Recently I invented a Four man UW build consisting of a 55, an enchanter, a Ranger and a Mesmer. Me and my friends are going to test this build this weekend since the UW access will be free but I'll let Ya'll know how it goes!
The build goes something like this:
The Ranger and the Mesmer stay back while the monk juices up the 55. The Ranger and Mesmer protect the Monk with traps and the Mesmer has several spiking and huge degen. skills (like Conjure Nightmare and Conjure Phantasm).
The 55 Tanks and incase aggro is broken or the 55 feels unsafe or dies then the traps blind bleed and cripple the enemy while the Ranger Mesmer and Monk Run.
Come HERE to Talk About Great UW and FoW Builds That You've Created!
Master Halbarad