Originally Posted by HalPlantagenet
Given Arenanet's experience with Guild Wars 1, I expect they will do a much better job the second time around. Some of the issues I hope they address directly:
1. How to make trading more of a community building activity? |
Originally Posted by HalPlantagenet
2. What is the right cost spectrum for a family of technically (but not aesthectically) similar items?
Originally Posted by HalPlantagenet
3. What is proper place of armor and weapon customization? Is there a role for what might be called "de-customization?"
Originally Posted by HalPlantagenet
4. Is there a role for player customizers? (I know WOW has something like this although I've never played it and don't know how successful it is.)
Originally Posted by HalPlantagenet
5. How should demand spikes, (i.e. the demand for Paragon and Dervish runes immediately after the release of Nightfall), be managed?
Somehow is see theese all as nonisues.
1) You see how "peope-fieldly" traders are just by visiting any big trading town and having all chat open.
2) Costs if similar items being dramatically different ... somehow having problem with that is a bit ... whiney. in game where you can have everything for very little effort, items that are completelly out of reach of most of players are just ... right. It actually test of character: will you a) fail and ebay it b) fail and whine about it or c) live on and accept you are casual player or that you are not item hunter.
3) there is little to say about it ... bound or cutomized items are best way to stop mudflation. decustomization make customization pointless. with mudflation, lots of items get out of purchaseable range for casuals: a) low priuced items with great stats that mudflate too low to be worth attaining/trading will be inaccessible to em by purchase as none of nore asctive players will bother getting em b) new hot stuff will always have million pricetags bnecause there owuld be too mcuh gold in hands of few who surf on mudflation wave.
4) no?
5) Demand spike is part of introducion new stuff anyshwere. see 2) and test of player character, with excpetion that c) reads: move on, wait a week or two, in month someone witll give it to you for next to mothing possibly.