Seeing as there is some interest in carrying over existing characters to Guild Wars 2 i just thought about an idea.
Seeing as it is going to happen 100 years in the future all existing characters should be dead or at least unable to hack it against lvl 3 Devourers. So how about this one?:
@Have all your characters achievements logged and have it mentioned in the new game at some point.
Eg: "After the valiant efforts of "insert old chars' name" we have gained peace in our troubled land at long last" or some such for a protector title.
This would be really cool as it would link the two games and give a sense of history to GW2.
Feel free to add ideas for how Characters' history could be linked in this manner.
Thanks for your time.
GW characters in GW2
Solveig Ikram
What about the people that don't have the first series and they just buy GW2 as an alternative to WoW?
That's very true. For first comers to the Guild Wars universe, GW2 may be the first installment of the series that the person plays. I suppose it would be like the 'add game/code to account' function. Yet it would be intresting to have your characters mentioned in the game, haha It'd make me feel more Heroic.
Yet I wouldn't miss that feature if they didn't introduce it. I just hope GW2 beta will solve a lot of the 'Races' Questions and the other various questions asked about it.
Yet I wouldn't miss that feature if they didn't introduce it. I just hope GW2 beta will solve a lot of the 'Races' Questions and the other various questions asked about it.
I think you should be able to tie your GW1 acc and your GW2 acc. Then you should be able to get a New title (Veteran maybe?
) and maybe some extras for playing GW for so long... we should get some reward for hanging with them all this time ^^

max gladius
on this matter... what about inheritance, as in access to storage of ur old account... so you could move items, monies and such between the 2 games? (i know that they may make new weapons more powerful or what not, but its just an idea)
i do like a bit of the idea... like, if you use same login (email address) for ur gw2 as gw1 and u make a char with exact same name, your considered grandchild or such and get titles that were earned... or somethen along those lines
or it asks in character creation, "is this character descendant of gw1 character" (if email address / login is the same) then if so, you type in name of who it is descendant of, so multiple new chars can be descendant of same old char, with new names
i do like a bit of the idea... like, if you use same login (email address) for ur gw2 as gw1 and u make a char with exact same name, your considered grandchild or such and get titles that were earned... or somethen along those lines
or it asks in character creation, "is this character descendant of gw1 character" (if email address / login is the same) then if so, you type in name of who it is descendant of, so multiple new chars can be descendant of same old char, with new names
Knightsaber Sith
Gaile has already stated that if you link your GW1 and GW2 accounts and reuse one of the names, the GW2 character automatically gets all the old titles. If you buy Eye of the North, you can unlock extras for GW2 as a sort of "veteran" bonus. Via quests, you will actively build your Hall of monuments. Gaile mentioned "unique armor", and the magazine mentions special weapons and minis.
"Inheritance" as access to storage would be very bad. Bringing over existing money would cause massive inflation right from the start which would really screw new players. And on that note, I'll point out the magazine doesn't mention anywhere transferring items between GW1 and GW2 via the Hall of Monuments.
"Inheritance" as access to storage would be very bad. Bringing over existing money would cause massive inflation right from the start which would really screw new players. And on that note, I'll point out the magazine doesn't mention anywhere transferring items between GW1 and GW2 via the Hall of Monuments.
Why cant people get over this? GW2 isnt going to be GW1.
Its already been stated (although we are still over 2 years away from seeing anything even closely approach a shop shelf. and a lot can happen in 2 yrs) that characters wont be able to be transferred from GW1 to GW2.
Eye of the North will apparently have the ability to create a hall of monuments so that the accomplishments of your GW1 characters will apparantly have some bearing in GW2 if you link your accounts.
It really is quite amusing ( a starting to get a little annoying) seeing endless threads of 'I want my GW1 character in GW2 coz Ive got loads of titles and gold'
Personally I want to have a new start in GW2 otherwise we're just playing a GW1 expansion pack.
Its already been stated (although we are still over 2 years away from seeing anything even closely approach a shop shelf. and a lot can happen in 2 yrs) that characters wont be able to be transferred from GW1 to GW2.
Eye of the North will apparently have the ability to create a hall of monuments so that the accomplishments of your GW1 characters will apparantly have some bearing in GW2 if you link your accounts.
It really is quite amusing ( a starting to get a little annoying) seeing endless threads of 'I want my GW1 character in GW2 coz Ive got loads of titles and gold'
Personally I want to have a new start in GW2 otherwise we're just playing a GW1 expansion pack.
max gladius
for an academy page u don't read to well..... noone has said once IN THIS THREAD that they dont like that you cant bring over characters or crying because they cant bring them over... we r throwing around ideas on different things other then bringing characters right over
Swampgirl Inez
Since GW2 beta won't even start for another year and there are 2 threads like this already, please help keep the forum tidy by posting GW2 ideas here:
Please see the new GW2 Discussion Thread
Please see the new GW2 Discussion Thread