Need Help Very Annoying Problem
OK this is my problem. I start Guild Wars everything is fine i log in all running smoothly i log in to a charcter goes straight to 100% then boom error 7. The takes me back to the charcter selection screen. I try again does the same thing. This happens everytime i log into guild wars.
Ok well there is my problem.
Im running on a new computer and my family computer is in another room. The internet connection is connected through a router (just to give you some information about the connection).
If anyone has a solution to my problem or need some more information please post quickly thankyou.
Ok well there is my problem.
Im running on a new computer and my family computer is in another room. The internet connection is connected through a router (just to give you some information about the connection).
If anyone has a solution to my problem or need some more information please post quickly thankyou.
Poison Ivy
Check the firewall?
If you are using a Netgear router, have a look at this thread:
There is some advice and a link to the Guild Wars FAQs for Netgear problems.
However, personally I never did resolve my Netgear problems and ended up buying a Linksys as a replacement.
There is some advice and a link to the Guild Wars FAQs for Netgear problems.
However, personally I never did resolve my Netgear problems and ended up buying a Linksys as a replacement.
im using a asus router not a netgear one
cmon guys please help its still happening and its getting very annoying
I cannot help you without more info. isp, what router, n° of computers, other games work? etc.
Ports forwarded?
Ports forwarded?
my isp is optusnet, my router is a asus 520g and there are 2 computers connected. All webpages work fine and guild wars works perfectly fine on the other computer
and i dont have my ports fowarded
there is some more information so can anyone help?
This is a puzzler, ever for a guy like me that's used to diagnosing this stuff.
I don't think that it's a blocked port/firewall issue, because you wouldn't be able to connect GW in the first place if it was.
Here's a simple one - Have you tried swapping the ports on the router? Connect the problem machine to the known good port that your other computer uses, and see if the problem follows?
I don't think that it's a blocked port/firewall issue, because you wouldn't be able to connect GW in the first place if it was.
Here's a simple one - Have you tried swapping the ports on the router? Connect the problem machine to the known good port that your other computer uses, and see if the problem follows?
If you can, bypass the router and connect your modem strait to the PC where you have the problem, you'll know for sure if it is the router or something else causing the problem.
Remove guildwars from the zone Alarm Program Access List. Zone alarm uses a sum to verify an executable, This sum obviously changes every time there is a new build. Force ZoneAlarm to relearn the access rights of Guildwars. Also to disable zone alarm you must also shut down the truevector service, simply exiting or clicking disable will do nothing. The Truevector service is the key back end component on Zonealarm and will continue to enforce Program Access Rights even when Zonealarm itself is not up and running.
Contrary to common belief you DO NOT absolutely have to froward ports to play games like Guildwars. There are very few routers these days that are not smart enough to understand that if you are sending data on a port you will receive data on a port.
Check with your provider for outages, try running the -diag switch on guildwars and see what you get out of it, there may be problems in the route your isp is using to reach the associated Data Center. Your isp may be using a proxy to route traffic through, this can also cause problems, you should check on that as well.
Contrary to common belief you DO NOT absolutely have to froward ports to play games like Guildwars. There are very few routers these days that are not smart enough to understand that if you are sending data on a port you will receive data on a port.
Check with your provider for outages, try running the -diag switch on guildwars and see what you get out of it, there may be problems in the route your isp is using to reach the associated Data Center. Your isp may be using a proxy to route traffic through, this can also cause problems, you should check on that as well.
ok i connected it striaght to the modem and im still having problems nothing has changed and aeroclown i have no idea what all that means lol. Im getting really annoyed about this so please anyone have any idea on how to fix this problem
Have you tried to send a email ANet?
Try running GW from your other computer, if it works there then it is a setting on your comp if not then its your connection or router.
Try running GW from your other computer, if it works there then it is a setting on your comp if not then its your connection or router.
The other computer runs Guild Wars perfectly fine. I Have sent a email to Anet, but any other solutions that people might have would be welcome.
Opps, I posted that information in the wrong thread heh. Though you can still check on the things I mentioned, ISP maintenance, Proxies that sort of thing.
Chances are if it still happens when you are connected direct to the modem the problem is local, something with your machine and the way it is interacting with the network. If it isn't some type of hardware failure that isn't obvious enough to catch yet.
Still you can run the built in diagnostics by
going to Start> Run
"C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\gw.exe" -diag
That will run a check on the connection and build a profile that you can send in for report, it might also have indications of what the cause of hte problem.
Chances are if it still happens when you are connected direct to the modem the problem is local, something with your machine and the way it is interacting with the network. If it isn't some type of hardware failure that isn't obvious enough to catch yet.
Still you can run the built in diagnostics by
going to Start> Run
"C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\gw.exe" -diag
That will run a check on the connection and build a profile that you can send in for report, it might also have indications of what the cause of hte problem.