Originally Posted by Laharl the Angel
¿Does any one out there feel that ANet should add some armor in Prophesies for the sin, para, derv, and rit?
This had been said countless times. Only core professions have armor in each campaign.
It doesnt make sense that you would have people making derv, sin, rit, etc armor in Phrophercies.
Simple because those professions dont exist on that continent/side of the continent. So why would their armor styles exist there?
Plus its an obvious sales technique which Anet has done very well. Making you buy seperate expansions/campaigns to get access to this stuff.
Besides, as it stands, each profession has close to 6-8 armor sets each (if not more). Why do we need even more?
Is that not enough choice for you.
Not to mention the extra armor sets we are getting with the 4th expansion. No doubt those will include all professions. Stop being so un-greatfull.
Anet has enough work on its hands making the 4th installment (which includes all new content for all 3) and making GW2. Stop adding to it.