(Enchanter, Summoner)
Typical caster stuff, with 60 AL, about 45 energy, 4 energy regen. Use Wands and Staff that are link to its attributes.
[ Attribute: ]
-Elemental Chain (Primary): For each rank in attribute, increase the Bonus damage of elemental chain by 2%. (see below for explanation of elemental chain)
-Conjuration: Spells that summon elemental Jinns and other skill that enhance such use.
-Transelements: Skills that Change, Fuse, Strengthen and Weaken Elements, which act as a protection or a debuffer.
-Arcane Artifact: Skills and spells that conjure artifacts that give aid in increase damage, casting spells, and protecting self.
-Caster’s Instrument: Skills that enchance caster’s weapon (wand and staff) as well as off-hand items.
[ Premise: ]
A supportive and offensive caster. While its theme is much similar to that of an Elementalist, it greatly expands the Elemental aspect of the mechanic. The class offers many supportive spells and skills that give player more possibility in building their chain of combos.
That is not to say Conjuror is with out teeth of their own. They have their own line of offensive spells as well, that allow them to better take the advantage of the elemental buff/de-buff. They are also summoner’s, able to summon elemental Jinn’s for various purpose. The Transelement’s can give player better use of their elemental damage weapons, while the Caster Instrument can give all caster better use of their weapons (wand and staff and off-hand)
[ Unique Novelty: ]
Elemental Property and Chain
Will introduce a new “hidden” property to all characters, which is you r Elemental property. For most other class, they would need little concern to this property, only those with Conjure class would care more of. (as it is link to their primary)---------------------------------------------------------------------
When a player character instanized into a area (mission, exploration, arena) they will be assign a random elemental property (water, fire, earth, or wind). Equipping certain elemental damage weapons, or points in certain attributes, might affect what elemental property you have as well. For most party, player will not know what property they have, and are only visible with certain Conjuror skills. PvE monster will also treated similar, but mostly depend on what monster type they are (but you might still encounter a Fire-property Ice Imp, just not as high of chance)
The elemental property could temporary change as well. This happen if the character take consecutive and/or from one source, of 50+ damage of same elemental, than for the next 5 seconds, he/she/it will take on that elemental property, unless got change again. So in example, you start as Wind-Property, and got hit by someone using a Firesword that does 10 damage to you with each hit. After 5 hits (Assume no one else is hitting you), you will take on Fire-Property instead for duration. Now if at this time, you got hit by a Ice Spear that does 100 damage, you will be switch again to Water-Property, and so on.
Than there is the Elemental Chain, which allow Conjuror to take additional advantage on the elemental property of their foe, and to do more damage if chained right. The chain goes something like this.
Water(cold) > Fire > Earth > Air(Lighting) > Water
So that means any one who is in Fire-property, will take more damage from any Water elemental damages. Thos that have Wind-property, will take more damage from Earth elemental damages, and so on. Regularly, it would be 10% more damage. Conjuror’s primary, as well as its skills, will increase that percentage.
Switch Skill:
Switch Skills are skills that turn into another skill after initial use. It would turn back into the original skill/spell after the duration of the initial skill is over or got canceled. The skill/spell it switch will have its own cost, casting time, and recharge time.
Ex. You cast the skill “Conjure Ring of Fire”. Once cast, meaning you are “wearing” a “Ring of Fire”, the skill icon is than turn into spell “Fire Burst”, the switch skill of the first skill, which allow you to cast Fire Burst. After the duration of “Ring of Fire” is over, the skill icon is than switch back to it again.
Projection Ward:
They are Ward-like skill, but instead is use on target enemy. It Create a ward area at target foe’s location, usually with negative effects to all foe that stay within its Area of Effect. You will also see the visual effect of, much like the Ward.
One of the main offensive ability of Conjuror is their ability to summon Jinns. They are much like the Dijnn and the Elementals. They are small, magical, elemental creatures. Once summon, they would follow closely to their summoner, usually floating next to the casters. They will usually also attack (depend on what kind/behavior of the Jinn you summoned) the target foe the summoner is attacking, thought their damage won’t be anything impressive. They can also be targeted and destroyed (they are pretty fragile).
Jinn can cast spells, usually at the command of the Summoner (switch skills). Jinn have their Health and Energy combined into one value, call the Ether Points. So if use Jinn to cast a spell, it would also cost their Ether Points as well, much the same if they take in damages. When the Ether Point run out, the Jinn is destroy. Also any Energy Drain/Burn type of spell will also hurt Jinn’s Ether Point as well. (see below for example of Summon’s spell)
Note: that since the casting is done at Jinn’s end, the casting time would be 0 for the summoner, but however long for the Jinn. And to interrupted, must target at the casting Jinn, instead of the summoner.
