Stealth update for shields? ((need confirmation)
Hi, I recently noticed something changed in shields, related to the way they can be updated with inscriptions and handles.
All collectors and green shields, like this for instance
have this format of wording:
<shield name>
<AL (req)>
Also, when you normally upgrade an item, the latest upgrade appears in the last line of the description.
So when I upgrade a shield, I like to follow the same order, and put the inscription and "then" the handle.
Recently I got 2 shields from chests, they came like this
<shield name>
<AL (req)>
When I tried to put a +30hp handle, the wording kept it's order, so the +30hp didn't appear in the last line.
Tried the same with a shield I bought more or less 1 month ago, and it worked in the previous way.
OK, the order of the stats doesn't affect anything in the shield, but I like to decide how I want the description look like.
Those like me who buy shields (or other items) don't do it because they "need" them for stats, but only for estetic reasons.
If I "need" something, I get a perfect one for free from a collector, or farm for a green. If I buy a gold, I do because of the skin, and then I put the upgrades to make them statwise comparable to the collectors and green ones.
If this is confirmed, I find really hard to understand how some employee could wast his time in doing this unrequested, unwanted and totally useless update.
Maybe because the +30hp in the last line of the description is exploited in PvP and totally unbalances the whole game?
And, if this employee doesn't want to give players the freedom to choose in which order the upgrade appear in the description, ok, but at least follow the normal standard which is used in every green and collector shield.
This update, that comes out of nothing, is not only unrequested and useless, but also erroneously implemented.
There is a huge list of things to fix and requested features, and instead they come with things like that LOL!
All collectors and green shields, like this for instance
have this format of wording:
<shield name>
<AL (req)>
Also, when you normally upgrade an item, the latest upgrade appears in the last line of the description.
So when I upgrade a shield, I like to follow the same order, and put the inscription and "then" the handle.
Recently I got 2 shields from chests, they came like this
<shield name>
<AL (req)>
When I tried to put a +30hp handle, the wording kept it's order, so the +30hp didn't appear in the last line.
Tried the same with a shield I bought more or less 1 month ago, and it worked in the previous way.
OK, the order of the stats doesn't affect anything in the shield, but I like to decide how I want the description look like.
Those like me who buy shields (or other items) don't do it because they "need" them for stats, but only for estetic reasons.
If I "need" something, I get a perfect one for free from a collector, or farm for a green. If I buy a gold, I do because of the skin, and then I put the upgrades to make them statwise comparable to the collectors and green ones.
If this is confirmed, I find really hard to understand how some employee could wast his time in doing this unrequested, unwanted and totally useless update.
Maybe because the +30hp in the last line of the description is exploited in PvP and totally unbalances the whole game?
And, if this employee doesn't want to give players the freedom to choose in which order the upgrade appear in the description, ok, but at least follow the normal standard which is used in every green and collector shield.
This update, that comes out of nothing, is not only unrequested and useless, but also erroneously implemented.
There is a huge list of things to fix and requested features, and instead they come with things like that LOL!
It has been like this for a while, I think the update before NF was out when they added inscriptions
Its the same for weapons as well, the last mod added will show last.
Its the same for weapons as well, the last mod added will show last.
Originally Posted by Abnaxus
And, if this employee doesn't want to give players the freedom to choose in which order the upgrade appear in the description, ok, but at least follow the normal standard which is used in every green and collector shield.
This update, that comes out of nothing, is not only unrequested and useless, but also erroneously implemented. |
And due to the cruelty with which this act was performed, a good old-fashioned lynch would be the only way for justice to be served..
Originally Posted by boxterduke
It has been like this for a while, I think the update before NF was out when they added inscriptions
Its the same for weapons as well, the last mod added will show last. |
If you put a shield handle on a newly dropped shield, that last mod added doesn't show last.
In my recent experience, shields are now coming like
<AL (req)>
and when you replace the handle, that mod appear in line 3 and not at the bottom.
Instead on older shields it works like you said.
seriously, someitmes i ask myself 'what in gods Melandru's name is wrong with some fans here'
so you seriously get anoyed by the order of the description on an item?
1) since when does the order in which mods are shown give you a possibility to exploit an item in pvp? where did you get that thought?
2) maybe this was not really intentional, several developers work on a project, if they had to change some code, or clean up some code, it is well possible that the line that writes +30 hp to your screen the object array, was placed before the line where the inscription is added to the shield object. thus rearanging their order.
i personally see no problem in a changed order of mod descriptions!
so you seriously get anoyed by the order of the description on an item?
1) since when does the order in which mods are shown give you a possibility to exploit an item in pvp? where did you get that thought?
2) maybe this was not really intentional, several developers work on a project, if they had to change some code, or clean up some code, it is well possible that the line that writes +30 hp to your screen the object array, was placed before the line where the inscription is added to the shield object. thus rearanging their order.
i personally see no problem in a changed order of mod descriptions!
A complete non-issue.
Id rather see green items and bonus items use mods of my choice.
Try harder next time to find another thing to complain about.
Dougal Kronik
Actually, it was requested that mods keep their order regardless of which order they were applied. For consistency.
This thread is about the mod order for staves:
Show staff upgrades in a consistent order
Since more players asked for a set order than no order, the programmer was probably told to include the change. And it was probably just as easy, if not easier, to have the change affect all items.
This thread is about the mod order for staves:
Show staff upgrades in a consistent order
Since more players asked for a set order than no order, the programmer was probably told to include the change. And it was probably just as easy, if not easier, to have the change affect all items.
Wait, is the shield still have the same effect with different order of mods or what? I don't know, I lost 10 points of my IQ from reading the OP.
Tetris L
Originally Posted by Saelfaer
seriously, someitmes i ask myself 'what in gods Melandru's name is wrong with some fans here'
Originally Posted by Dougal Kronik
Actually, it was requested that mods keep their order regardless of which order they were applied. For consistency.
It makes much more sense that way. Just like a staff head is always the name prefix and the wrapping is always the suffix. It's a uniform standard, easy to understand, and reduces confusion. Establish a rule and stick to it.
Originally Posted by Etta
Wait, is the shield still have the same effect with different order of mods or what? I don't know, I lost 10 points of my IQ from reading the OP.
Originally Posted by Saelfaer
1) since when does the order in which mods are shown give you a possibility to exploit an item in pvp? where did you get that thought?
Originally Posted by Dougal Kronik
Actually, it was requested that mods keep their order regardless of which order they were applied. For consistency.
This thread is about the mod order for staves: Show staff upgrades in a consistent order Since more players asked for a set order than no order, the programmer was probably told to include the change. And it was probably just as easy, if not easier, to have the change affect all items. |
Originally Posted by Tetris L
Indeed, just recently I've been thinking the same, a lot.
/signed It makes much more sense that way. Just like a staff head is always the name prefix and the wrapping is always the suffix. It's a uniform standard, easy to understand, and reduces confusion. Establish a rule and stick to it. |
Anyway, I'm thinking that this thread should stay in Sardelac Sanitarium, so I'm asking mods to close this and I'll make a new one in the proper section (hopefully without flaming).