


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Cabalist (C):
-Lonely Ascetic, Convicted Hermit
"Ones Pilgrimage to Serenity isn't done until all is Done"

Coming Soon^^....

Skill and Boss Color:
-Light Indigo


Light Indigo Gate

Followed God/ess/s:
-Grenth and Balthazar

Racial Availability:
-Human, Charr and Norn.

Health and Energy:
-Maximum Health 480.
-Maximum Energy 25.
-4 pipes of energy.



-Starter Armor: AL 20
-Low: Al 30-40
-Medium: AL 50-60
-Maximum: AL 70


-Bonus Armor +5 (While maintaining 1 or more Spirit Spheres)
Armor +4 (While maintaining by 2 or more Spirit Spheres)
Armor +3 (While maintaining 3 or more Spirit Spheres)
Armor +2 (While maintaining 4 or more Spirit Spheres)
Armor +1 (While maintaining 5 or more Spirit Spheres)

-Bonus Armor 15+ (While not Maintaining any Spirit Spheres)


Blunt Damage 11-18(req.9 Evocation/Augmentation/Banishment)
Intercession 15-75%
Evanescence 3 Energy
Reswing 1.15 seconds

Coming Soon^^!...


-For each 2 ranks of Worship, you gain 1 energy, Whenever you consume a Spirit Sphere.

-Specializes in Summoning Spirits of Nature to Aid you in Battle.

-Specializes in Summoning Heroes of (Insert Continent) to Aid you in Battle.

-Specializes in Damage Dealing through Sacrificing Spirit Spheres, Augments or Forms.

Skill Listing:


-Spell, 10e|1c|45r : End all Augment, All your Augments are Recharged Immediately for each Recharged Augment you gain +1-2 energy.

-Spell, 5e|2c|30r : For 25-45 seconds, You suffer no loss in Energy from Evanescence but you lose 21-9 health whenever Evanescence occur.

-Spell, 5e|1/4c|10r : End Augment, You gain 1-3 Spirit Sphere Otherwise you gain 3-7 Energy.


Beowulf's Cry[Elite]
-Form, 15e|-1p|3c|60e : While Maintaining, Consume 5 Spirit Spheres and You transform into Beowulf. This skill is Disabled for 250 seconds.

Beowulf's Skills
Blue Fang, 5e|3/4c|10r : Deal +17-31 Cold Damage if Target foe is Enchanted, you gain 2-9 Energy.
Azure Flame, 5e|1c|15r : For 15-30 seconds, Your Next 5-15 strikes deal Cold Damage and you have 15% chance to deal Burning for 2-5 seconds.
Regenerate, 5e|2c|25r : For 5-10 seconds, You gain +1 Health Regeneration for each second you gain and Additional +1 HP Regen Every second this skill Last.
Blue Spirit, 15e|6c|15r : Consume 5 Spirit Sphere, Resurrect Target Ally with 25-50% Health and 50-75% Energy.
Dismiss Beowulf, 5e|5c : End Beowulf's Cry, This skill is replaced by Beowulf's Cry when used.


Jybril's Dagger[Elite]
-Augment, 15e|-1p|2c|30r : Consum 5 Spirit Spheres. While Mainaining, Replace you'r Bracelets with Jybril's Dagger. While Equipping or Maintaining Jybril's Dagger you deal 10-25 Lesser Damage but Steal 10-25 Health whenever you Strike.

Celes' Bow
-Augment, 10e|-1p|3c|25r : Consume 3 Spirit Spheres. While Maintaining, Replace you're Bracelets with Celes' Bow. While Equipping Cele's Bow you deal +1-10 more Damage and Lightning Damage, And you'r Attacks gain 5-15% Armor Penetration.

Amistr's Cuirass
-Augment, 10e|-1p|2c|45r : Consume 4 Spirit Spheres. While Maintaining, Replace you're Chest Armor with Amistr's Bulwark. While Equipping or Maintaining Amistr's Bulwark you gain 1-10 Armor Absorption.


