Everyone knows about Hero Points I'm sure. What if when you maxed a Title, you gain a **Mastery Point**. This would be something like an end of game thing where you receive a book of secrets and exchange it for a green item exc...
-After maxing a title receive 1 *Mastery Point*
-Have a few Collectors at the Great Temple of Bathazar *Considering this PvP Area is available to all campaigns*.
º Collector #1: Exchange 1 point for Unique Weapon *Some Kind of new set of greens*
º Collector #2: Exchange 3 Points for Hero's Donation *Double Click to receive 100k* This would only work after your inventory is cleared.
º Collector #3: Exchange 5 Points for Legendary Item. This would be an inscribable maxed req.9 item of any skin in the game. *Crystalline, Dwarven, Celestial, Gothic, Elemental, Exc...* Something you would look for (These Set of Items are Customized to you! This is an Accomplishment!).
-Points cannot be exchanged between different characters meaning if you want some king of special item from these collectors you must get the points on a specific char.
I love the idea you can gain money or something you really wanted in the game. Please give me some feedback on this