked in many places, and to my guild members and allies.
No one use the weapon crafters.
Why? Buying a 1k green weapon is even better than using crafters.
They are way too expensive, and they make weapons that are mostly like the ones given by collectors. That is a waste, a waste of memory, since they are unused NPCs, and a waste of time, since players that want quick weapons could use them instead.
Here's the change I propose:
- Cheaper prices: Like they did with non-perfect armors, they should reduce their prices so people use them more. The prices would depend on area and needed materials. Vabbian crafters could make Vabbian weapons for 'cheap' prices 1k and such, and 'jeweled' weapons much expensive:
- Different skins.
Each campaign will have a 'default' skin. This is the one each campaign currently have in all crafters, some crafters and all collectors will keep this skin.
Each area will have one or two skins available at crafters and collectors, the cheap one and the 'elite' one.
No new skins needed. They would be already existing skins that drop in the area.
For example, for the Kurzick area, they could be the 'Gothic', 'Kriss'... (at Zu Helter House) and the 'Amber' set (at Varshburg armory). In the Desolation, there would be 'Dead'(At Bone Palace) and 'Desolation'(at Basalt Grotto) skins.
- Name color: crafted weapons would have a particular name color, not blue, nor purple, nor gold, neither green. Maybe yellow, dark orange, lime, etc... this is to denote them on trades.
- Inscriptions and mods: weapons would be crafted 'clean', if possible.
This suggestion would work better if the inscription system where made available to all campaigns and upgrade and inscription trainers where added.
If that is not possible, this would be hard to add in Prophecies and make each skin in Factions have a particular modifier, like armors do in Prophecies.
Needless to say, all skins would still be available as drops, of course, like current crafter skins are, and, of course not all skins would be available in crafters, all the 'elite' and 'special' ones, like zodiac, celestial, etc... would be only available as drops.
The rest of the skins will be available like they currently are, just by drops, making them more 'unique', but not necesarily cheaper, since making some of the crafted ones would require not very cheap materials (like jade, onyx, clay , gems...)
This makes:
-There are very few skins, but 'lvl 20' stuff comes quite late, so one skin would be available just at Droknar's forge, and one or more (depending on the weapon) in near outpost, where armor crafters are. The ones in Droknar's would be the cheaper.
- There will be low end crafters in Shing Jea with the same skin.
- In Kaineng there will be the skin set to Shin Jea, and to Kaineng.
- Two skins in the Kurzick side.
- Two in the luxon side.
- In the endgame would be the 'ascended' version of the Kaineng, Shing Jea and Canthan.
- Like factions: one skin for the newbie island.
- The same skin and another at the end of the islands (Sunspear Sanctuary)
- Two for the Kournan area (Kournan and Corsair sets)
- Two for vabbi (Vabbian and Jewel)
- Two for desolation (Dead and Desolation)
- And two for Torment (Torment and the ones you get in Anguish, in this case only available like they currently are: by that collector ONLY, that is no crafter in this case, XD)
More ideas of mine:
Weapon crafters remake
sounds good to me. but im not one to use crafters... but this might change that
I think I suggested something similar to this a few months ago. The idea was basically that different regions would have different weapon skins, rather than every single crafter crafting the exact same items.
Stats can differ, but why does every weapon smith across Tyria/Elona/Cantha make the same styled weapon, respectively? Did they all attend the same classes at the Advanced Academy of Weapon Arts?
Stats can differ, but why does every weapon smith across Tyria/Elona/Cantha make the same styled weapon, respectively? Did they all attend the same classes at the Advanced Academy of Weapon Arts?
Wonderful idea.
/Signed from me.
/Signed from me.
Originally Posted by RSGashapon
Stats can differ, but why does every weapon smith across Tyria/Elona/Cantha make the same styled weapon, respectively? Did they all attend the same classes at the Advanced Academy of Weapon Arts?

There are still a few crafted weapons without green equivalents. Anything with an insignia, for starters.
My casters tend to use wands or offhands (and occasionally both) from Telamon in the Leviathan pits. half cast 20%, half recharge 20%, on a wand is not too bad, and as far as I know, isn't available as a green for every caster, much less for every attribute line. I could be wrong there, it's been a while since I knew what all the greens did. Still, the ideas are nice, and more choices is always a good thing. signed.
My casters tend to use wands or offhands (and occasionally both) from Telamon in the Leviathan pits. half cast 20%, half recharge 20%, on a wand is not too bad, and as far as I know, isn't available as a green for every caster, much less for every attribute line. I could be wrong there, it's been a while since I knew what all the greens did. Still, the ideas are nice, and more choices is always a good thing. signed.
Wild Karrde
/signed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im sick of seeing the same boring ugly types of bows they have, or the same stupid Cleaver in Factions, ect..... I love the weapon crafters cause they can be cheap alternatives to buying max 15^50 weapon. that blue lettering doesnt bother me at all. Great idea
/signed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im sick of seeing the same boring ugly types of bows they have, or the same stupid Cleaver in Factions, ect..... I love the weapon crafters cause they can be cheap alternatives to buying max 15^50 weapon. that blue lettering doesnt bother me at all. Great idea
This is something they probably should have done ages ago.