Originally Posted by Alex Weekes
Moving on to GW being 7 years old ... it is, if you go all the way back to the original conception of the game. It's only been available to buy for just short of two years, however the history of the game goes back a lot further through pre-release testing and original design concepts. I think (and based on reaction to the quote, many of you would agree) that the game has withstood the test of time very well, which tells us that the original design decisions were good ones. That takes me back to the future - the design team knows what you all enjoy about GW and they're not going to throw it away. They're going to make it better.
I completely understand what's being said there. Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with the people who
play the game.
The game has held up well for seven years because, for the last time, it is NOT seven years old. It's two.
It's obvious that the developers (I know how they can be ^_^) are tired of working on the same old game that they've been working on for seven long years, and are ready for a change. The fact that it's still relatively new to the fans? Who cares?
This is like...
Geek example:
The DM of your long-running, weekly D&D campaign saying, "Well, the 3.x ruleset is out, now, guys, and it's got great stuff in it. Also, I'm not happy with how I've been handing out XP in the past, so starting next week, we'll all be trashing our established characters and starting over with brand new ones, in a brand new world! It'll be great!"
Non-geek example:
Halfway through a football game, the ref stops the game and says, "Look, guys, we're kind of bored watching you all play football and we don't think it's working out. The tackling just has to go. So, we're going to start over from the beginning, and this time, play soccer. Don't worry, it's still a ball game! It'll be great!"
I'm just glad to see a bit of backtracking in that new About.com article on the subject of continued expansions for GW1. If GW1 actually continues, full force, that takes a lot of pressure off of GW2, and allows it to be a totally different game, if it must be.
Still, though, whoever came up with the original press release strategy for this should be kicked...
Bob the Marketing Guy: "Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present our GW2 press release strategy.
"We'll start out with big headlines saying, 'Everything you've been looking forward to in the future is CANCELLED!'
"That'll make them excited for the future, and then we'll hit them with 'the bomb'!
"'Guild Wars 2 will be completely different than the original, in ways that will be much more appealing to the great mass of MMORPG players out there!
"And the icing on this yummy cake? Look! Our new logo has a little planet on it, just like World of Warcraft!"
"Bob, I think you've got a winner, there!"