I was told to re install guild wars for a certan problem i had with npcs jumping around and al ot of white cubes, so my question is....
when i re-install guild wars and try to play a character, what takes so long for it to load the map, last night i left it running and it completed it, but at the very end i loged out, i guess, and lost all the stuff i downloaded from maping, there was about 4,000 something, so I did it again and now theres 8,000. Is there any way to make this process go by faster?
and another question, will i have to do this with all of my characters, in every town?
the longest map of my life
Tide to Go
Try adding '-image' to your Guild Wars startup. All content will be downloaded once, so you won't have to wait anymore when switching towns. Might take some time though.
Oh, and after downloading all data, remove the '-image' from the shortcut.
Oh, and after downloading all data, remove the '-image' from the shortcut.
Once you do a reinstall, you got a lot of files to download again, it takes a few slow loads for all the updates to be reinstalled. Using the -image switch will get you around that.