The community is rude
J snukka
I don't get people. I remember when everyone asked/begged/annoyed the shit out of Anet for a party search feature so it can make it easier for everyone to find a group to mission or pvp etc. I went to the Temple of Ages which currently has 14 districts but when you search for a group only 6 requests are posted for group formation to enter FoW or UW. But when you enter each district you have everyone typing in chat LFG or GLF blah blah blah. these people could be using the search feature but aren't
Don't you find this disrespectful to the developing team that worked on creating this feature for those whining bastards and all everyone does is still spam the chat. It just pisses me off that people can't appreciate things done for them.
Don't you find this disrespectful to the developing team that worked on creating this feature for those whining bastards and all everyone does is still spam the chat. It just pisses me off that people can't appreciate things done for them.
No I don't find it disrespectful at all. Anet simply gave the player base another option to look for a group and sell stuff, whether they use it or not is entirely up to them.
Archangel Xavier
I agree, it is rather lame that the devs added the feature only to have it shunned by the community. Am I surprised? No. While there are probably many people who feel the Party Search is great addition, the community as a whole could care less. Similiar concept to spamming trades in the local channel. We know we shouldn't do it, but in many cases we are forced to becasue otherwise it mean not being able to make the sale.
It was implemented late and everyone has old habits. I try to encourage its use when I can.
The message length is too short, the window feels cramped.
I don't see why nobody uses it though.
I don't see why nobody uses it though.
Originally Posted by Bankai
The message length is too short, the window feels cramped.
I don't see why nobody uses it though. |
Stank Tank
Wait...there's a trade channel?
it's not fully implemented, and it came SO far after the fact, the community stuck with what it developed itself.
it's anet who let you down, snukka
it's anet who let you down, snukka
I've been wondering about this for some time, now. It struck me that maybe we're all wrongly assuming that the majority of players even KNOW about it. I mean, the button is small, and if you don't read the forums regularly (don't assume every player does), you might simply not know about the feature.
Still, it drives me INSANE listening to the continually repeated spam for selling and parties, when it would be so much easier on them if they just used the search feature.
Having used it once, though, I agree that the text is way too short. I couldn't possibly abbreviate enough to explain what I was really looking for. I have to admit that cripples the system quite a bit, and should be fixed.
Still, it drives me INSANE listening to the continually repeated spam for selling and parties, when it would be so much easier on them if they just used the search feature.
Having used it once, though, I agree that the text is way too short. I couldn't possibly abbreviate enough to explain what I was really looking for. I have to admit that cripples the system quite a bit, and should be fixed.
Silent Coyote
I agree it kinda annoys me as well that people don't use it. However as others have said it lacks functionality. For example you cant see who is already in a group (profession level etc) and the message length is to short.
Even if they fixed that though I doubt many people would use it, old habits die hard.
Even if they fixed that though I doubt many people would use it, old habits die hard.
As has already been pointed out:
1. Message space is to small for many things, but for selling green weapons, dyes, and ectos, for example, it's fine.
2. Old habits die hard, everyone is so used to using text chat for WTB/WTS/ LFG/ etc. that they're not going to change for something else.
3. Many people don't even know about this feature.
4. People who do know about it see the lack of activity in the party window and don't even bother.
Is it rude not to use this feature? I don't think so. Everyone is doing exactly what they've been doing since release of GW. Just because there's a new feature doesn't make people rude for not using it. I don't use the new ways of displaying skills in my "K" window, I only use the by profession or by attribute displays. Is it rude or disrespectful of me not to? Of course not.
The rudeness comes from people who constantly spam in the chat channels - local or otherwise. (All they're really saying is "Pay attention to me!")
1. Message space is to small for many things, but for selling green weapons, dyes, and ectos, for example, it's fine.
2. Old habits die hard, everyone is so used to using text chat for WTB/WTS/ LFG/ etc. that they're not going to change for something else.
3. Many people don't even know about this feature.
4. People who do know about it see the lack of activity in the party window and don't even bother.
Is it rude not to use this feature? I don't think so. Everyone is doing exactly what they've been doing since release of GW. Just because there's a new feature doesn't make people rude for not using it. I don't use the new ways of displaying skills in my "K" window, I only use the by profession or by attribute displays. Is it rude or disrespectful of me not to? Of course not.
The rudeness comes from people who constantly spam in the chat channels - local or otherwise. (All they're really saying is "Pay attention to me!")
