what to do with my money...
I have like 2 million and tons of items i dunno what to do.. getting kind of bored of gw.
Give them to me. First reply gets all haha.
placebo overdose
give it to me ^_^ na really just chill and play other games pvp maybe
hmmmmm....someone need an ego boost?
Flame bait much?
**grabs her marshmellows
Flame bait much?
**grabs her marshmellows
Star Alfur
Buy a fissure set or two. Make a perfect weapon collection. Go for the gold-requiring titles. Host giveaways with your gold as prizes. etc. etc.
Take a Break for a while, come back if you feel the same, maybe give your account to friend, or if you have no friends, hand out your items in game or something..
that'd be funny, some comes up to me, put in 100k, i accept, he accepts, w00t made my day xD
that'd be funny, some comes up to me, put in 100k, i accept, he accepts, w00t made my day xD
i gave people i know 100k a lot.. well lent them but never asked for it back.. i dunno gw 2 is comming out too =/
The first thing I would do is give some cash to my friends, then spend them on other stuff, armor, weapons, etc. Good decision there, I'd do the same thing as well.
host contests. im to lazy to find the thread but some rich guy just had a screenshot contest that ended yesterday.
Archangel Xavier
You could have fun manipulating the market a little. Buy up a bunch of totem axes and try to drive the price up for 55ing. Though you'd probably need more than 2mil for that kind of thing...
I've always wanted a 15^50 Dual Gothic Axe...
I don't want to sound greedy but....
I would like some money =]
I would like some money =]
Tide to Go
go get 2 million in real life, call me up, i need some too
Do a give-a-way contest. GW tirvia, SS, races, whatever. Heck, find an outpost and put an ad in the Party window saying you'll give XXXX to the first person to PM you. Then move to a different place and do it again. Repeat.
buy a set of every armor for all your characters!
The Real Roy Keane
You do know that you can PvP in the game too?
Jaythen Tyradel
If money is not a concern for you, spread the wealth around. Buy high end golds/greens and give to someone you find(believe to the best of your ability) to be new and help them by your donation.
If charity is not your way, you can buy a bunch of ale to get drunk title; buy sweets to get sweet tooth title.
Going off Real Roy Keane suggestion, use your gold to get skills and items you may not have unlocked and try out the PVP with your PVE char or a new PVP char.
If charity is not your way, you can buy a bunch of ale to get drunk title; buy sweets to get sweet tooth title.
Going off Real Roy Keane suggestion, use your gold to get skills and items you may not have unlocked and try out the PVP with your PVE char or a new PVP char.
Skyy High
Always stuff to buy, titles to spend gold towards, and barring that, plenty of people who would gladly accept gold donations.
Honestly I think you'd have the most fun hosting contests...aka puppet dances. DANCE PUPPETS DANCE FOR TEH MONIES!!!
Honestly I think you'd have the most fun hosting contests...aka puppet dances. DANCE PUPPETS DANCE FOR TEH MONIES!!!
it wasnnt that hard to get money. just buy and sell made the 2 mill on the winter thing. had to have another account of course. i dunno. i have everything unlocked and 1 of every char.. maybe i'll sell it to my friend or someone (is that legal?)
Stop farming
Start PvPing
Try some new classes
Take a break and come back for the next expansion
If you have all the weapons and armor you want, wait for some money sinks
Buy yourself the sugar rush or drunkard titles
Buy a ton of keys and go for the treasure hunter/seeker of wisdom titles
Start collecting crystal swords like Dral does
Start PvPing
Try some new classes
Take a break and come back for the next expansion
If you have all the weapons and armor you want, wait for some money sinks
Buy yourself the sugar rush or drunkard titles
Buy a ton of keys and go for the treasure hunter/seeker of wisdom titles
Start collecting crystal swords like Dral does
Originally Posted by unknown1
it wasnnt that hard to get money. just buy and sell made the 2 mill on the winter thing. had to have another account of course. i dunno. i have everything unlocked and 1 of every char.. maybe i'll sell it to my friend or someone (is that legal?)
Jaythen Tyradel
Originally Posted by unknown1
. maybe i'll sell it to my friend or someone (is that legal?)
Simple answer, No.
Don't risk losing everything.
Originally Posted by cheeze123
just take a break and keep the account! you never know when you might feel like coming back.
Keep your account and your stuff, you'll come back.
well....seeing as I like to collect stuff.....get 250 of everything in material storage, get ALL the green items in game....get fow armor for all your characters and get armor remnants and upgrade all your hero's armors....and get them gold or green weapons too....get 250 of the fow and uw keys....and doa keys.....
buy ALL the skills for all of your characters (all 10 profs...)
if you feel gracious go to a beginner city and give 1000gold to each person who asks a noob question......
enough ideas????
right now I barely have 20plat and still have skills to buy for 6 characters (2 of them core but elonian).....so I dont have money to spare....doubt I ever will.
buy ALL the skills for all of your characters (all 10 profs...)
if you feel gracious go to a beginner city and give 1000gold to each person who asks a noob question......
enough ideas????
right now I barely have 20plat and still have skills to buy for 6 characters (2 of them core but elonian).....so I dont have money to spare....doubt I ever will.
Vahn Roi
go outside
(this message must be at least 12 characters long)
(this message must be at least 12 characters long)
Hey, if you keep building up your money, you might eventually be able to afford two Tormented weapons, or weapon/off-hand combo. Good luck with that.
Sell it in ebay.
Jaythen Tyradel
Originally Posted by tomcruisejr
Sell it in ebay.
Malice Black
Make a few of your chars PvP ready, this should cost you a fair bit if you do it right.
I started to collect swords to burn some money...
I started to collect swords to burn some money...
Feminist Terrorist
My friend could use some money or nice weapons. She's still learning the game, and I try to help her as much as possible, but I can't always be there. She got her daughter involved in the game, too. Maybe you could help out some new people with tutoring or something?
Nah in my opinion, new people should learn the game the hard way: starting without a penny 
As for your 2 million, instead of buying totem axes (that would take forever..) buy ectos and see if you can affect the trader prices!
hmm 2000000/10... = 200,000 ectos... 800 stacks..18 mules. Daannnng!

