My friend bought this bow and noticed how odd it is. It isn't dye, as all dyes have no effect on it (believe me, we've tried). It looks pretty cool IMO and I was wondering if anyone has seen one like this before. It looks kind of like a Storm and Celestial mixed.
Bugged Storm Bow (Storm + Celestial?)
I think there was a topic on dyed storm bows looking like that.
Maria The Princess
that looks like black dye on it. and storm bows do dye, i dyes a few of mine, they just dont dye the same way as normal stuff
Yeah, thats what it looks like if you dye a normal storm bow. The only bug is if you really can't dye it to a normal color again.
Yup, all dyes EXCEPT white, look like that. White actually makes the stormbow whiter and looks pretty cool.
Maria The Princess
silver makes same color as white on storm bows too btw
I used green dye to make mine look like that.