There is no armor sets for people in underworld, and since my idea is based on all armors in the game already for underworld armor sets, I was thinking this...
Rune of spirit is made by a rune maker deep in underworld, and you have to get to him by a quest.
once the rune is added to your armor it gives your armor the ghostly look
you know like balth. armor is when his spirit grants u permission to underworld
and so when all of it is applied you look just like a ghost from uw
I think each rune should cost 50k, i would pay that much to look like a spirit
would you?
rune of spirit
Tide to Go
If this rune had more of a purpose than asthetics, then yeah, it would be nice to have. Say it would give you -3 damage reduction from undead creatures or something. Otherwise, it would just be taking up a slot for a more important attribute rune.
I'd get one for my soon to be Ritualist Ancient armor just to see what it looks like.
woow... naughty!
u can add to your armor and make it transparent!! wonder what will happen if u add this rune to female ritualist or female elementalist..?
it'll be more nice if u can add this rune to underwear when u don't wear any armor...
u can add to your armor and make it transparent!! wonder what will happen if u add this rune to female ritualist or female elementalist..?
it'll be more nice if u can add this rune to underwear when u don't wear any armor...
but putting on a rune would replace your previous rune... which means if you want to look 100% translucent armor, you cant wear any vigor runes or attribute runes or attunement/vitae
placebo overdose
i would love this b/c all the idiots who trade efficiantcy for look, i could make fun of