Taking ZenRgy's ideas. How about an alpha test server. Anything that goes on here doesn't affect the real game. Here they can change the skill set as much as they like and players can logon to this server to play classic skill sets, etc... As to the technicalities of it, it'd be on some kind of schedule.
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There have been some posts for "Classic" or "Pre-Nerf" gameplay, the idea is to have a dynamic UNbalancing skill system.
The difficulty with keeping a balanced system is that exploits are always found and it takes some time to test/balance a new skill set. Once the nerf hits, people are mostly unhappy.
By maintaining a constant unbalanced system, exploits will be only available for a short period of time. It will also allow for some fun to return for that short period of time.
What does this system yield:
- Players can relive old builds.
- Players can run "impossible" builds.
- Exploits last only a short period.
- Titles will mean nothing (not that they do right now) as an exploit could be used for the entire duration of the unbalanced system.
- Economy could potentially be out of wack.
- PvP Ladders could be farmed, but every other guild could exploit the buffs as well.
Hypothetical Example A:
- Weekdays: System uses "balanced" skill set.
- Weekends: Uses unbalanced skill set. i.e. All smite skills have a +1 attribute or the system uses skill set "Pre-Nerf" date XXXX-XX-XX
Hypothetical Example B:
- Jagged Bones Weekend: Jagged Bones recharge set to 5s for the weekend only.
This example would allow people to farm for a weekend, PvE with unbalanced skills, or PvP with unbalanced builds only for a weekend.
If a GvG ladder is running, then an alternative is to have the unbalanced play fall on a Wednesday or weekday where most guilds aren't playing.
- Add an extra table with historic data of Skill Set changes will be required at ANet's end.
- GW Clients will require regular updates when skill sets change.