Fun Glitch ~ My R/Mo/N/W/Rt/E/A



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

So, anyone else ever have a character have a dozen different secondary professions at once, without ever having had a second profession?

No, these are Not photo shopped, you can click any image to see the full size original un-cropped image. I did however watermark them as my images.

The following are some images of my character using the skills on his bar. Click them for the full version.

I've done this sort of thing on several characters, and have some level 20 characters who I take into missions and then display my skill bar full of skills from all different professions, just to be amused by people's reactions before I set back the skills I'm actually going to use. It's impractical to use the skills from the other professions because I cannot put any points into them, but it's still very amusing to me anyway.

I'm posting about this now because I was a little surprised that so many hadn't ever done this kind of thing before, and it's a little fun glitch I've been playing with for a while. So I thought I'd share.
Note: This only seems to work for characters made in Nightfall who never took a second profession but unlocked a bunch of skills via the Hero Skill trainers, and only seems to work for skills of the primary attribute for the other classes (such as Soul Reaping skills for Necromancers, Strength skills for Warriors, Energy Storage skills for Elementalists, etc.).

A side effect of me making this particular character and running him around to all three campains while still being a level 1, is that I lost the chance to get the Hero Koss and don't have any way to obtain him now, but given I never found him usefull anyway it's no big deal to me. lol

Anyway, I still find this fun to play around with. Anyone else ever done this sort of thing, or found another way to do it with characters from other campaigns?

Note: This thread was moved from Riverside Inn through moderation action.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by J.Kougar
A side effect of me making this particular character and running him around to all three campains while still being a level 1, is that I lost the chance to get the Hero Koss and don't have any way to obtain him now, but given I never found him usefull anyway it's no big deal to me. lol You might find it impossible to advance through storyline, since Koss is required for certain missions.




Join Date: Feb 2006

Plenty of people have done this before. This is an old trick that sort of got old and lacks amusement for most people. There aren't a whole lot of posts on the subject because of the lack of any use for it. Congratulations on figuring out yourself, though, I suppose.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2006


The German Order [GER]


Lack of use?

Iam i the only one ready to reap benefits on my monk casting aegis with help of GoLE then using return to ret rid of train?




Join Date: Feb 2006

Considering that isn't even possible... Yes, I'd say you probably are.



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Antheus
You might find it impossible to advance through storyline, since Koss is required for certain missions. I didn't really plan to advance through Nightfall. Yea, it's got some good skills and character designs... but I'm much happier playing in Prophecies, and will complete it and Factions before I take him back to Nightfall to finish up, and even then I'll have to finally take a second profession to continue anyway... and I always play with my boyfriend-roommate and he has many characters with Koss on his account, as we've both played through Nightfall several times.

Mesmer in Need

Mesmer in Need

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


ive seen people with no secondaries, but never anything like this.
So if I understand you right, when you first make your character and get tot he tutorial, you log off and back on, and continue the till you get hero skillpoints and buy the skills and use them?



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Mesmer in Need
ive seen people with no secondaries, but never anything like this.
So if I understand you right, when you first make your character and get tot he tutorial, you log off and back on, and continue the till you get hero skillpoints and buy the skills and use them? Nah, nothing that complicated. I made the character and did the 'skip tutorial' thing, then ran to the gate not killing anything or getting any exp, then when I got into the first mission down before Kamadon, I abandoned the quest before accepting and then did the first mission with a friend, and made sure that the sunspear recruits died so that I only got the 250 experience from the mission and no bonuses. Then once in Kamadon I got a ferry to the Docks, then ferry to Tyria and Cantha... that let me be a level 1 in those places, which was fun. Then I went ahead and leveled some... but if you don't care about being a level 1 in those places, then you need only play the character normally and then farm as many SunSpear Points as you can while at low level, and be sure not to take the second profession quest. If you don't take the second profession quest, and you get lots of ranks in SunSpear Points, you'll have lots of Hero Skill points to unlock stuff with. Then unlock anything from a primary attribute (Soul Reaping, Strength, Expertise, etc) and those skills will all be listed and available in your skill listing. This will remain this way until you do the second profession quest, but if you take the character and go play in other campaigns and not Nightfall, then you'll not need to worry about that.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2006


any1 got a list of hero skills that are primary attribute?

Blonde Warrior

Blonde Warrior

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Psycho Titans[PT]


Funny bug never seen this one before, i'm sure ANet will fix it soon