Advocate's Conviction[Elite]
-Spell, 10e|2c|25r : End all Augments, For each Augments ended 1 Random Nearby Foes takes 25-100 Damage(Same Foe can't be hit again).

Occult Gate
-Touch Spell, 5e|1c|12r : Consume all Spirit Spheres, For each Spirit Spheres Consumed an Additional Foe takes the Damage. Deal 10-50 Damage to Target foe and X other Foes.

Occult Impact
-Touch Spell, 5e|1c|7r : Consume all Spirit Spheres, Deal 5-25 Damage to Target Foe for each Spirit Spheres Consumed(Maximum 75 Damage).


Summon Spirit Sphere
-Skill, 5e|-1p|1/4c : Summon 1 Spirit Sphere(Maximum 5).

Coming Soon^^!..

I. Spirit Sphere System
-Spirit Spheres are Spirit trapped or contained into a Mystical Sphere. These Spheres are used for Intercession, Augmentation and Evocation.

II. Consumption System
-Whenever you Consume a Spirit Sphere you gain Energy from Worship.

I. Bracelet System
-Bracelets have Special Jewelry Attached on them called Nethicite. 1, Causing you to Trap a Spirit Sphere then Releasing them to deal more damage(Intercession) and when releasing it damages you'r Energy and the Spirit Sphere would vanish(Evanescence). 2, Making these Jewelry as a Medium to Transform your Armors and Weapons.

II. Intercession System
-When an Intercession occurs you evanesce a Spirit Sphere. Intercession increases the Damage you deal to an enemy by 15-75%(MAX). And the Additional Damage you dealt is treated as Armor-Ignoring Damage.

III. Evanescence System
-Evanescence occurs whenever an Intercession occurs. When you evanesce you lose an amount of Energy but when you use a Touch Spell and Intercession occurs it evanesce double the energy and another Spirit Sphere, If you don't have an extra Spirit Sphere for Intercession you take 50% of the Damage you dealt.

I. Cabalist Form
-Unlike the Dervishes Form and more like the Wurm Form you would have the Ability of who you take Form Off.

II. Form Skills
-Before entering battle when you equip a Form once you Double-Click a whole set of skills would appear and you will have the choice to Equip this skills when turn into The Form you take. You may Take all of it or take some of the Skills you equipped before changing into the Form.

I. Augment System
-Augments are like Temporary or Permanent Green Weapons or Special Armor and each Augment requires 9 or even more ranks of Augmentation.

III. Weapon, Focus/Shield Augment
-When Transforming you'r Braceletes into Weapons, Intercession and Evanescence aren't Implied in your Augment Weapon. When only changing your Right Bracelet the one you used is Replaced but the Left Bracelet isn't Replaced, Cause this is for your Focus or Shield Augments.

III. Armor Augment
-Armor Augments replace your Armor not like Weapons. And they are used for Support and Buffing.

IV. Headger
-Headgears Specializes in Health, Energy and Attribute Buff or Support.
IV. Chestpiece
-Chestpieces Specializes in Defence and Protection.
IV. Leggings
-Leggings Specializes in Energy, Adrenaline and Health Management.
IV. Gloves
-Gloves Specializes in Damaging and Attack Speed Buff and Support.
IV. Footgear
-Footgears Specializes in Movement Speed and Dodging.

Coming Soon^^!

Coming Soon^^!


__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________

Inspired Flyff's Billposter, And Darkhell's Shadowmanipulator.

More CCs of mine^^.
CC Case



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


i think you need to focus on attributes and function instead of the pretty pictures non-sense.

Primary is overpowered
gauntlet is over powered

dark/rage magic is pretty much generic and pointless.

Whats the point of temper?

How does this class play?

What is the function of this class?

what could this class offer original that differentiates it from any other class.

How will this class interact with other classes?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Yes, I know all of this probs thats why I added "please help", FOOL!!!
I need answers not questions!!
This class' function is dealing large amount of damage to foes by decreasing thier armor or increasing thier taken damage.
And also controlling enemy enchantments to backfire and hexes to be more effective.
Lastly then can knock down enemies to stall them and knocking back enemy tanks from the Frontline to the Castline. So, this to penetrate enemies' defences.
What I need now is more Novel Functions cause I am not satisified with it and also I am not adding skills until I am satisfied!



