Ideas on an orrian based expansion



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

in sardelac getting yelled at.

Angels of Strife[Aoc]


I know the devs said they would not be taking us to orr EVER but i will still post my ideas cause they might change their mind or you might get ideas for your own creations

This will take place in the risen islands of Orr


During the charr invasion, a rouge wizard sout to use forbiden magic to try and save the land. A Large number of Orrians did not agree with this wizard, because the magic was forbiden for a reason. The wizard would not listen and was going to proceed with the spell anyway. at first it seems he was correct, the charr were being decimated, but then the spell started to backfire. Orr itself was being torn apart. in a last ditch effort to save as many people as possible a group of elementalists, monks, and necromancers froze a large section of the captial city of orr in a large block of ice, till the time came that it would be safe for them to thaw. The spell finally sunk Orr and forever tied it to the Chaos Realm, the realm which abbadon ruled over. After the fall of abbadon the chaos realm was torn apart and all bonds to it were lost, because of this parts of orr started to rise out of the sea. These peices of orr were infested with undead, but not all of the undead sought to kill living beings. Many of the dezidens of orr were turned to undead, but those who lived simple lives, such as the farmer or townsfolk, bore no malice towards the living and were willing to coexist with the living. Because of this some humans actually migrated to orr. most of these people were treasure hunters in search of lost gold on orr. Senseing these other living beings the ice surronding the last living orrians started to melt and many people came out to start their new lives. One man Though craved power. Hearing stories about the lich in tyria, this man sought to emulate this power and more. so he sought artifacts the lich left behind on orr and gained much power. He then amased great armies of undead to over throw the peaceful kingdoms of orr and then take over the world. The people would not tolerate this so many heros arouse from the ice and sought to stop this mad man.

The New Professions

Dread Knight
or chainer or something else im open for name ideas


After rising from their frozen prison these former warriors sought to defend the newly budding villages of Orr. Most weopons were destroyed during the sinking of Orr so only a few could access them, so instead these knights took up what they could find to fight with. They became adept at fighting with chains and bolters, A Heavy crossbow like weapon. Also blessed by grenth these warriors had sight beyond that of a normal human. Becoming quite powerful in both melee and ranged fighting expertise, they are a forced to be reckoned with despite their weak magical powers.

The image for this class is on page 104 of the NF collecters edition art book. i will scan this ASAP.

they have 3 energy pips

Main Hand: Chain: The chain is weilded much like a whip, and is only a one target weapon but has an inate chance to strike adjacent foes *works like a daggers double strike chance*

Off Hand: Sheild: a basic sheil much like a warrior's

Main Hand 2: Bolter (2 handed): there are three types of bolters, Heavy bolter, Medium Bolter, and Light bolter.

Heavy Bolter: this is a very powerful Bolter, Because of this it Deals the most damage but because of its difficulty to load its attack speed is much slower than that of the other bolters. Also the heavy bolts it fires do not travel as far as the light bolts of the others so its range is much shorter *8/10 of agrro bubble*

Medium Bolter: this is your standard bolter with average damage and avergae range.

Light Bolter: this is a very small and easy to use bolter, but lacks the punch of the other two. Because of its ease to load its attack rate is much higher and its light bolts fly much farther *horn bow range*


Keen Sight (Primary)
For each point you have a 1% less chance to miss while under the effects of an ability that causes you to miss. *for example at 12 points blindness only gives you a 78% chance to miss*

Skills under this attribute will revolve around lowering your chance to miss with attacks, for example:
True Sight(15 E, 1/4 Sec cast time, 60 Sec recharge)[Elite Enchantment] For 2...20 Seconds your attacks cannot miss.

Chain Mastery
Chain mastery increases basic chain damage, as well as the damage inflicted by chain skills and the chance of a critical hit.

Most these skills will be Attack skills based around the chain, For example:
Leg Wrap(5E, 15 second recharge) [Attack skill] Knock down Attacked foe and they are crippled for 3...14 seconds.
Chain Whirl(5E, 20 sec recharge)[Attack Skill] Attack all adjecent foes

Bolter Mastery
Bolter Mastery Adds damage to basic bolter attacks and affects the chance of a critical hit.

These are mostly attack skills for the bolter, for example:
Barded Bolt(10E, 15 sec recharge)[attack skill] this attack stikes for +2...20 damage and causes bleeding for 5...15 seconds.

Head Shot(15E, 40 second recharge time)[Elite attack skill] This attack results in a critical hit and causes dazed and bleeding for 3...20 seconds

mantras? *i need a good anme for this attribute*
no inherint effect

This attribute revolves around stances and other non weopon based attacks and such, For example:
Open Stance(15E, 60 second recharge)[Stance] Your attacks deal 5..30% more damge and you take 5...30% more damge from attacks, this stance lasts 10...40 seconds

Reckless assault(5E, 20 sec recharge)[attack skill] this attack deals +10...35 damage, this attack cripples you and causes weakness for 20...5 seconds.