I use party search 
Real easy to select my heroes/hench

Real easy to select my heroes/hench
Originally Posted by VitisVinifera
it's not fully implemented, and it came SO far after the fact, the community stuck with what it developed itself.
it's anet who let you down, snukka |
Also, the community didn't stick with "what it developed itself". It didn't "develop" anything except an annoying, overly-time-consuming system of stupid spamming which just gets lost in the sea of other stupid spamming.
You'd think people would welcome an end to that. They sure say they would when they're bitching on this forum. ^_^
It's fully implemented yeah but it's not very functional for the reasons posted above. But yes the community is very immature as a whole, at least with my experiences. One of many examples is just the other day someone disagreed with the fact that I said Guild Wars 2 had a promise, so while in the game they decided to flame me with their characters calling me all sorts of names. Fun stuff.
It's not just our community, it's common behaviour in all MMOs.
Bryant Again
Yeah, the entries for the party are too short. That's also why no one uses it for trades.
The party search function is, mildly put, useless.
You don't make a party for easy areas. And for difficult ones, you need a very specific group set up.
With those 20 or so characters you can hardly spell out what you intend to do, let alone the builds. In addition, the notification system makes it really hard to find who wants to join, and it takes up entire screen leaving you unable to do anything else while waiting.
The only thing you can use the party search for is setting up tombs group: "B/P group LF b/p, bip, monk".
But try putting together a FOW group. "FOW group LF 2 echo nukers, a bonder, a healer, ...". All you can squeeze in is "FOW group LF 2 echo nukers, bon"
And abbreviating makes it undecypherable "FOW GLF 2 nuk,1bnd,1heal,1STnk".
No, it's useless. That's why nobody uses it.
You don't make a party for easy areas. And for difficult ones, you need a very specific group set up.
With those 20 or so characters you can hardly spell out what you intend to do, let alone the builds. In addition, the notification system makes it really hard to find who wants to join, and it takes up entire screen leaving you unable to do anything else while waiting.
The only thing you can use the party search for is setting up tombs group: "B/P group LF b/p, bip, monk".
But try putting together a FOW group. "FOW group LF 2 echo nukers, a bonder, a healer, ...". All you can squeeze in is "FOW group LF 2 echo nukers, bon"
And abbreviating makes it undecypherable "FOW GLF 2 nuk,1bnd,1heal,1STnk".
No, it's useless. That's why nobody uses it.
Blame the Monks
Party search missed the point -- people didn't need help forming PUGs, they needed help forming long term friendships and guilds. As party search didn't address a need anyone has, it is rarely used and then only for spam.
For trade, I sorta understand. For one thing a certain amount of trade is impulse - pop into town and notice someone selling something you kinda want a price you find good. Unfortunately the *only* way to do that is through the main channel and this is true regardless of the game. About the only way to stop it is for the mods to be harsh on it (I wish they were, the trade towns are almost impossible to carry on any type of conversation). The trade channel, or any type of trade system you have to actively choose to look at, only catches people looking to purchase something. Currently I may make an impulse type buy (rarely, and it has to be cheap enough to overcome my irritation at spamming local chat) and will only purchase something I am looking for through the trade channel or party window.
As far as forming a party - don't know. All of the above problems I see on it are in the local chat also. While I generally agree that the length ought to be longer, spamming "LFG, Monks or warriors needed for masters run only" isn't exactly "detailed". Nor does the lack of being able to see party makeup somehow mitigated by spamming in local channel - that is taken care of in whispers. In both cases you are just as restricted yet your message spans across all the districts with the party window. It's like refusing to change from a worn out Yugo to a Corvette because it's not as good as a Ferrarri. To some extent you are right - you *really* want that Ferrarri and it *is* a better car, however the upgrade is still a pretty decent improvement.
My guess is that most do not really know much about it and just use what they are comfortable with. Only a very small percentage read forums, an even smaller is active in them. You have to remember that both in what you expect regular players to know and how accurate you think the general forum opinion is compared to the actual population.
As far as forming a party - don't know. All of the above problems I see on it are in the local chat also. While I generally agree that the length ought to be longer, spamming "LFG, Monks or warriors needed for masters run only" isn't exactly "detailed". Nor does the lack of being able to see party makeup somehow mitigated by spamming in local channel - that is taken care of in whispers. In both cases you are just as restricted yet your message spans across all the districts with the party window. It's like refusing to change from a worn out Yugo to a Corvette because it's not as good as a Ferrarri. To some extent you are right - you *really* want that Ferrarri and it *is* a better car, however the upgrade is still a pretty decent improvement.
