P.S. get rid of the auto attacks so farmers cant expoit this new game ! but this is a different subject.
Skyy High
Quid Pro Quo
Bowman Artemis
Bryant Again
Onarik Amrak
Peter Panic
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by agk512
lvl cap at 80 to 100?!?!?!?!?!
do u guys have any clue whatsoever oh what guild wars is all about?! |
Originally Posted by agk512
if the lvl cap was at 100, then pvp would be ruined for the first part. Making a pvp only character starting at lvl 100 would destroy the game in the first part. second, pve would be only about getting to lvl 100, just like all the other mmos. once you get to lvl 100, the game is basically over, so u would walk over to pvp, but you would find out that all ur efforts to getting to lvl 100 would be ruined because you have a new player who just made a pvp toon in about 20 seconds starting out with that uber epic armor that u spent months of hard work acquiring.
I say that they keep the lvl cap at 20, no more then 30. I love the way they have it now. I was talking to a guildy yesterday who wanted somebody to help him get to lvl 20. I told him to go to cantha and do a couple of quests and that he will get there in about 2 hours. I also said that getting to lvl 20 takes a pitiful amount of effort. It should stay that way, once you hit lvl 20 then.....woo hoo.....you have just scratched the surface of the iceberg. raising the lvl cap to 100 would be devistating for the game, completely wiping out the fact that players have to use skill, not hours of playing time, to do good. I mean, come on, look inside the cover of the first guild wars box, the first thing u see is players have to use skill, not playing time. *edit* I will accept having a lvl cap at 100 for only one reason. The attribute points in gw are amazing. Keeping the max at like 200, or having another set max would be good. If you could acquire all of the attribute points at a set lvl, say 20 or 30, and all of the future lvls would all be about experience, and would not effect your armor rating, attack power, health, energy, or anything like that. What some ppl are hinting at is a never ending lvl system, which would work if your character would reach his full strength at lvl 20 or 30, and achieving lvl 100 would only be possible if you have 20 million xp. Its kinda like the system today, every 15k experience you get a skill point, but instead of that they would also add in another lvl. Of course, as you go further into the game, the monsters cant just stay at a maximum of lvl 28. They too will have to have high lvls, but it wont make them any stronger, just make the ai for them beefed up to the max. |
Originally Posted by Wildi
a low lvl cap is devastating to any rpg because it makes character development impossible, low lvl cap simply sucks in pve, you complete the game, you reach max lvl very fast, now you play around with skills and thats it you have _nothing_ to do if you dont like pvp
Grind isn't development. |
What good is developing a character before maximum level when all your gear and all investment will be obsolete when you reach maximum level? |
So you end up developing your character only *after* you've reached the cap. The logical conclusion - optimal character development is possible only in a system with no levels. |
Sol Solus
Originally Posted by Inde in PC Gamer May 2007 Information - "Guild Wars Reborn"
Sidekicks simlar to CoH, allowing powers to seep from a high level character to a friendly lower level char.
Originally Posted by Wildi
watching your character grow isn't grind and it sucks if you reach max lvl in six hours
Originally Posted by Wildi
finding better equipment is fun, it adds diversity to the game, you can't find better weapons in gw, everything is cosmetical and all items have the same boring stats
Originally Posted by Wildi
no lvl = you can't even reach lvl 1. how many skill points you have with lvl 0, how many possibilities do you have to develop your character ? not many, the lvl cap prevents anything. I know games without lvls exist but they have something common.. they don't work well nor are they popular
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
I means just that you finished tutorial ... nothing more ... not that you are done with game.
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
And this is ... good thing.
And frankly, you can find better items in GW. They are called "rare skins", and are huge achievemnt. |
Originally Posted by Wildi
Once you reach max lvl you can't improve your character can you ? The only thing you can do is get better weapon skins. You finish the game, do other quests and play around with skills thats it.
Originally Posted by Wildi
"everything is cosmetical and all items have the same boring stats "
I disagree, items with identical and boring stats isn't a good thing........... No one wants overpowered weapons, people want items which actually do something useful or give synergies to a skill, not another shiny weaponskin with a nice shader effect, soon or later every game will have nice graphics what you want is weapon mod diversity instead of shiny pictures on your screen. |