If this has already been posted, I'm very sorry. But I think we should be able to do things like poison holiday items such as the eggnog or even just poison everyday items you get from collectors like hunters ale. The poisons wouldn't really be harmful but they'd do things like turn people into rabbits, or make them turn into dust, or something that's just funny. I mean if not poisons then make this a halloween item and no one can tell if an items poisoned or not. After all, a lot of the game isn't really comedic, don't you want something in the game that makes you burst out laughing?

Can you fight while you're a rabbit?
Haven't you seen Monty Pyton and the Holy Grial, yo not only can, you fight better than humans.
/signed I'd like to hand quite a few people some poisioned candy canes right before we fight kanaxi :P
I don't wanna kill something that looks like a little bunny
...I want to obliterate it!!!
that's why I was thinking of maybe some exploding poisons, mix em up and make em turn into a rabbit then explode!

...I want to obliterate it!!!

that's why I was thinking of maybe some exploding poisons, mix em up and make em turn into a rabbit then explode!

Ok now you're just sick..... :P
Oh come on, haven't you ever wanted to see someone you don't like turn into a bunny then blow up!?!

oh the fun i can have with my guildies
"here bunny bomb..... now go attack urgoz good time bomb"
oh the fun i can have with my guildies
"here bunny bomb..... now go attack urgoz good time bomb"
Hilarious idea! PvP bunny wars!
Hilarious idea! PvP bunny wars!
Yay I came up with a hilarious idea...for once :P
hey every dog has his day.... though i have to say some people probably will get mad if you sell them poisoned crap lol "ok ill just eat this CC and we will get back to killing Kanaxia" *poof bunny magic* "WTF DID I TURN INTO A BUNNY GAH IM GUNNA KILL *insert sellers name here* GRRRRR"
Holy Hand Grenade.....
easy way to fix that and a few other issues I thought up
1. no use in pvp
2. retain equipped weapons and armor while use in explorable areas (just doesn't show)
5...I mean 3. (if they allow it) single use of the holy hand grenade
4. can't come up with a 4.
5. Same as 4.
1. no use in pvp
2. retain equipped weapons and armor while use in explorable areas (just doesn't show)
5...I mean 3. (if they allow it) single use of the holy hand grenade

4. can't come up with a 4.
5. Same as 4.
I was thinking about making a support list since I'm bored as hell. Anyone support this idea?
Would be a nuisance.
Would be a nuisance.
Originally Posted by gameshoes3003
Holy Hand Grenade.....
This wasn't meant to be an actual battle strategy you nutcase! Get a sense of humor already or don't post here 
This entire thing is just so that some people can pull a few pranks now and then and add a touch of comedy to the game so please don't criticize small details that might not even be issued in the game.

This entire thing is just so that some people can pull a few pranks now and then and add a touch of comedy to the game so please don't criticize small details that might not even be issued in the game.
Originally Posted by Antheus
Awful casting time...
would also like to see a random knight pop up and insult you in a french accent for several seconds.
"I fart in your general direction"
~the rat~
would also like to see a random knight pop up and insult you in a french accent for several seconds.
"I fart in your general direction"
~the rat~
hmmmmmmmmm....maybe another poison that turns you into a french guy in armor for 5 seconds spouting things like "your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of eldeberries" and other random catch phraises. And maybe one for tim the enchanter

Hey everyone, I have an idea to make this thread interesting. If you've got a good idea for a type of poison you'd like to see in the game post it. No double posts though plz.