Anyone else have this issue? Every time I start up GW, the screen will minimize and I will have an unknown error that says the Microsoft Office Toolbar has terminated. Using MS XP Pro and MS Office XP.
Tried doing a search for this on the website, but I guess my account doesn't have permissions.
GW and Microsoft Office Toolbar
Shut it down?
I have asked to technical gw support for the same error. We have made different thing but nothing. They say me simple to shut office bar down.
This is the only solution.
This is the only solution.

disable it from starting up with windows
I use the Office XP toolbar and have no problems with Guild Wars. I did have this issue once before with a game years ago (older version of the toolbar). It turned out to be my graphics card driver. It was causing an issue with the toolbar attempting to re-paint itself when the display settings changed as the game launched.
The solution for me was the next version of the driver. Have you tried a newer video driver?
The solution for me was the next version of the driver. Have you tried a newer video driver?
Thanks for the replies I guess. Shutting it down shouldn't be the answer, but I can live with it. I did check my drivers using Driver Detective and everything is current.
Maybe that will be fixed in GW2.
Maybe that will be fixed in GW2.