For 4...9 seconds, target foe's movement is reduced by 66%. While under the effects of an Enchantment, that foe's movement is reduced by 90%.
5 energy
12s cooldown
1s cast time
It might be inferior to YAA but seems interesting to test and can't be just "mending touched" off . Can't do the testing right now since I am at work.
The build would obviously be
Final Thrust
Icy Shackles
Heal Sig
12+1+1 swordsmanship
10+1 Tactics (I like strong self-heals)
8 strength
rest in water magic
Yes, no condition removal, 1s activation time, 2s longer recharge than YAA (yet less conditional), easy to dehex. Might be even old news, I haven't watched observer for weeks.
Test and comment if you can
Icy shackles on a Swordsman for fun?
A Leprechaun
The main drawback i can see is that it doesnt last as long as its cooldown, meaning youi cant keep them under its effect all the time.
Ill give it a test.
~A Leprechaun~
Ill give it a test.
~A Leprechaun~
grasping earth is often used, but you need to be close to your ennemi.
and its not elite
and its not elite