Grenth Fireworks make me sick
Sir Green Aluminum
Did anyone else get a headache from watching those fireworks in the Grenth districts? All he did was kill people too?
Master Bater
yes! i got a real headache and i was wondering, can i get a lawsuit against anet if those firework killed a member of my familly from epilepsy?
Originally Posted by Master Bater
yes! i got a real headache and i was wondering, can i get a lawsuit against anet if those firework killed a member of my familly from epilepsy?
I think that last comment was a joke.
Those fireworks hurt my eyes though. They just popped out of no where. I jumped straight from my seat and thought my eyes weren't working.
Time to go to real fireworks. Happy New Years everyone
Those fireworks hurt my eyes though. They just popped out of no where. I jumped straight from my seat and thought my eyes weren't working.
Time to go to real fireworks. Happy New Years everyone
Old Dood
They made it hard for my to find the gifts...other then that...they were cool...
Ellix Cantero
I loved it. The sounds of multitudes dying whilst fireworks going off. Thought I was playing a WW2 sim for a bit. My soul reaping was going crazy too
Dont forget about the Carolers of Grenth, making bone minion armys
Oh i loved the fireworks!!!
yeah the Fireworks are pretty kool
Especially when drunk on 3 spiked eggnogs and 2 normal ones
Originally Posted by chris_nin00
I think that last comment was a joke.
What I loved was the infinite pool of energy I was getting:
I got two hats and two pairs of horns, but Grenth really sucked. Dwayna gave out gifts for ages, and I was camping at my own little spot like everyone else around the circle. Both fireworks were nice, but Grenth's aftermath went on too long and we didn't get as much. Being killed a load of times is fun to start with, but gets boring quickly. With Dwayna and her gifts, there was more of a reason to stay.
And yes, the fireworks did give me a slight headache
And yes, the fireworks did give me a slight headache
does anyone have screenshots, or even better a video with sounds? i was zooming through districts to get both hats on all my characters, but i ended up in a dwyanna district, so i never actually saw the whole grenth thing. only the killing
This thread has what you're looking for.
There are flashing lights and colours so I'll add a disclaimer: don't watch if you are prone to/have a history of epilepsy. If the Original Poster was serious, then I'd recommend the OP gets checked out by a doctor. If you start feeling unwell from video games (or even this footage) stop immediately!
There are flashing lights and colours so I'll add a disclaimer: don't watch if you are prone to/have a history of epilepsy. If the Original Poster was serious, then I'd recommend the OP gets checked out by a doctor. If you start feeling unwell from video games (or even this footage) stop immediately!
I personally loved the Grenth celebration - the Grentches kept on killing me with "false" presents.
I even jumped and died in midair once - it was sweet.
Overall, I hated the repetitiveness after the first few minutes of the celebrations, but the concept and those few minutes were a blast!
I even jumped and died in midair once - it was sweet.
Overall, I hated the repetitiveness after the first few minutes of the celebrations, but the concept and those few minutes were a blast!