How does Anet plan to keep us interested for 9 more months?
Kuldebar Valiturus
Outside of the announced expansion and normal events, I'm going to predict the following:
Game improvements: player item auction functionality, more interface improvements/tweaks, player pet changes, new armor types.
Any number of game improvements implemented over the next year will go a long way to keep people engaged.
Game improvements: player item auction functionality, more interface improvements/tweaks, player pet changes, new armor types.
Any number of game improvements implemented over the next year will go a long way to keep people engaged.
Originally Posted by Silly Warrior
So, what are you going to do?
Will you quit? Take a break? Or continue playing throughout this gigantic hole in the saga? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
- Waiting for GW2 (no plans to buy GW:EN)
- Putting more time into other games and playing GW1 very sparingly (only when I want a break from the other stuff).
- Staying in touch with what's going on in the world of GW through the main website and forums.
If more detailed information about how the Hall of Monuments system will work... then this may change:
- Don't need to know exactly what I'll get for doing/having X. Just general information like if GW1 accomplishments can transfer to future GW2 accounts at any time (like an Account-Unlock that even existing GW2 characters can go to the Hall of Monuments and receive). Will there be a different bonus Per Title for all titles? Will there be a bonus for different levels of a title? This kind of info would convince me to buy GW:EN and buy missing GW1 Chapters right now like Nightfall. It would pull me back to playing GW1 because I have a better idea of what effect it has on my GW2 time.
- Whether special event items like candy canes will transfer (otherwise why bother with events like Wintersday?). My free time is too valuable to be spent gathering items to trade in for Candy Canes when I could be winning booster packs drafting in Magic:The Gathering Online.
- GW:EN without a Hall of Monuments system that interests me means I just continue what I'm currently doing and wait for GW2. Will then just look forward to a fresh start.
King's Spectre
I'm still trying to choose between getting lots of titles on the same character or getting each of them one or two..
Phantom Flux
Anet shouldn't wait that long to launch GW: Eye of The North. The good thing about Nightfall's release, is that it was not to far off and not to close after Faction's. It came just at the right time when I got bored with Prophecies and Factions all together. Factions is my favorite campaign (mainly cause I'm bias to the fact it was my first GW campaign and I love the armor) but after a while it just got quickly boring and Prophecies.....the more I play it, the more I realized I'm just doing it to kill time because I'm very bored. Guild Wars being the only game I care to associate with, yet the only game I can spare some time for, has really gotten very boring. I'm more of the pve type, so yeah I've been seeing a lot of these pvp events pretty lame and unnecesary (although, its great for those who are move into pvp over pve). Naturally when I login in GW trying to find something to do, but nothing after being done beating the missions, getting atleast a few titles (don't have the time to get all of hem) the good greens, golds and stuff my 11 pve's (playing all classes including 2 assassins (1 male, 1 female: Yeah, yeah, I love the Sin.) with so many sets of ascended armor that Anet should atleast consider making an armor storage for us lovely armor collectors. (Which they really should, considering Anet's conjured up 40 new armor sets for GW: EN. If anet doesn't, there wouldn't be much purpose of taking any character over, even though I'd really love to.) Yeah, I know 11 pves? Well after a while, you learn the shortcut of getting your characters to level 20 pretty quickly.
The only PVP I do is AB and that's when I'm really, reaaaaaaaaaaaally bored and that's just very boring. Noticing how Anet has ignored AB and kept the interchanging maps over and over and over. Whenever I enter the area you see so many players already complaining of how boring ab is and that they could atleast make some new maps - anything w/e.
But point being, All three campaigns are already boring. (Now watch someone kiss ass to Anet) There are only so many limited ways from left to right, right to left and so on to conquering the game. And yeah, even though I have made 11 pves, it was kinda really boring going through the same quests and missions over and over. Come on now, after 11 pves it does get really boring. So for Anet's sake, I hope they really consider to pull the release of GW: EN to come in a bit earlier. Who knows? Some rival company might come up with a game sooo good it would drive away the interest of most of Anet's consumers. And who knows about GW 2 if it actually turns out the way I didn't expect, I'd probably get it too, but for the meantime...Anet hurry up! LOL. (Yeah, yeah, I decided to give it a damn shot...maybe.)
The only PVP I do is AB and that's when I'm really, reaaaaaaaaaaaally bored and that's just very boring. Noticing how Anet has ignored AB and kept the interchanging maps over and over and over. Whenever I enter the area you see so many players already complaining of how boring ab is and that they could atleast make some new maps - anything w/e.
But point being, All three campaigns are already boring. (Now watch someone kiss ass to Anet) There are only so many limited ways from left to right, right to left and so on to conquering the game. And yeah, even though I have made 11 pves, it was kinda really boring going through the same quests and missions over and over. Come on now, after 11 pves it does get really boring. So for Anet's sake, I hope they really consider to pull the release of GW: EN to come in a bit earlier. Who knows? Some rival company might come up with a game sooo good it would drive away the interest of most of Anet's consumers. And who knows about GW 2 if it actually turns out the way I didn't expect, I'd probably get it too, but for the meantime...Anet hurry up! LOL. (Yeah, yeah, I decided to give it a damn shot...maybe.)
Hard mode and maxing sunspear/lightbringer are the part of the same thing. Hard mode will not only be for missions but for explorable areas.
It will give you harder monsters with better loot; the lightbringer and sunspear are no doubt the same as the bounty system now except a harder area will give more points.
what i find slightly ironic and funny is that some people are making a fuss about leaving (partly cuz transfering characters). you can stop playing if you really want to....o_0
They want to leave because theyve put so much effort into their work and they cant transfer but hows leaving going to solve this problem? What about your so called effort?
It will give you harder monsters with better loot; the lightbringer and sunspear are no doubt the same as the bounty system now except a harder area will give more points.
what i find slightly ironic and funny is that some people are making a fuss about leaving (partly cuz transfering characters). you can stop playing if you really want to....o_0
They want to leave because theyve put so much effort into their work and they cant transfer but hows leaving going to solve this problem? What about your so called effort?
I'll just go for Skill hunter Title for one of my charactor.
Phantom Flux
Originally Posted by SmithyBen
Hard mode and maxing sunspear/lightbringer are the part of the same thing. Hard mode will not only be for missions but for explorable areas.
It will give you harder monsters with better loot; the lightbringer and sunspear are no doubt the same as the bounty system now except a harder area will give more points. |
Anet still needs to hurry it up.
Onarik Amrak
I still encounter crap assassins. Call me wary or stubborn, but the crap to skilled assassin ratio is still not worth it. Friends and guildies I know who use assassins are very good at them. But most randoms are not.
Unless theres a huge update, I'll be taking a break until GWEN comes out.
Onarik Amrak
Wouldn't that huge update be Hard Mode?
I'm hoping that the "Title Rush" will fill up the mission area more...
Not that we "need" people to do the missions, but it sure makes them more fun.
Not that we "need" people to do the missions, but it sure makes them more fun.
Sai of Winter
Well, if GW:EN turns out to be released in November-December I'll be playing another game while I wait and that's Hellgate: London. Which is schedule to be released this Summer, hopefully.
say, isn't Spore supposed to come out? Sometime?
GW1 held us for > 1 year. And the SF expansion was not that large when you look at the grand scheme of things.
I think the do stuff in GW1 for GW2 unlocks will be a big factor as well.
But the main thing for me, if I'm bored, I put GW down and do something else, and come back latter.
Edit - Pet changes / controls are in the works Gaile mentioned and in final stages of testing.
I think the do stuff in GW1 for GW2 unlocks will be a big factor as well.
But the main thing for me, if I'm bored, I put GW down and do something else, and come back latter.
Edit - Pet changes / controls are in the works Gaile mentioned and in final stages of testing.
Sir Skullcrasher
We got different events left in Tyria, Canthan and NF. Not to mention preview event for GW:EN and maybe GW 2 before it is release. Also if you have console systems (PS3, PS2, Xbox360, Wii, whatever) you got plenty of games to play with before GW 2 is released.
Eh, mainly just pvp and farming I guess. Got FFXII waiting, and Supreme Commander. And Tekken5 Dark Resurrection is always around. And I've been meaning to finsh Dawn of War: Dark Crusade with the eldar too. Last faction to go

