longest match in the history of ever

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

..My home away from home..

Currently looking ~


Originally Posted by c_ras
a clear example of where /roll 100 can be used legitimately. Agreed. Last time I was in this kinda situation, we played rock, paper, scissors
to determine the winner

Was funny actually. I was stuck in part of the map with my warrior...he
stood close by, attacking/casting, but couldnt kill me. I couldnt move sooo....

(my team had left, and his dead teammate lay near by )

Anyway, we were both too stubborn to quit, and he went afk for a while...

..At which point I pulled out my bow and proceeded to strike him down for -2dmg haha...

Sadly he came back too soon, and the R,P,S began. I won. Died next round. lol

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Thus actually me that posted a long match time once and got flamed to the ground until I had to ask that the thread be deleted.

And I only held out half this time.



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006



Good Work! I can't believe you were that bored though... could it have been photoshoped? Usually when I play RA everyone just RAGEQUITS when there is no monk...fair enough but it really isn't any fun.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006


wow...the other night I went like, 90 mins in RA against a monk on my necro (my degen build wasn't enough to kill a monk 1v1) and I finally just got bored and left. But 6 hours? lol...more power to ya



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Agency Of Forbidden Fruits [Oot]


I really think after 60 minutes, the match should be instantly watched by GMs and it'll be up to them who to slay with RA's secret lightning machine.

Seriously though, I hate runners... It's not a waste of your time if you're wasting theirs, don't let them win.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2006

Southern California

Charter Vanguard [CV]


And your avatar is from neopets...
And congrats.. I suppose.

The Real Roy Keane

The Real Roy Keane

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Dublin, Ireland

Sorry mate, no respect. This is just retarded.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Guardians Of The Stars


i play GW for 6 hrs sometimes, i even got 12 hrs warning once( doesnt metter what i have done during this time, its freaking game and you shouldnt be there for hrs and hrs as the "normal" ppl say:P), and thats retarted as much as this. So dont judge the guy, this ss should be something like "believe it or not"