My guess is that most do not really know much about it and just use what they are comfortable with. Only a very small percentage read forums, an even smaller is active in them. You have to remember that both in what you expect regular players to know and how accurate you think the general forum opinion is compared to the actual population.
The Great Al
most towns only have 1 active district, so what's the point? it's easier to just use the chat to find parties
Skyy High
The community wanted a method to globally party-up for quests, missions, and the like. The party search system works in cities with many districts, like ToA this weekend, but it's largely useless for partying up for quests or missions, which is probably why it's not used much at all.
I have found it quite useful for trading though.
I have found it quite useful for trading though.
I don't think the community is rude for not using a feature that came out 2 years late and lacks in functionality.
Their biggest mistake was adding trade to it. It made people think it was a half assed auction house. The party search feature is quite good, but the problem is you don't have enough room to advertise what you need. If you are looking for a warrior, 2 monks and a ranger, with specific builds, you can't advertise for all of them. If the text limit was increased to standard chat message length, it would be a lot more useful.
Yep, that's exactly what I think. The basic idea behind it is great, but the EXTREMELY limitted text lenghth makes it almost completely useless.
Maybe I've missed any previous threads on this topic, but hopefully this feedback will reach the right ears.
I now have my answer as to why nobody uses it, and the problems seem relatively easy to fix.
(Two moas in a row FTW! ^_^)
I now have my answer as to why nobody uses it, and the problems seem relatively easy to fix.
(Two moas in a row FTW! ^_^)
Party search add already flawed, see my suggestion to enhance it.
IMO it takes too many clicks to get things done in the party search, plus the advertized text is so short... and there no real "search" feature to it anyway: it's just an unsorted list with broad categories that are not really helpful.
It's just more convenient to use district chat at this point and use the enter/up/enter combo to spam the same message.
It's just more convenient to use district chat at this point and use the enter/up/enter combo to spam the same message.
Kuldebar Valiturus
I hate to say it, it's been said, but the lack of an auction house function is what's killing any semblance of inter-player communication. Trade is drowning out everything.
I'd much rather see LFG spam than trade spam, because trade spam is ineffective to the advertisers and almost entirely useless for people it intends to target.
The Party Search function is an excellent start, it needs fine tuning and the community will use it more as word of it spreads.
Incorporating Trade into the party search seems to be a mixed blessing and a little weird and the item listing is very limiting. Currently any information entered into the Party/Trade Search is lost if you zone or log off...this is a big draw back as far as trade is concerned.
We need Party Search to get fine-tuned and we need an auction house function.
Either way, the community has had too much time to become set in bad habits.
It's at a point now where simple friendly banter in general chat is a refreshing
but all too rare occurrence amid all the LFG/WTS/WTB spam.
I'd much rather see LFG spam than trade spam, because trade spam is ineffective to the advertisers and almost entirely useless for people it intends to target.
The Party Search function is an excellent start, it needs fine tuning and the community will use it more as word of it spreads.
Incorporating Trade into the party search seems to be a mixed blessing and a little weird and the item listing is very limiting. Currently any information entered into the Party/Trade Search is lost if you zone or log off...this is a big draw back as far as trade is concerned.
We need Party Search to get fine-tuned and we need an auction house function.
Either way, the community has had too much time to become set in bad habits.
It's at a point now where simple friendly banter in general chat is a refreshing
but all too rare occurrence amid all the LFG/WTS/WTB spam.
The Last Cruzader
I used it yesterday to buy a +5 energy inscript, I got no offers until I said "WTB XXXX" in local chat and got an offer right away.
I'm sick of entering Kamadan/Kaineng Center/etc. just to see idiots spamming "wtb 100 ectos for 500gp" or "wts 50 iron ingnot fro 10k!!1"
I turned trade channel off because I don't want to see crap like this, but these retards just don't get it...
You tell'em on general "it's not trade channel" and they will ignore it or they will call you a noob -,-
Same goes for "lfg/lfp"...
I don't really mind if its 1 message, but generally it's tons of messages written with caps lock...