The dread knights armor has a little lower armor rating than a warrior but has a very differnt look as you can see from the image. They were a hood instead of a helment and their armor covers much more of their body.


Dread Knights will have a very stocky apperence because they used to be warriors but they will have a much more gruff face and such.


Most dread knights worship grenth for granting them their sight, but many also worship balthazar

Pit Keeper
ill also take ideas on a better name for these guys

After their thawing these former elementalists or necromancers saw the undead rageing and thought their former talents would not suffice. so they formed a guild that asked grenth for his blessing in aiding against the hordes of undead. though they asked grenth mostly for their powers they also looked towards meledru. their prayers were answered by both gods and they gained the ability not only to destro the undead hordes but to also aid their allies in combat with the power of wards. Grenth Granted them the abilites to call upon his deam servents but in order for these demons to survive outside of the underworld they need to feed off the casters soul causing them to have much less magical energy. also grenth gave them the power to call upon powerful spells from the underworld. Meledru would not be outdone though. She granted them with powerful ward magic so that they might aid their allies in combat. she also gave them the ability to channel the energy of nearby allies to aid in the casting of spells. so these casters set out in order to help their people.

i do not currently have an image for this class but im working on it.

they have 4 energy pips


they just use your standard staffs wands and offhands.

Soul Linking(primary)
your spells cost 2% less for each nearby ally, maximum is incresed with each rank.

this attribut will mostly have to do with energy management and such for example:
Souls touch(25E, 3 sec cast time, 60sec recharge) [Elite Spell] gain 1...4 energy for each nearby ally.

Underworld Affinity
no inheirent effect

this attribute has to with devestating spells drawn from the underworld for example:
Nether Grasp(25E, 6 second cast, 60 sec recharge)[Spell] create a nether gate at target foes location, for 2...10 seconds all nearby foes move 25% slower and take 15...40 damage every 2 seconds.

Crypt Wailing
no inheirent effect

This attibute revolves around summoning demonic minions and skills that increase their power. You may only have 1 demon summoned at a time and it causes -2 energy regen, you may unsummon a demon the same way you cancel a maintained enchantment, for example:
Call Felhound(15E, 6 second cast, 20 second recharge)[Calling Spell] Summon a lvl 1...17 Felhound that deals 11-25 damage.

Ward Mastery
no inheirent effect

This attribute revolves around wards and other ally aiding spells, i know wards are exclusively ele spells atm but really they are not getting used enough and these guys used to be eles so yea.
Ward Against Spawn(15E, 3 second cast time, 20 second recharge time)[Elite Ward Spell] you creat a ward at yor location for 3...15 seconds, Summoned units cannot enter this ward.


most of them worship grenth and meledru but some even worship dwayna

now feel free to post any comments on this idea and i would like some suggestions on some skills or names for the classes or attributes. i will add more when i can



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ahhh, a new profession that can use more than one type of weapon like warrios can.
I just got one problem with your knight... The Primary Attribute for each class indirectly or directly has an energy saving effect. Expertise for ranger makes things cost less. Monk Divine favor heals more so not as much energy is needed. Ritualists spawning power has it where it's spirits last longer in combo (if being attacked) so the spirits won't have to be created as often. Warrior and Assassins have attributes that deal more damage so less skills are needed. Then you can figure the rest out.
Just blind... Ummm... ther'es a inscription "I can see Clearly" or something like that that reduces blindness by 20%. SO that attribute needs changing...

But then like you stated, your second profession is highly related to N/E or E/N. I think we have enough with minions and there are enough wards as is.
But if this is like a warder... E/whatever letter this is... ULTIMATE WARDER! Actually that's pretty useless if you don't even have skills for self healing...

But anyway, I still think they should make a game about Orr, there's a lot of possibilities for it. But I don't dig your classes all the way though...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

in sardelac getting yelled at.

Angels of Strife[Aoc]


yes i have to say my classes need a bit of work but i kinda hope people will come up with some way to use orr cause i would love to go to orr

Detraya fullvear

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

I l Power Overwhelming I l [HaX]


some simple suggestions:

a caster saw what the lich was doing and somehow wove a giant ward of air around a large percentage of orr, allowing most of its inhabitants to survive the sinking, and in the process, created the first Pit Keeper.

advance 5 years

Blah blah blah, bad guy no like orr, try to make ward fail, failing ward whould destroy all the survivers, blah blah blah some more, the pit keepers rise a long ward of air towards an above water town (the port), in order to seek out aid.(heros from other campeigns) heros then embark on anepic story line including both underwater areas (in a ward of air, kinda dark, spooky type atmosphere), and island hoping adventures (similar in type to sanctum kay) to save what remains of orr :P

classes good, i love the idea for another duel weapon class. its long overdue. also, wards need more use, so i also like the basic idea behind that class