Tide to Go
well, im working on the titles
did u know there is a new kind of a big deal title? theres a 3rd one now, 15 titles maxed, who had time for that? anyways i need 6millk for the sweet tooth, wisdom, and chest ya, i got a list of quest to work on.
friends+airsoft gun fights= fun forever
did u know there is a new kind of a big deal title? theres a 3rd one now, 15 titles maxed, who had time for that? anyways i need 6millk for the sweet tooth, wisdom, and chest ya, i got a list of quest to work on.
friends+airsoft gun fights= fun forever
Ork Pride
Originally Posted by Silly Warrior
Yes Quid...but the beta for GW2 isn't going to be until Spring of 08, or around that time.
And the Beta for GW:EN won't take place until around, my guess...and of course... October 28, or like November 21 or something. So even then, thats still like 7 months of waiting...the beta isn't going to be here for a long time! |
Omega X
Originally Posted by Ork Pride
GW:EN will come out Q3 2007, not december or november.....
Onarik Amrak
Would you care to point out the big holiday in Q3 to make people refer to it and NOT Christmas as the Holiday Season?
Oso Minar
There has to be a reason for this Design-a-Weapon contest...
I believe it got pushed back again to next year...
Originally Posted by Mordakai
say, isn't Spore supposed to come out? Sometime?

