It has been talked about over and over again that GW PvP and PvE still have areas that need to be improved. I appluade Anet for creating such an entertaining game with the vision of "Skill over time spent", but it hasn't realized its full potential yet even though Anet has steadily been improving to try and make this vision true.
Now, GW is at a crossroads with the ending of chapters for GW1 and the announcement of work on GW2. This has left the player base in somewhat of a crisis. Questions and speculation abound about what is going to happen to GW1 and how GW2 will be. Here, I want to focus on what Anet can do to make both work at the same time.
What I would like to see with the release of GW:EN are a few things that will make the transition to what I am proposing easier.
1. Make the world on big map. If you do not have the chapter or expansion, the area appears in the unexplored and you cannot go thorough the portal to get there, just like in Factions portals to stop runners. Doing this will enable Anet to be able to release Micro Expansions that add-on between 4-5 new areas with a short storyline to go with it for a reasonable low price and still keep people interested in GW1. Purchase of these Micro Expansions I would make only available on the online store so that it lowers the price to charge players due to no packaging or shiping an handling.
2. When GW:EN is released, make a Gold edition of GW that has all 3 chapters in it, sell at a reasonable prices. Makes sense since at that time it would have truely become one game.
3. Have a true PvP Edition that makes you UAS for all skills, make it 15 dollars cheaper than the Gold edition. The current PvP Edition failed at enabling new individuals the ability to participate in competitive PvP without a huge cost investment. Considering that PvP only makes up such a small percentage of the player base, but is highly marketable and has the possiblity to grow if encouraged, it would be a good idea.
If Anet does these three things, it would help enable GW1 to support itself of the server cost and a small team to work on those Micro Expansions and maintaining of GW1.
The real question is does Anet want to continue supporting GW1 when GW2 comes out. With the soon to be introduction of AT's and the ability to still make a profit off of those that would wish to stay with GW1 instead of moving on to GW2, there is still a profit to be made.
The next thing is that Anet needs to work on specific aspects of the game to improve it in the meantime. Doing this shows commentment to your playerbase and improves the quality of the product that you have.
1. Improve the LFG/Trade window to have the same spaces to type in as the chat window. Make the LFG be seen by anyone in your region in the Battle Isle regardless of where you are at in the Battle Isel. Make the trade portion seen by everyone in your region regardless of where you are at. This will eliminate the constant spamming of trade and make it easier for all to find what they are looking for.
2. Make all weapons and armors inscribable. It just makes sense to have one system for the entire game and not two seperate ones for weapons and three for armors.
3. GvG maps need to be relooked at for balance and play issues. Any found to be unbalanced need to be removed until such time that they are balanced then reintroduced.
4. Skill Balances. Many suggestions have been made in this area already, but all do agree that some type of quicker balancing needs to be accomplished with fewer skills at a time.
5. Hairdressers, weapons mod trader, and inscription mod trader. Not absolutely necessary, but would be nice to have.
6. Change the way to get into FoW/UW. Have favor affect it, but not limit it to the region that has control such as let individuals from regions that do not have favor enter but at an increased cost.
7. Controlling a town. Not much incentive to control a town. A suggestion would be to add a % additional payment to the player for items sold to the merchant of the town that your alliance controls where the % depends upon the town that you control.
8. Be able to use faction to unlock armor sets and weapon skins that can be found in PvE. Give more use for faction.
9. Have a way to transfer faction into gold. Would give more reward for PvPing and encourage more PvEers to try out PvP.
10. Add a durability to weapons and armor. When the durability runs out, just need to get the items repaired to use them. Durability only is lost when the player dies, does not count if the death is in a PvP arena. GW does not have enough money sinks to counter inflation.
I'm sure that a lot of people have more suggestions to give and might not agree with all my suggestions, thats fine. The main thing is that I don't want to see Anet give up on GW1 when the game is still viable and still has the potential to draw in people to play it if some of the issues that have been problems are resolved. I know that GW2 is supposed to do this, but the things I pointed out above should be doable and Anet can do this concurrently with GW2 since the playstyle is going to be different than that of GW1, there really should be room for both.