Jinn’s purpose are more of a proxy for spells, rather than as a strong tanker or damage deal (unlike minions or pets). However, as they are elemental, a Conjure could use them better in building of this spell chain combos.
New Condition:
For duration, will take 4 Hp degen, and move/attack at 50% slower.
Usually cause by Water/Ice base spells. Mid-duration (around 4 to 8 seconds)
(this will also cancel out any Deep Wound, Bleeding, and/or Burning)
For duration, will increase the casting time of all spells and skills by 3 times. Also reduce movement and attack speed by 20%.
Usually cause by Air/Lighting base spells, as well as type of poison and counter attack.
Caster Weapon:
Refer to all Wand and Staff.
[Skill Examples]
-Elemental Chain
Prism Eye
5e | 1/2c | 10r | Enchantment
For 10 seconds, you will able to detect the Elemental Property of all nearby visible creatures (will show in a color glow around them)
Broken Chain
10e | 1c | 20r | Enchantment
For duration of T seconds, you will negate any of the additional Elemental Chain damage deal to you.
Power Combo
10e | 1c | 30r
The next spell/attack, if Chained to the right property, will deal additional X% more damage.
Counter Elements
10e | 1c | 30r
For the next T seconds, you take 50% less damage from the elements that you are counter to (so if you are of Water Property right now, you take less damage from any Fire damge)
Conjure Marid:
15e | 3c | 30r | 1 arrow energy to maintain | summon spell
Conjure a Marid, the water elemental Jinn, for 30…45 seconds. Marid has 120… 180 Ether Points, and will deal X melee ice damage on attack. After conjure, this skill switch to “Marid’s Ice Breath”.
Marid’s Ice Breath:
5e / 40ether | 1 1/2c | 10r
Switch Skill of Conjure Marid. Marid will attempt to cast Ice Breath on target foe, dealing T second of Frostbite to target and its nearby foe.
Conjure Ifrit:
15e | 3c | 30r | 1 arrow energy to maintain | summon spell
Conjure a Ifrit, a fire elemental Jinn, for 30…45 seconds. Ifrit has 90… 150 Ether Points, and will deal X range fire damage on attack. After conjure, this skill switch to “Ifrit’s Fury”.
Marid’s Ice Breath:
5e / 40ether | 1c | 10r
Switch Skill of Conjure Ifrit. Ifrit will shoot out 3…6 fireballs at target foe, each dealing X fire damage.
Conjure Angelia:
15e | 3c | 30r | 1 arrow energy to maintain | summon spell
Conjure Angelia, a Holy Jinn, for 30…45 seconds. Angelia has 160… 205 Ether Points, and does not attack, but 25% of damage receive by the caster is transfer to Angelia. After conjure, this skill switch to “Angelia Sacrifice”.
Angelia Sacrifice:
5e / 65ether | 2c | 15r
Switch Skill of Conjure Angelia Sacrifice. Angelia will attempt to cast Healing Light, which heal all nearby allies for X HP.
Recall Summon:
10e / All ether | 1c | 30r
Dismiss all conjured Jinns. Convert the remaining Ether Points of all Jinns into energy. You gain 1 energy for every 50…30 Ether Points converted this way.
Etheral Shield:
10e | 1c | 30r 1 arrow energy to maintain
All damage deal to all of your summoned Jinn’s are reduce by 50% for the duration of 8…13 seconds.
Water Transelemental:
10e | 2c | 10r | Enchantment
Target creature (foe or ally) become Water property for T seconds, taking half fire damage but double Air (Lighting) damage. (target ally player will have the ability to turn it off)
Earth Breaker Ward:
10e | 1c | 30r | Projector Ward
Project Ward. Create an Earth Breaker Ward at target foe’s location. All enemy within the AoE will have –X AL against Earth Damage, and move 20% slower.
Air Affix:
10e | 1c | 10r | Hex
Target and its nearby foe will be hex with Air Affix, which all their attack will deal Air damages for the next T duration.
Shield from Air:
10e | 2c | 30r | Enchantment
Self and all nearby allies will gain +X AL bonus against Air damages for T duration.
Fire Fusion:
15e | 1c | 45r
Your next 1…5 offensive spells will also do additional X fire damages.
-Arcane Artifact:
Ring of Ever Flame:
15e | 2c | 50r | Conjure Artifact
Conjure a Ring of Ever Flame on you hand. For the 45…60 duration, all you fire spells will also cause burning for 1…3 seconds. After Conjure, this skill will turn into Ring’s Fire Ball.