And don't tell me to be nice to them ;d
I turned trade channel off because I don't want to see crap like this, but these retards just don't get it...
You tell'em on general "it's not trade channel" and they will ignore it or they will call you a noob -,-
Same goes for "lfg/lfp"...
I don't really mind if its 1 message, but generally it's tons of messages written with caps lock...
And don't tell me to be nice to them ;d
Yaga Philipe
Originally Posted by BlackSephir
I'm sick of entering Kamadan/Kaineng Center/etc. just to see idiots spamming "wtb 100 ectos for 500gp" or "wts 50 iron ingnot fro 10k!!1"
I turned trade channel off because I don't want to see crap like this, but these retards just don't get it... You tell'em on general "it's not trade channel" and they will ignore it or they will call you a noob -,- Same goes for "lfg/lfp"... I don't really mind if its 1 message, but generally it's tons of messages written with caps lock... And don't tell me to be nice to them ;d |
Shadowspawn X
Originally Posted by J snukka
I don't get people. I remember when everyone asked/begged/annoyed the shit out of Anet for a party search feature so it can make it easier for everyone to find a group to mission or pvp etc. I went to the Temple of Ages which currently has 14 districts but when you search for a group only 6 requests are posted for group formation to enter FoW or UW. But when you enter each district you have everyone typing in chat LFG or GLF blah blah blah. these people could be using the search feature but aren't
Don't you find this disrespectful to the developing team that worked on creating this feature for those whining bastards and all everyone does is still spam the chat. It just pisses me off that people can't appreciate things done for them. |
Sometimes when you read these threads its easy to think they are legitimate community concerns until you see the same old names whining. In truth most of the community could care less as evidenced by the use of the feature. Its not so bad here but on the "other board" its nonstop complaining. That puts Anet in a bind because they dont know if its the community with real concern or some group of self appointed forum polititians. But if you like the feature use it and maybe it will catch on eventually.
Malice Black
This feature has potential it just needs some adjusting
#1 - Needs to be bigger, it's size right now is pitiful
#2 - Larger space to write information
#3 - Facility to PM the party leader/trader
I've used it a few times and TBH it wasn't worth while.
#1 - Needs to be bigger, it's size right now is pitiful
#2 - Larger space to write information
#3 - Facility to PM the party leader/trader
I've used it a few times and TBH it wasn't worth while.
If it makes you feel better, anet is not your friend. They don't give us all these nice free updates because they like us so golly gee much. They do it because if they don't, we leave and play something else. They have to do it if they want us to keep giving them our money for future guild wars products. They know we won't be giving them money for future guild wars products if everyone leaves the game for the competition. It might be nice to think they made this game because they just like us so much, but the bottom line is they're a business with one ultimate goal...make money. If you think there is somehow more to it than that, there isn't. I know it sucks. I mean, for us, the players, guild wars has special memories with friends, and lots of fun times. Like we have some emotional investment in it because we love the game. But for anet, there is just that one cold hard reality: money. They have no feelings to be worried about, it's just make money or get another job.
Originally Posted by Teet
If it makes you feel better, anet is not your friend. They don't give us all these nice free updates because they like us so golly gee much. They do it because if they don't, we leave and play something else. They have to do it if they want us to keep giving them our money for future guild wars products. They know we won't be giving them money for future guild wars products if everyone leaves the game for the competition. It might be nice to think they made this game because they just like us so much, but the bottom line is they're a business with one ultimate goal...make money. If you think there is somehow more to it than that, there isn't. I know it sucks. I mean, for us, the players, guild wars has special memories with friends, and lots of fun times. Like we have some emotional investment in it because we love the game. But for anet, there is just that one cold hard reality: money. They have no feelings to be worried about, it's just make money or get another job.
What, exactly, is your point?
The Ernada
I still have my doubts about an Auction House getting rid of the trade spam. It might help kill off a small bit of the spam, but I can see people still standing around spamming. There will always be those who prefer standing around for hours shouting out their goods. Afterall, we can trade on the forums and not waste as much time and effort yet we still have a huge amount of trade spam going on.
Oh boo hoo. Do YOU work for the greater good of other people? I doubt it. They're giving us a great game for such a low low budget price. Trying to make them sound like some evil heartless corporation is just idiotic since they are not taking our money and ripping us off. Go whine somewhere else okay?
