18 Feb 2008 at 01:44 - 73
I personally really hope, Anet will correct this stupid stuff about the Dwarfs and implements also later a new playable race Elves, so that the Sylvari won't become another "Wannabe-Concept" in GW's history of failing stupid concepts...which try to make the game look somehow "unique", for the cost of lacking good gameplay with some logical thinking behind it.
I really hope.. Norns won't shapeshift in GW2 later only into stupid huge ugly teddy bears, no they should be also able to shapeshift into Wolfes and ravens to complete their shapeshiftign concept around the norse mythology and to make the Norns not look liek some boring half giants, which can only be powerful by transforming into big teddy bears, letting weapons "magically" grow in double size through this -.-
And let asuras don't become wannabe-dwarfs, which should be our consolation prices. WE WANT DWARFS...ok, implement them not direct, but when the stated next ones will come, then UNPETRIFICATE the DWARFS and make them playable. How can Anet just abandon the most well known, most beloved, and most funny traditional race of all >.< this sucks and its somehow discriminating to those players, which love traditional races and don't feel the permanent need, to whine like childs about traditional Races and to compare everything ever ASAP with WoW, as if this game would be the origin of all MMO's >.>
GW2 should be a good misture about new GW unquie races and traditional ones.
And to the traditional ones belong Dwarfs and Elves, they are together with Humans like the Holy Trinity of professions...and when someone don#t likes them... so god damn, wtd really forces anyone to play with them huh ????
right!!, NO SINGLE PERSON says anyone, with what races you have to play!!!
Asuras are way toooooo big to go through as "GW unique" Gnomes. anyone who says this has absolutely no clue about how big Gnomes really are - they are one of the smallest races of al traditional ones ...
My personal best set of Races looks like this:
Asura (please make them SMALLER, they are nearly as big as dwarfs >_<)
Charr (Beast/Cat Hybrids)
Norn (Animagus-Giants)
Sylvari (Forest Nymphs)
Undines (Sea Nymphs/ Nixen/Amphibics) > important only, that GW2 will have a race, that lives under the deep sea, it will be 100 pro very much fun, to dive as an Undine in the water very deep, until you hit the ground theoretically, beign able to see the underwater life in a territory, where the character is able to move in 360° total freely, having the feeling as if your character would be one with his elemental environment, fighting also under water with this race against ancient creatures of the deep sea
A winged race, able to fly, like the Sylphs, which would live isolated in their high in the sky floating island empires, which float in the sky through rune stone magic and crystal technology, beign used as soem kind of power ressource a la Stargates Narquada, naturally under an own more uniquw soundign name, that doesn't sound too similar to Sylvari, maybe name them Belflear, it sounds nice and has a nice correnspond to FF12, which story goes about "Sky Pirates"... maybe this flying race could be somethign like that, also high technology based similar to the Asuras, with the difference, that this race is able to fly self and doesnt need high end technology for this in form of airships >.> which would be far too futuristic for GW2.
However, GW2 needs 2 new races at least more, one that lives in the sky and one that lives in the deep seas to that GW2 wil have playable races for all 3 stages of the new Z-Acsis, which will come with GW2, which wil theoretically allow the Devs of GW to implement fly mechanics, and to enable our characters to dive in the water, because the game will have then heigth parametres for those kinds of actions, lettign the game be complete 3D without any "illusions"
when theres then an amphic race, there may also not miss a lizardlike race, I woudl suggest the Krait, they look to me, as if those creatures could develop themself over these several hundred years into a strong draconical race of lizardmen, living isolated in dark poison bogs and forests, being more one kind of a primitive race with that it is hard to communicate and which will have their total unique own language and way to communicate with each other.
something a really hope will also get developed more in general also too for GW2 ...it was somehow annoying and childish to see in GW1 yet, that there talk centaurs with humans, dwarfs with humans ect. pp with each other and they all understand each other, as if there would be only 1 language on tyria >.< boring...must get advanced more.
however.. these 2 are the races, i personally wish me the most for GW2 beneath being able to play as Dwarf or Elf, when I want to do so and absolutely don't care about, when others think then, GW owuld become a WoW-Clone alone through this >.> (what is childish retarded thinking)
Undines and Sylphs, to have playable races of all kinds of environmental 3D Areals, that would be possible in GW2.
Humans live in their Towns
Asuras live in the Underground (mostly) but also have some little colonies on the upper ground
Norns live in the cold regions
Dwarfs live in the Mountains
Elfs/Dark Elfs live in the forests
Undines then in the deep sea
Sylphs high up in the Sky , they should have feathered white wings and look somehow angelish through that maybe (through this change, theres then also no need anymore for those wannabe-angel paragon class, which can be then skipped for a real Minstrel Profession, while the Dervish skips the stupid avatar-concept .. shapeshift gameplay goes then completely over to the Norns and out of Dervish will become then a correct concepted GW unique DANCER-Profession with Battle and Support Dances)
and to top this simple list, Anet should give us also a playable Demon Race, either the Mursaat or the Margonites.. or somethign totally different and new, a kind of Demon race maybe, which look more like evil black devils.
ya, i realy hope, the implemention of new races wil be also used for GW2, to correct alot of crap concepts anet made and change them to something better, hwich will provide better gameplay and lets the profession look all better fitting together, as when under atm 10 professions are 2 extraordinary ones under, from which one looks like an overpowered wannabe god-concept class and the other one like a mixture of a wannabe angeln and a wannabe bard, as if the devs wanted to try to give the game a surprise egg-class a la 3 in 1 >.>, because so much people in forums whines about, that they want shapeshifters and angels in GW it seems
but imagine with this crap now, anet would implement in GW2 dervishs, as they are atm ... oO
Double Shapeshiting wtf ?
Avatar Norns OMFG ... no thanks ... such weird shit needs GW surely not..the game needs only one thing, thats able to shape shift and that should be in GW2 then the Norns, because it makes just more sense and the concept around the Dervish was from begin on so or so bullshit personally.
When Anet wants to keep the Dervish in GW2, the Dervish must loose imo the avatar ability and make out of the Dervish, what he should have been from the start on - the GW unique version of a Dancer Class, because thats for what Dervishs are/were well known - their dances
However, I've to stop... these discussons make me ever crazy ^^ so more I discuss about possible GW2 concepts...so more I can#t await it, that Anet gives us finally more information about it and maybe finaly some first pictures