The build I'm talking about can be found here
But I'm having a little bit of difficulty with it. Has anyone used this build & could they possibly give any hints/tips about this build in question?
I did try the guru search and couldnt find a thread with this particular build.
Ty in advance =]
Mo/Me IW UW Solo.. Need tips!
well, the build doesnt really work any more, because of the recent Rend Enchantment updates so you can't really interrupt the nightmares unless u are really good at it. I also dont have sufficient energy from grasping, but don't worry, im working on bringing back the solo 55 for UW x), just hard to find a non elite capable of sufficient dammage
Hehe Ok. I appreciate the speedy response =]. 60k down the drain...Hmm may try out the W/Rt one. I know that ones reliable.
Yeah. it has been done with Me/E since the nerfs (not sure where that thread is) but other than that, no idea.
W/Rt is awesome...sept I havent got the skills. Except I cant even pass Tahnakai temple cos of useless teams who rush like hell.
W/Rt is awesome...sept I havent got the skills. Except I cant even pass Tahnakai temple cos of useless teams who rush like hell.
Is that a full run as a Me/Ele, including Aatxes? Or just the garden variety kill Grasps, and run for the Smites. Not being able to kill the mad cows really cuts into the ecto drop rates.
dies like fish
Kudos to Dopefish for making a Mesmer guide
Kudos to Dopefish for making a Mesmer guide
It kills the Aatxe also.
Dopefish was sure popping out some leet builds that week :P
Dopefish was sure popping out some leet builds that week :P
To the OP: That build still works, practice is key.
I usually hold Ctrl down while aggroing so I can quickly click any nightmare that appears.
I usually hold Ctrl down while aggroing so I can quickly click any nightmare that appears.
placebo overdose
dopefish's guide is one of my favorites but it is for mes and the OP is a monk so i recomend 55+ss/famine for the UW
well the mo/me can still be done but it's kind of hard to interrupt the nightmares now :X
Aggro Aatxe from the left stairs, run over and hide behind the ghost opposite to those stairs..
Then you can also throw in essence bond for extra energy management
problem solved.
Then you can also throw in essence bond for extra energy management
problem solved.