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Your class has no function.

It has attribute lines with no unifying functional theme.

What does hexes/enchantments have to do with Knockdowns?

Inherent KD is VERY VERY overpowered.

Stop posting ideas until its ready or at least have proof of concept with sample skills.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


again, Not helping!!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Don't you understand
"Please help me improve this CC"
Huh, Huh, Huh?!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


First of all be nice, it will get you more help than
"You're not helping"
"Hun? w4dd4 UZ m34nz?"

Lyra is right though
-For each ranks of Belial Worship, you gain 1 energy, Whenever a condition ends on an enemy within your area
The primary could grant a maximum of 16 energy for each condition, there can be plenty of foes in your area, and there are plenty of conditions they can have on them.

Soul reaping grants 1 energy every 2 ranks, when a foe dies in the area.
Each foe can only die once(then rezzed then die again).
That first of all means that you have to work to gain energy, in that foes don't (want to) die all by themselves, conditions end all by themselves.
Second 1 foe is 1 death, but 1 foe can be 0-7 conditions(unlikely but possible) meaning you could theoretically squeeze 7X more energy from a foe, and if 7 conditions did not kill it yet then you could reapply some.

Lastly, dying ends all hexes, enchantments, skills, shouts, weapon spells, and conditions on you. So a kill would grant you a energy burst(gee... where did I see that before)

-"I may worship the Dark Arts but my heart is in the right place"
Sounds like a necro...
-Specializes in Decreasing enemies' Defense/AL and Increasing their taken damage but with a cost.
You failed to specify what exactly the cost is, but deep down I can't help but think its like heath sacrificing(because any cost other than energy will decrease your ability in offense/defense hence it will make you lose heath because foes will hit you more/harder)
Smells like a necro...

Gauntlet Mastery
-For each rank of Gauntlet Mastery you gain 1% to Knock Down and Back, Specializes in wielding Gauntlets and Knocking Back and Down enemies.
Knock back? How? They are gloves, what would gloves do that <enter any weapon> can't?
Knockdown as a default attack is bad, even it its max 16% chance, knockdown interrupts ends stances and immobilizes, its too powerful to be using all the time.

Also imagine them knocking back a siege turtle with a singe punch, get the idea, a good hammering to its leg can knock it down, but for moving it you would need 6-7 strength 12+ warriors.

Also I'm not sure if knockdown is a condition, but it could be a infinite energy source if it is with your current primary.

-Maximum: AL 70
-4 pipes of energy.
What did we learn about Ctrl-C today?



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by [M]agna_[C]arta
Don't you understand
"Please help me improve this CC"
Huh, Huh, Huh?!
Heres you can improve it.

Scrap it.

Thrash it.

Destroy it.

Start over.

Cause this is garbage, just like most of your concept posts.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


I was reffering to a "Berserk" kind of skills.
The enemy deals 2x stronger damage but takes 2x time also^^.
There are still no skills so you don't know what I mean.
And for Dark Magic
I sacrifice 150 maximum health but I gain X health regen^^.
And the Gauntlet is very big, check the flyff billposter.
The Gauntlet will cover your whole arm and big as Barret's Machine Hand^^.
That could pack a punch to knockback or down enemies, right^^?]
But no one still what's to help in in Improving by giving new "Novel Functions".
So this CC I will be renovated^^.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Ok, I have added now Skills so you would understand me more what I need now are more "Novel Functions"



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


Hellion Fate
-Skill, 15e|3c|45r : For 17-21 seconds, You are immune to hexes.

Hellion Cloak
-Skill, 15e|3c|45r: For 15-24 seconds, You are immune to Conditions except Dazed.

those should be elite, contition preventing should be 1/2 conditions per skill, and only elites should prevent all conditions(or all exept 1)
Preventing all hexes is mean anyways.

check the flyff billposter.
Is that one of the images you have below?
Cuz those gloves don't look very big.

