Asura Mini Pet
New stuff for GW is always good. Will I have that as my minipet? Probably not. Although I suppose he could be like my house elf and carry my baggage and clean my storage
Now I just got to find someone to import the mags...
Now I just got to find someone to import the mags...
I find it interesting that everyone is assuming that these guys are going to be small. Keep in mind it is a MINI pet. For all we know these things could be 15ft tall(see:burning titan) and can pound the living crap out of us with thier forearms. I bet you won't be making fun of their ears when that happens
Originally Posted by Inde
I think it could be great. These little possessed and demonic creatures that look cute and innocent and then UNLEASH! I want to see what they're like. A recurring theme is that they are violent.
Venice Queen
I don't think it looks so bad
I don't think it looks so bad
Originally Posted by Beqxter
It's official, I can't read this forum at work anymore.
Originally Posted by Beqxter
now i cant w8 to see them in action >__<
Originally Posted by Inde
In Hinduism, the Asura (Sanskrit: असुर) are a group of power-seeking deities, sometimes referred to as demons. |
There is probably also some relation between the Persian concept of the Asura/Ahura and the Norse Aesir.
Having seen a mini-Asura, it seems pretty dubious that any of this has much bearing, though.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
You have never played WoW, have you? (Or other game with a significant Elf race, i.e. EQ)
It's a stereotype, yes. But be prepared, because the immature people who roll Elves do come en masse. Of course, the Asura may be different, because they are ugly (and if Inde's right, that they turn out to be primarily demonic). But we'll see. I'm refering to the reactive sense, not necessarily proactive. In WoW, most Elves have names resembling some form of "Legolas" "Goku" "Vegeta" "Cloud" or "Sephiroth," or maybe a name with some l33tspeak. 100% of the time I see someone with that type of name, they are either completely disrespectful, or they have no clue how to play their class (I'm not refering to "simple mistakes," I'm referring to not knowing how to do basic functions.) |
Now, ontopic, it really bothers me not being able to buy the damn magazine, without importing it. I think we'll see another episode of "Minipet rip offs" . Doesn't ANet know that's what they're causing?
mojave mango juice
Originally Posted by FeuerFrei
cool....this means that the new races mentioned in the article from the inquirer are true.. GJ anet!
I think theyre kind of ugly o___O
Maybe it's some kind of April Fool's joke...
This is not a WoW, Blood Elf, or L2 thread, any further discussions on those subjects will be deleted.
Originally Posted by Beqxter
Asurans may end up being freekin cool!
Originally Posted by Domon Kasho
gremlins anybody?
it look good, good job :P
it look good, good job :P
Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by ghostkai
so no1's gonna respond to my comment on the background artwork? i find that a bit more interesting than that ugly piece of ***
Don't see what all the fuss is about, if you don't like him, don't get it.
After all, it's just a little bonus. I happen to really like the little guy.
After all, it's just a little bonus. I happen to really like the little guy.
looks like a plot to boost sales for a mag...
nicktoons made this thing awhile back. can anyone say Aaagh real monsters?
(lol bottom left in link) I'd rather have the armpit ;-]>
looks like a plot to boost sales for a mag...
nicktoons made this thing awhile back. can anyone say Aaagh real monsters?
(lol bottom left in link) I'd rather have the armpit ;-]>
bamm bamm bamm
Considering it's a minipet, it kind of reminds me of a genetic amalgam of a moogle and a viera.
Squeenix: Release the lawyers!
Ah what the hell, I like it. There's totally 8 rows of teeth hiding behind that vacant expression.
Squeenix: Release the lawyers!
Ah what the hell, I like it. There's totally 8 rows of teeth hiding behind that vacant expression.
I love you guys "give us info, give us the 411," then we get a peek and your like AHHHHHHHHHHHH!! no no no close the curtain close the curtain it hurts to look. lol calm down
Captain Arne Is PRO
Dude Aaagh Real Monsters Is The Best Tv Show To Ever Air On Television
And Yes, Gremlins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
And Yes, Gremlins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
Knightsaber Sith
I'm not sure how to respond to Gaile's last comment.
