Hi all
I don't know if this suggestion was done before so :
With the 3 campaigns released, trade is a litte bit a problem : people have to move a lot into the 3 campaigns for their trades. My idea would be to add a town into the antagonist island (for example : Trade Town, is there a god for trades ?). Then, people could all come there and the trade would be easier. This town could have some npcs and a litte explorable area for showing weapons.
What do you think about that suggestion ?
I think a such town won't be hard to implement for developpers and the trade will be less bored.
P.S. : i've searched after posting sry this idea seems to have been already suggested
A town for trade
Swampgirl Inez
Originally Posted by gdp
P.S. : i've searched after posting sry this idea seems to have been already suggested
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