23 Oct 2007 at 09:28 - 401
Prolly one of the oldest characters I have and I haven't changed his armor since he first got to Droks. Mind you, with the aid if TexMod, I got rid of the ridiculous hair cut he had, made him a little more pale, and blacked out his eyes. The armor was also the first set I ever dyed black. The best part of this character though, was that his 1st b-day pet was a bone dragon.

How fitting!
23 Oct 2007 at 11:26 - 402
That looks awesome. What is the armor combination? And does the armor combo look as good without text-modding it?
23 Oct 2007 at 18:35 - 403
The armor set is as follows:
Bonelace Fanatic Tunic
Tormentors Profane Gloves
Tormentors Profane Leggings
Bloodstained Tyrian Boots
I took each piece for how it looked, not for any numeric gain or anything. Here's what they look like side by side, the TexModded one is on the left. Please try to contain your laughter at the originals hair.
25 Oct 2007 at 20:54 - 404
Left: 15k Necrotic Dyed Red + Orange with 15k Kurzick Scar Dyed Red.
Right: 15k Bonelace Dyed White with 15k Kurzick Scar Dyed Green
26 Oct 2007 at 09:20 - 405
Nothing Special.
White Dye FTW !
27 Oct 2007 at 08:27 - 406
dusted off shinin for the holiday and got her the last piece of elite canthan she needed....think I matched the dye pretty well (the top is the new dye)....now back to finishing nightfall----
27 Oct 2007 at 09:07 - 407
2 witches and 6 ghosts....I love Halloween!
I hope I dont bore you, but alas my last Halloween shot, I promise!
27 Oct 2007 at 14:02 - 408
Cute necro Kissa! You don't seem finnish? Your name means 'cat' in finnish. Kinda jumps at my eyes with that avatar too lol. Loving the halloween pictures! Keep 'em coming. :]
27 Oct 2007 at 15:52 - 409
Hehe sorry no, I am actually German, Kissa is my Rit, but since she is blackhaired, I guess she isnt Finnish either

. But we both like cats! Thanks for the compliment, I am having so much fun running around making shots

28 Oct 2007 at 04:30 - 410
Happy Halloween from TDD.
28 Oct 2007 at 16:24 - 411
Halloween warrants a temporary armour re-dye!.
30 Oct 2007 at 02:42 - 412
I got new armor

Yaayyy! Hehe!
31 Oct 2007 at 05:05 - 413
31 Oct 2007 at 06:08 - 414
31 Oct 2007 at 10:43 - 415
Originally Posted by jrk247
My perma pre necro, made her about a month ago.

You cloned my Sihaya xD Now there's two of me in our Guild ^_^
01 Nov 2007 at 12:30 - 416
Never really liked playing a necro, just cant play with chars as ugly as they are, then I took a look at this thread and kinda started playing again, so here he is, my 2 years old necro, Anima Nero Behelith.
02 Nov 2007 at 07:37 - 417
got me a new pre necro, dont know if I will keep her, but she does look different than most I've seen...
Here is Aya (named after a good japanese friend).
03 Nov 2007 at 03:21 - 418
03 Nov 2007 at 12:18 - 419
Ah I tried that armor combo before. I stuck with it for like 2 days, because the exposed belly part bugged me so much.
05 Nov 2007 at 04:12 - 420
05 Nov 2007 at 17:09 - 421
My necro and my favourite character

Bloods Soulspear
Not my oldest char but still my favourite
06 Nov 2007 at 20:14 - 422
Got a second account now and I made a PVP necro. She'll probably be turned into PVE soon though because I really like her.
07 Nov 2007 at 05:08 - 423
I should really stop buying armor...
Always kinda wanted this set though, spikes ftw.
07 Nov 2007 at 18:24 - 424
Necromancers are too easily spoiled. Far too easily; I dread to think of the platinum that's gone into this collection.
Soon I will have a collection to rival The Dead Dude's own!
Yeah, Tatile isn't all that impressed with her current, and so far only, piece of Elite Scar. It shouldn't be too long before I can make another piece, I hope. Also, with the aide of Texmod, the Norn armour should be sporting trousers in the near future.
07 Nov 2007 at 23:32 - 425
Nice pictures there Tatile. I still reckon the first armour looks the best due to the simplicity of the armour pieces and the fact that together they look excellent. It's good to see you have so many sets, heh. Now you just need to rotate them regularly.
08 Nov 2007 at 03:01 - 426

i won about collection for necro armors hehehe
ive posted all of then some time ago. the only armor i dont have on her is dawrven armor .. that i refuse to buy
all other "elite" ones i have
ps: destroyer gloves are just the best on her togheter with vabbian armor and highlander woad headgear
08 Nov 2007 at 04:12 - 427
Heh I too posted my collection a while back. And Tatlie, I agree with you! They ARE way too easy to spoil. (:
So I took this pic and fell in love with it. I think the scenery and armor goes well together
08 Nov 2007 at 12:58 - 428
Originally Posted by Mortien

i won about collection for necro armors hehehe
ive posted all of then some time ago. the only armor i dont have on her is dawrven armor .. that i refuse to buy
all other "elite" ones i have
ps: destroyer gloves are just the best on her togheter with vabbian armor and highlander woad headgear

I agree on the vabbian + destroyer combis
Well i got a pretty neat collection too... i thought i had 11 armors but it's 12 XD. The bonelace and the necrotic are dyed oddly because i dont know what happened to them when i dyed them first XD