Opportunity GW2 presents GW1
wren e
Originally Posted by wren e
It has been talked about over and over again.

The Ernada
I agree with almost all except for 9 and 10.
9. I'd rather see Faction be given more options to unlock stuff as you mentioned in number 8.
10. No. Just no. What's the point really? It doesnt add anything to the game except tediousness. It sure doesnt add fun.
9. I'd rather see Faction be given more options to unlock stuff as you mentioned in number 8.
10. No. Just no. What's the point really? It doesnt add anything to the game except tediousness. It sure doesnt add fun.
Onarik Amrak
Same, I agree with most. It's a good post. However:
6. That's contradictory. If you have favor it automatically means someone else does not.
6. That's contradictory. If you have favor it automatically means someone else does not.
All the maps have huge areas not 'open' to exploration - little mini series to had maps could be fun whilst waiting for GW2 - however no new skills to capture and new new items to farm (please concentrate on GW2 anet team
) Howver this will then unvalidate Cartographer titles, people will be unhappy (sigh) that theres no real 'reward' to doing it and level design teams will have to spend time drawing out new maps..
Faction points should be able to unblock new emotes -
*/Kursick - character flexes and little kursick flag/banner appears above head. And fireworks pop off, and little fanfare of trumpeting Dreadnoughts march past and respectfully salute their mighty Champion of Glory and CARNAGE -
*/Luxon - Character begs and has bucket of turtle plop poured on head.... :innocent:
what? Kursick? Who said Im a Kursick....
Anyway you talk about not having enough moneysinks to stop inflation then you want a way to have more gold paid for your items or have faction points turned into gold... Isnt there a problem with people afking PvP to get Faction in the Fort Aspenwood missions. Do you really want to see that in casual PvP as well? I dont think that that would be a good idea.

Faction points should be able to unblock new emotes -
*/Kursick - character flexes and little kursick flag/banner appears above head. And fireworks pop off, and little fanfare of trumpeting Dreadnoughts march past and respectfully salute their mighty Champion of Glory and CARNAGE -
*/Luxon - Character begs and has bucket of turtle plop poured on head.... :innocent:
what? Kursick? Who said Im a Kursick....
Anyway you talk about not having enough moneysinks to stop inflation then you want a way to have more gold paid for your items or have faction points turned into gold... Isnt there a problem with people afking PvP to get Faction in the Fort Aspenwood missions. Do you really want to see that in casual PvP as well? I dont think that that would be a good idea.
Terra Xin
Some... and I mean 'some' of the suggestions you've given are basically the reason why Anet may have decided to start from scratch. But your ideas have been suggested so often, Anet would have to be stupid not to recognise them, otherwise there's no point in making a GW2... don't you think?
Otherwise sixdartbart nailed it on the head. But this really belongs in sardelac...
I disagree with #8... just don't see the point in PvP gaining monetary items when the focus should be about defeating opponents, and being recognised from the skill of defeating opponents (aka titles). It's not about the clothes that you wear, IMO.
#10 is a big no-no. I've seen it suggested only a couple of times in Sardelac, and the clear reason not to have it is because it really does nothing good to enhance the enjoyment of the game. It's like suggesting to have the ability to change professions in a window taken away, because it doesn't make sense as to how someone can change professions in... their head? - regardless, noone wants that to happen.
Otherwise sixdartbart nailed it on the head. But this really belongs in sardelac...
I disagree with #8... just don't see the point in PvP gaining monetary items when the focus should be about defeating opponents, and being recognised from the skill of defeating opponents (aka titles). It's not about the clothes that you wear, IMO.
#10 is a big no-no. I've seen it suggested only a couple of times in Sardelac, and the clear reason not to have it is because it really does nothing good to enhance the enjoyment of the game. It's like suggesting to have the ability to change professions in a window taken away, because it doesn't make sense as to how someone can change professions in... their head? - regardless, noone wants that to happen.
Onarik Amrak
Yeah I forgot to add, I HATE durability mechanics. It's needless frustration and gold-sinking.
Rusty Deth
Durability FTL
There's plenty of gold sinks in GW. You just gotta feel like buying stuff.
There's plenty of gold sinks in GW. You just gotta feel like buying stuff.