27 Mar 2007 at 16:21 - 35
For the umpteenth time:
Mesmers are EXTREMELY powerful in PvE. People who equate power in PvE with the ability to deal damage just want variants of eles, warrios, necros and rangers.
I never fully understood how powerful Mesmers are until I made one and played it in PvE...
1) First off, I NEVER had an easier time with those overpower bosses in Factions and Nightfall, till I played Mesmer. It's amazing the multitude of ways you can render a single foe useless. When my guild first conquered Altrumm Ruins (we used to hold the best records eons ago), we did it with one primary component, a domination mesmer. His job was to kill enemy bosses and no one did it better.
2) The reason Mesmers are not highly popular in highly farmed areas is because they are (by nature) a singular focus profession. Similar to warriors. You will notice that outside of tanking, warriors have no usage in high level PvE areas despite the bazillion attack skills in their arsenal. Most optimzations of PvE farming are about killing as many foes as possible in as short a time as possible. Think about all the common PvE builds: Spirit Bond tank + Smiter, MM + B/P barragers, SF eles, ... etc. All these builds are about mowing down as many bad guys as possible as quickly as possible.
Mesmers CAN'T compete in that market, and if they could, they would be the most overpowered class in the game. The problem is not the lack of powerful skills, Mesmers have tons of those (Psychic Distraction? Migraine?) but the lack of AoE damage. that's the bottom line in PvE farming. Minions, SS, FoC, Searing Flames, Meteor Shower, Barrage, all those have one thing in common: Massive AoE damage.
So, unless you want Mesmers to be turned into Eles (with straight damae AoE) or Necros (with hexes that do AoE damage) there's really no where for the mesmer profession to be improved. Adding a "charm person" skill is really not useful. How will that help a Tombs group mow down that horde of grasps? It won't, the pug in tombs won't pick you up.
It's the bottom line in this game, unfortunately. For every ascetic who complains about the game not allowing him to play his beloved P/N Barbs + They're on Fire build, there exists 1,000 games who want to finish the PvE area in as fast a time as possible to go back in and farm it some more. So, the lack of love is really from the player base. This IS what the overwhleming majority of the player base want, and for ANet to fix it, would be to make Mesmers turn into Eles or necros.