Sacrifice 150 Maximum Health
What is 150 Maximum Health? 150% of max health, reduce max health by 150?
Also health regen isn't everything, I found out the hard way that a character with 10(well 15 actualy but only 10 take affect) heath regen on him is still pretty killable(and I used monk and ranger skills so I did not sac health).

But no one still what's to help in in Improving by giving new "Novel Functions".
Shouldn't the class be about novel functions? I mean make the functions first then the class around them.
If your making the class first and then he functions something is probably wrong.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Originally Posted by System_Crush
Is that one of the images you have below?
Cuz those gloves don't look very big.
Check the weapons those are thier ordinary gloves = P.
I''l post a pic if I find one^^.

Shouldn't the class be about novel functions? I mean make the functions first then the class around them.
If your making the class first and then he functions something is probably wrong.
I don't understand^^. Sounds like my Math teacher is explaining^^.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


I don't understand^^. Sounds like my Math teacher is explaining^^.
Hey that is a dire insult!

It means first come up with a function then make a class, or first think of a way to make the class work, otherwise you will probably end up with a bad class.

This new concept class is like a warrior/monk, exept it uses a two handed sword and has larger armor (like insted of 1 chain mail he'll be wearing two or soemthing). His sword will do double the max sword will do and can also use Halberd/Pikes, which are also two handed. It will have lots of healing and alot of team work shouts, plus have alot of health (warrior: 500 Blade Master : 750),
but only 75 armor level, even with double sized armor looks.
That is why you first have make a way for the class to work before you do anything else.

The only thing new about this class is adding broken features with no originality. A warrior with bigger armor, bigger weapons and healing, gee, genious, lets all stop trying now............
Novel functions also help. They make the class worth it'self rather than just a good idea.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Check the guys with Knuckles in the 3rd place



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Racial Availabitily Implemented^^!...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


New Pics^^!...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


CC completed^^!...

But I would still listen to you're comments of improving
P.S. I hate flames.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Made The Cabalist more Unique^^....

Favor Implemented^^...

Impact Implemented^^...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Improved Lore a bit^^!....

Feme Assassin

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006


Reign of Heroes[ROH]

4 things

1st stop multi posting it drives me mad

2nd this isnt l2 stop posting pictures of it and writing about lineage classes

3rd i am tired answering in your threads

4th someone lock it



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Stop it with the L2.
Is the only game you know is GW and L2?
The Pics are from Flyff and what the hell are you talking about.
I am not writing Lineage Classes, If you say this is a L2 Class then what is it?

Feme Assassin

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006


Reign of Heroes[ROH]

Originally Posted by [M]agna_[C]arta
Stop it with the L2.
Is the only game you know is GW and L2?
The Pics are from Flyff and what the hell are you talking about.
I am not writing Lineage Classes, If you say this is a L2 Class then what is it?
i know wow rf onling sun online lotr online too but i still dont like the idea



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Banishment Implmented^^!..



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Bracelet Implemented^^!..



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Skills Changed a bit^^!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Changed Skills^^!..



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Netherlands

Euhm, your keeping your own posts alive. I dont think any one is waiting for this. Most skills you have (also read attributes are heavely overpowered. *pointing to Worship and Berserker* Most skills have odd requirements etc. keep it simple of dont do it.

And please stop the mege trouble double posting...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

Holy crap, chibi art. Someone stab out my eyes



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Netherlands

Originally Posted by Nevin
Holy crap, chibi art. Someone stab out my eyes
Hands a kitchen knife. Go Go GO, no mending allowed

adam of phyrexia

adam of phyrexia

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lords of CAT


Lol i think somebody liked Penelo xD

A lot of what I've seen posted is true, this class feels very...hollow.
It's just a shell made up of tricks upon tricks stuffed with abilities derived from existing ones.
I say if you want this class to turn into something, erase everything you have, start assembling a core, erase the poor ideas, refine the good ones, then build it up from scratch.

Oh, and that sugary fliff art really pisses me of.