Ailyrr Merlena
Originally Posted by Darksun
pink Stitch?
omg it's simply horrible!!!
it's an head to head with mini-gray giant pet to win the monster festival!!!!1
it's an head to head with mini-gray giant pet to win the monster festival!!!!1
I think he's oddly cute...and boy can't please some of you EVER can they? Makes me wonder why you play at all.
Tea Girl
mini stitch-alike thingy?
sooooooooo cute <3
sooooooooo cute <3
I guess I'm the only one who thinks he looks like piglet.
Ehecatzin FlyingCrab
Originally Posted by Inde
In Hinduism, the Asura (Sanskrit: असुर) are a group of power-seeking deities, sometimes referred to as demons. In its Buddhist context, the word is sometimes translated "Titan" (suggesting the wars of the Greek gods and Titans), "demigod", or "antigod", none of which is entirely satisfactory. The closest analogy in European traditions may be the Norse jötnar, who range from the semi-divine to the monstrous, are sometimes at war with the gods and sometimes married to them. But the usual translation, "giants", is small improvement on "Titans". Because of their passions, rebirth as an Asura is considered to be one of the four unhappy births (together with rebirth as an animal, a preta, or a being in Naraka. The state of an Asura reflects the mental state of a human being obsessed with force and violence, always looking for an excuse to get into a fight, angry with everyone and unable to maintain calm or solve problems peacefully. |
by the way, in Aztec mithology Huitzilopocthli was also considered to be the Sun, and thus a Fire Deity and his sister Coyolxauhqui was considered to be the Moon, the Aztecs believed the image of the moon was that of a rabbit...rabbits again.. Also when the Sun went down the horizon it was believed the war God fought against the evil stars again and again...
either Anet did their research homework and is pulling out a mesoamerican based chapter or they just added the symbols because they are pretty ¬¬
But I can understand why they called them asurians isntead of Tochtli or tzitzimitl.. its easier to pronounce..I just hope if its a mesoamerican chapter..they dont mix it all with Hindu names just for the sake of pronunciation ¬¬
So...War God of Fire that battles his Half brother and his army? sounds familiar. whoah...I wrote all that from a mini pet?...I so want a mesoamerican chapter...
Sidheyuna Aetheris
That about sums it up.
That about sums it up.
Its kind of depressing that so many people respond negatively to anything they can. I mean seriously, do you guys think hating something makes you look more intelligent? Just makes you look like a sheep moving along with the herd.
X of Thulcandra
Looks neat, might be the highest *quality* (animations, etc.) out so far, but beauty factor is a bit out there. ;D
Diddy bow
it is a bit cartoony XD buy the mag or buy one for 3K hmm... buy the mag or buy one for 3K hmm...
Originally Posted by Cloudpiercer
Its kind of depressing that so many people respond negatively to anything they can. I mean seriously, do you guys think hating something makes you look more intelligent? Just makes you look like a sheep moving along with the herd.
Bryant Again
That is horrifying.
Ehecatzin FlyingCrab
I wouldnt say ugly but they do seem kinda me it seems that little criter could transform into a demonic masive bunny and start eating people...
Originally Posted by Cloudpiercer
Its kind of depressing that so many people respond negatively to anything they can. I mean seriously, do you guys think hating something makes you look more intelligent? Just makes you look like a sheep moving along with the herd.
I will get it just to have it I suppose.
Originally Posted by |pyro|
No way for me to buy a magazine unless I order it from abroad, -.-
Originally Posted by Inde
This is not a WoW, Blood Elf, or L2 thread, any further discussions on those subjects will be deleted.
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
Smile Like Umean It
I'm just gonna go with the 3k option.
Actually, I wanna see what they look like in game first.
Actually, I wanna see what they look like in game first.
Originally Posted by Tempy
I think he's oddly cute...and boy can't please some of you EVER can they? Makes me wonder why you play at all.
T N Player
when will the pc gamer magazine be in stores? sorry if someone had already asked and answered this.
Shawn The Divine
I want 10 of them. And have my own little Asura army.
I wouldn't have to fight anything, all the monsters would just run away in fear. It'd be epic.
I wouldn't have to fight anything, all the monsters would just run away in fear. It'd be epic.