As for your 2 million, instead of buying totem axes (that would take forever..) buy ectos and see if you can affect the trader prices!
hmm 2000000/10... = 200,000 ectos... 800 stacks..18 mules. Daannnng!
Originally Posted by divinechancellor
hmm 2000000/10... = 200,000 ectos... 800 stacks..18 mules. Daannnng!
2,000,000/10,000 (price of ectos is ~10k, not ~10 gold :P) = 200 ectos, less than 1 stack

Originally Posted by divinechancellor
Nah in my opinion, new people should learn the game the hard way: starting without a penny
![]() As for your 2 million, instead of buying totem axes (that would take forever..) buy ectos and see if you can affect the trader prices! hmm 2000000/10... = 200,000 ectos... 800 stacks..18 mules. Daannnng! |

imo keep the money, had a guildy who gave everything away before going off for half a year. Came back had Zilch and decided to quit GW altogether. Then again if that is what you seek, giving away things maybe good
Originally Posted by Jaythen Tyradel
Not a good suggestion...at all.
All the holier-than-thou crap aside, there's very few legitimate arguments against selling gold.
Originally Posted by unknown1
it wasnnt that hard to get money. just buy and sell made the 2 mill on the winter thing. had to have another account of course. i dunno. i have everything unlocked and 1 of every char.. maybe i'll sell it to my friend or someone (is that legal?)

Tiny Biscuit
Buy some imagination, dude.
Walk outside of a town or outpost and drop it all. Then zone back in, problem solved.
Originally Posted by Westofeden
Walk outside of a town or outpost and drop it all. Then zone back in, problem solved.
Zoning, the great equalizer...
Originally Posted by unknown1
I have like 2 million and tons of items i dunno what to do.. getting kind of bored of gw.
The game is only fun if you crave something and work hard for it (like anything in real life ).
So get rid of that cash, and start anew.