Originally Posted by Teet
If it makes you feel better, anet is not your friend. They don't give us all these nice free updates because they like us so golly gee much. They do it because if they don't, we leave and play something else. They have to do it if they want us to keep giving them our money for future guild wars products. They know we won't be giving them money for future guild wars products if everyone leaves the game for the competition. It might be nice to think they made this game because they just like us so much, but the bottom line is they're a business with one ultimate goal...make money. If you think there is somehow more to it than that, there isn't. I know it sucks. I mean, for us, the players, guild wars has special memories with friends, and lots of fun times. Like we have some emotional investment in it because we love the game. But for anet, there is just that one cold hard reality: money. They have no feelings to be worried about, it's just make money or get another job.
Malice Black
Originally Posted by Teet
If it makes you feel better, anet is not your friend. They don't give us all these nice free updates because they like us so golly gee much. They do it because if they don't, we leave and play something else. They have to do it if they want us to keep giving them our money for future guild wars products. They know we won't be giving them money for future guild wars products if everyone leaves the game for the competition. It might be nice to think they made this game because they just like us so much, but the bottom line is they're a business with one ultimate goal...make money. If you think there is somehow more to it than that, there isn't. I know it sucks. I mean, for us, the players, guild wars has special memories with friends, and
lots of fun times. Like we have some emotional investment in it because we love the game. But for anet, there is just that one cold hard reality: money. They have no feelings to be worried about, it's just make money or get another job. |
Explain why Gaile posts here reguarly and takes a lot of flak whilst doing so.
Explain why people from Anet contact the admins of this site directly if they don't care.
Explain why Anet held an open day for people to go see them and see where they work if they don't care.
I'm waiting..
Of course Anet cares about our opinions. They care about making sure the game is what we want it to be. If they didn't care about us or their game, we would all realize guild wars is a pretty crappy game and we would play something else, and anet would go bye bye. Gaile "posts here regularly and takes flak" for it because that is her job. That is why she is paid. Anet created her position in the company because they need to listen to the community, in order to give us the product we want. Thankfully, anet does their job well, and guild wars is an awesome game. I love it just like all you guys. My one single point, really, was that the OP shouldn't worry that the community has somehow hurt anets feelings, or the developers feelings. They don't develop this game so that we'll like them. Feelings don't come into play, just our money.
The Ernada....I don't know what you're talking about, I think.
The Ernada....I don't know what you're talking about, I think.
Originally Posted by Teet
Of course Anet cares about our opinions. They care about making sure the game is what we want it to be. If they didn't care about us or their game, we would all realize guild wars is a pretty crappy game and we would play something else, and anet would go bye bye. Gaile "posts here regularly and takes flak" for it because that is her job. That is why she is paid. Anet created her position in the company because they need to listen to the community, in order to give us the product we want. Thankfully, anet does their job well, and guild wars is an awesome game. I love it just like all you guys. My one single point, really, was that the OP shouldn't worry that the community has somehow hurt anets feelings, or the developers feelings. They don't develop this game so that we'll like them. Feelings don't come into play, just our money.
The Ernada....I don't know what you're talking about, I think. |
Take an economics course in a college and please don't be a tard by making such blunt black and white statements.
Skyy High
Originally Posted by BlackSephir
I'm sick of entering Kamadan/Kaineng Center/etc. just to see idiots spamming "wtb 100 ectos for 500gp" or "wts 50 iron ingnot fro 10k!!1"
I turned trade channel off because I don't want to see crap like this, but these retards just don't get it... You tell'em on general "it's not trade channel" and they will ignore it or they will call you a noob -,- Same goes for "lfg/lfp"... I don't really mind if its 1 message, but generally it's tons of messages written with caps lock... And don't tell me to be nice to them ;d |
Furthermore, dist 1 LA, Kaineng, and Kamadan are trade districts. End of story. Until and unless GW gets a better trading system, they will remain trade districts. We all know this, and we all know there will be trade spam there. Therefore, don't go there if you're not a trader, and don't complain that your LFG message gets lost in the shuffle. No one else is trying to party up there anyway (except new players, but they'll learn; I learned inside a day to stay away from Ascalon dist 1 when I was starting out unless I was looking for something to buy).
Spam in allchat in other districts is annoying, yes, but I generally don't see enough of it to really be disruptive, or to complain about. The thing that gets me annoyed most is one person in relatively quiet district, spamming 5 copies of his message every 10 if anyone didn't see it the first time.