Lvl 5 Black Bear Killed King Jalis WTF?!?
i was doing THK with some friends, were about 2/3 our way through the mission when i saw a red dot on the compass i press C to look at what kind of hostile is it, i saw a Level 5 Black Bear thinking that that one of us have agroed an a bear when using the giant balista, we ignored the hostile creature and immediately attack the incomming mursats, until one of the monks shouted wtf the king is losing health, its was to late when the monk got in range to heal the king.
Heres the screenie of that MUTATED Lvl 5 Black Bear!! >.< oohh i hate you!!
Heres the screenie of that MUTATED Lvl 5 Black Bear!! >.< oohh i hate you!!
Never underastimate the power of a level 5 Black Bear
Yep, the black bears in that mission are really dangerous. That bug has been there for a while.
yeah, we had the same thing doing THK last night, but with us it was a mursaat elementalist named *black bear*
I see a Jade Armor. It's a bug, he's an actual Jade Armor, but he got the Black Bear name and level.
The bear must've bootlegged his armor from Droknar's. Maybe a Mursaat ran him there from Beacons Perch?
black bear is using thunderclap ftw
Try to tame it xD
Ya really! I've always wanted a pet with its own build-in elite skills!
Meat Axe
I had a similar thing happen to me in pre searing when I was killing charr for legendary defender of ascalon. I scanned the area to see what enemies there were around, and actually laughed when I saw a level 2 warthog walking with one of the patrols. So, thinking that this fight would be easy, I went and attacked them, and nearly had a heartattack when it started casting necromancer spells at me.
imagine it being lv 20
Whoa! I wanna do THK again now! Maybe you can charm it?
Bryant Again
l2p, nubie king.
This has been posted many times in the screenshot forum. Closed.