Ring’s Fire Ball:
5e | 1c | 15r | Conjure Switch Skill
Switch skill of Ring of Ever Flame. Attack target and nearby foe with Fire Ball, that deal X fire damage.
Conjure Lighting Trident
25e | 2c | 60r | Conjure Artifact
Conjure Lighting Trident. For T duration, will ignore your current main/off-hand equipment, instead will attack with the Lighting Trident. Lighting Trident does melee attack of 20-42 Air damage, with 15% chance of causing Stunt for 3 seconds.
Lighting Spike
8 adr | 0c | 0r | Switch Skill
Switch skill for Conjure Lighting Trident. This melee attack will do 20% armor penetration.
Necklaces of Prisma
10e | 2c | 60r | Conjure Artifact
Conjure a Necklace of Prisma on you. For T duration, all elemental damage deal to you is reduce by 20%.
-Caster’s Instrument:
Energy Shot:
5e | 1 1/2c | 10r
Increase the damage on the next Caster Weapon shot by X.
Power Stroke:
10e | 0c | 5r
Use your Caster Weapon in a melee attack, and does X more damage.
Focus Beam:
10e | 1c | 15r
Focus your Caster Weapon in a beam onto an enemy. Target foe will receive X damage each second. This skill is interrupted if caster move or use another skill, or if target foe move out range distance.
Channeling Burst
10e | 1c | 20r
In the next T seconds, your Caster Weapon will deal X more damage, but each shot will take 5…3 energy per attack.
Power Surge
5e | 2c | 20r Exhaust
For the next 3…5 seconds, double the energy bonus that your off-hand item provides.
Mage Shield
5e | 1c | 30r
For the next T seconds, your off-hand item will only provide you with half of its energy bonues, but you will AL gain that amount (like a shield)
- Summoner: A Conj/Mes that utilize the Jinns as main source of offensive power. The Mes skill will help with the energy management.
- Power Spiker: A oblivious choice of Conj/Elm that use lots offensive spells. Taking advantage of the Elemental Chain will further add its spiking power (especially if work with other Elm)
- Elemental Warrior: Have a profession that use weapons mastery (War, Assa, Dervish, Ranger, Paragon). Use the Conj spells to de-buff the enemy so they will take more damage from your attacking skills using an elemental weapon.
- Elemental Protector: Using lots skills of Transelement’s to weaken and set enemy to a certain element, while strength allies’ defense and attack against certain elements.
- Caster’s Support: Use the caster’s instrument for the support of any type of caster who want to do better attack with their wands and staff.
Elementalist Clone?
While this class deal closely with Elemental magic as well, I hope it would be similar, yet differnt, from elementalist. It has several spells like the elementalist, but its needed to give it some offensive power, and not make it forcefully needed to take an Elm as primary or sub class with Conj. But it has few line of skills to make it still play differntly than a Elem, and feel their are enough to not just tag it on to an Elm.
Design more for the advance players, who can build a chain of combos skills that could fully take advantage of the Elemental Property for increase damage, or use for de-buffing enemy.
It has the typical weakness of caster, which is low AL. Also some form of energy managements is much needed if want to upkeep its effect.
Source and Inspiration
I always have the idea of an Enchanter for long long time. But before, it was mostly as a support class with the Transelemental lines. Few things were added in later, such as the Summoning line, which come from seeing other’s summoner-type class, making me want to do my own take on it. Elemental Chain was also posted long time ago, but as a suggestion for general game-mechanic change. Wand-mastery will have to credit to someone else (alas, forgot who first come up with it). It was never fully finish written out, because Elurid and Verlas (link below) both came out with a similar class befoe me, and as both is good, it stop me from doing as so not to look like clone.
Elurid's Enchanter
Verlas Ho'Esta's Artificer
Well, it is well know that by now GW:EN won't have any new profession, and GW2 still uncertain how it would treat its new proffession system, so it could be say that any new CC at this point is usless and would never be add it.
However, this is written more as a hobbie, a source of creative output, and as a hopefull to be added into the game. Idea is as a mental pratice, to "role-play as a dev", and to try to come up with unique and possible idea that "could" be added to the game that would be fun to play. Also this was already half-finish when befoe the news about GW2 came up, so figure might as well as finish it off and post it up.
Well, thanks for reading/Skimming (most likely the later). Its a long and complex idea, and I am not very good with explaination (or writing english matter the fact), so won't expect everyone to even finish the read... but questions, suggestions, feed backs, corrections, balance, critics are welcome.