If its true that the GW2 will take part a few hundred years from now, so it means that the games will belong to the same universe (unlike Final Fantasy).
So, if we are having another Chapter and it will be the last, i was wondering that if in a near or distant future, a feature to take your character from GW1 to GW2. Using a "time machine" or something like that (portal, vortex, capsule, anything you would like to imagine).
Yes, of course, presuming that the game will mantain itself inside the same patterns (classes,5 armor pieces, lvl 20 etc etc).
Or even batter, the game could upgrade your character to GW2 style (add the advantages of disavatages of beeing a human, upgrade the skin detail etc). Of course they will have to create a gw2 version of every current skin (armors, itens, faces), but that shouldnt be a huge problem, or am i mistaken?
The reason i am "requesting" this is because, although i have 7 characters, i do have a main character. So like all main character, you create kind of a conenction to him, because he is the main character the story (for you).
Now to include this at the storyline. Lets say the gods know that something will happen in 200 years from now and they ask you to serve them one last time and leave everything behind etc etc etc. Then, they remove you from your current reality and you get teleported to GW2 and beggin like you were in a noob island (not necessarily noob island), and they give you a info abou what happened at these last 200 years

I think that every players that really likes your character (could be only one or two) wouldnt want to contiue the story with that character.