Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Ok, you guys are just dying for a new conspiracy theory, I can feel it in my bones. Polls do not take the place of suggestions, or bug reports, or other means of communication, which we also attend to. But polls are often the offshoot of suggestions, and regardless of their source, they are very helpful to us.
What happened was simply a natural progression. Instead of gathering feedback from many threads, I thought it would be more efficient to put up a poll or a single thread to focus the feedback. (We continue to track the broader threads, as well.) Consider that there might be 10 or 20 mentions a day of ideas for the 2nd birthday gift, but they might be in 10 different threads. During some days, 50 opinions might be expressed about party size for Heroes' Ascent, but again, those opinions might appear in various threads. Data is really valuable, and with a Dev Poll thread, we can get the info we need--your opinions--very clearly and show "Here are the preferences of the community, as expressed on Guild Wars Guru, as far as [this subject]." |
I didn't think of organizing all ideas into one thread was a reason, scince most of the people here do that for you.
I think one of the first Dev Polls (before I called them Dev Polls) was for the Guild Wars Official (on-line) store, and it started back in July of last year, so this process isn't exactly new. Over time, we have found the polls more and more helpful. In fact, in the last week we spent quite a bit of time gathering data from two different polls to share with various teams. (The online store thread was difficult because it wasn't a "choose one" listing, but random posts. Good feedback, but time consuming to digest!) The current poll--about Weekend Events--is going to help us map out upcoming weekends, and the designers were really pleased at the idea of hearing from you. I believe that our various CCs have posted the poll in non-English forums as well. Come early next week, we hope to gather all the feedback from the various player groups and create a spreadsheet to send over to the Design Team. |
I do admit the notion of polls is growing. I hope you don't mind! Polls are so very valuable to us. (In fact, I have two more I want to start up very soon!) My hope is that everyone will take the time to vote or to share a few words. The more information and input we get, the better that Guild Wars will be. |
Thanks for paying so much attention.