Really I don't think they have a plan to even keep me interested for 2 months.
Kuya B
I've gone through all three chapters with 4 characters and now finding myself in the "bored boat". I really don't understand why with already limited end game content, that Anet is holding on to their pvp tied to pve for access (UW, FOW, Deep, Urgotz).
Customer retention I would think is important for any business. Pvp is an alternative, but shouldn't be the only way. If people get bored for too long, they will leave.
Customer retention I would think is important for any business. Pvp is an alternative, but shouldn't be the only way. If people get bored for too long, they will leave.
I bet they'll release a DoA/SF type thing in the summer...if not, I guess I have 9 months to farm for some FoW armor! (Yes, I am that slow)
Sir Skullcrasher
I'm helping peoples and farming things during this 9 months of waiting!
Lord Sojar
or we can rely on ourselves to entertain ourselves (that sentence sounds weird but it works). Maybe I will host another one of my fun guru contests??? (not that I am hinting at a really big contest in the near future for a phenomenal prize... *cough cough*).

Silly Warrior
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
or we can rely on ourselves to entertain ourselves (that sentence sounds weird but it works). Maybe I will host another one of my fun guru contests??? (not that I am hinting at a really big contest in the near future for a phenomenal prize... *cough cough*).
![]() |
True, even if they don't plan on doing anything, and focus all of their time on GW:EN, I won't mind that much.
I'll probably just log in a few times a week to work on my KOABD title, and just chill and do anything else when I'm not playing, over the summer. No rush to get that title though... I got like 2 years lol.
But yes, I'm sure Anet has a hat full of surprises...including that Pet Hero Control thing, although I have no clue how that is going to make me want to play more.
Monuments of your Guild Wars achievements that give access to special items and titles in Guild Wars 2. |
Boy I already got hooked into GW2

Due to hit store shelves during the Q3 2007, Guild Wars: Eye of the North™ will require at least one of the previous Guild Wars campaigns (Prophecies™, Factions™, or Nightfall™) in order to play
an sun
GW was never designed as a game you play for years.. you play for a few months , then stop playing and come back when there is new campaign. I really don't see any problem here.. bored? go play something else and come back when you want.
Originally Posted by NiukNiuk
Due to hit store shelves during the Q3 2007, Guild Wars: Eye of the North™ will require at least one of the previous Guild Wars campaigns (Prophecies™, Factions™, or Nightfall™) in order to play |

Psuedo Halgoen
Originally Posted by Arduinna
Ah, but that's in Europe, the US and Asia needs to wait for another 3 months
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Originally Posted by Arduinna
Ah, but that's in Europe, the US and Asia needs to wait for another 3 months
![]() |
Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by NiukNiuk
Due to hit store shelves during the Q3 2007, Guild Wars: Eye of the North™ will require at least one of the previous Guild Wars campaigns (Prophecies™, Factions™, or Nightfall™) in order to play |
an sun
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
Don't put too much stock in that, I think by now we're all familiar with how much release dates slide around.
devils wraths
lets see why im not going to get bored =
hard mode for 3 campaigns = maybe they will add hard mode for eye of north too.
changes to mesmers and rangers.
changes to pvp
oh and the new guild wars
hard mode for 3 campaigns = maybe they will add hard mode for eye of north too.
changes to mesmers and rangers.
changes to pvp
oh and the new guild wars
Originally Posted by an sun
yea.. ANet released 3 games and all of them were released on time =P
Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by an sun
yea.. ANet released 3 games and all of them were released on time =P
Q3 is very vague, if they can't be more specific I wouldn't be surprised if it changed. |
Guitar Hero 2 comes out this week though!
Originally Posted by xBakox
Guitar Hero 2 comes out this week though!
Hell just broke loose.