I think the main thing people overlook is the lack of monthly fee versus the amount and frequency of updates, added content, & Bug fixes that are also free. In a pay to play system you exspect these types of updates your paying for them every month. But take another non pay to play game for instance you get the game from the store and if your lucky a bug fix patch or several of them and thats it.
I for one will be a loyal GW player/consumer for a long time to come.
Great Read Billard!
Guild Wars 2 and a Fansite Visit Postscript
Total Disfunction
Baby Raiven
The word is that the new engine will let us jump and fall and swim. What can you tell us about that?
Mike: Yeah that's a big focus of what we're trying to do with this new engine - to really make it much more free form. We want players to feel like they're living in the world, and the world responds to what they do, and players have a huge degree of control over their characters and can experiment or just hang out in the world and have fun.
This is what i was looking for, Only bad thing about gw2 is that its 3 years away
other than that I loved your article and I will be playing guildwars as long as anet keeps them up.
Also this does explain alot, I always told people if guildwars advertised like WoW, gw would be doing amazing in sales.
Mike: Yeah that's a big focus of what we're trying to do with this new engine - to really make it much more free form. We want players to feel like they're living in the world, and the world responds to what they do, and players have a huge degree of control over their characters and can experiment or just hang out in the world and have fun.

This is what i was looking for, Only bad thing about gw2 is that its 3 years away

Also this does explain alot, I always told people if guildwars advertised like WoW, gw would be doing amazing in sales.
Thanks for the wonderful article, Billard! I surely hope that it all works out well in the end. I'll be waiting for GWEN and GW 2. I'm already excited. ^_^
Tevash Szat
I got into Guild Wars early and even did the beta thing, but then left around the time of the Sorrows Furnance update due to boredom and lack of time. I played a little bit two months ago, but didn't feel the same way as before, but with the new Guild Wars, I am thinking of getting back into the game maybe, but am really excited for GW2.
I love play GW, but with GW2 is sad to leave my Warrior. I really hope; go to GW2 with my oldest Warrior and not only with his title, share the experience but with the GW 1 characters.
You have almost single handedly convinced me to start supporting Arenanet and the GW franchise.
Fenril Atrum
Very interesting article :] I really cannot wait until GW2. Many girl gamers like myself cannot stand WoW and come to Guild Wars instead, as WoW seems more like a job than a game which you have to keep up. (: Although the wait is long for GW2, I will definitely sit tight and wait it out. 2010 will come sooner than I think, I believe.
But question. Is this an expansion where our characters can transfer over or what? I am so confused. I am a long time GW player returning from a few months of absence. Sorry if this is the improper place to ask such a question. If it is, redirect me to the right place.
But question. Is this an expansion where our characters can transfer over or what? I am so confused. I am a long time GW player returning from a few months of absence. Sorry if this is the improper place to ask such a question. If it is, redirect me to the right place.

Beta Sprite
Wow. That article you wrote up there really cleared my head, Billiard.
It's good to get a big, clean point of view once in a while, and this was a great time to put it out there.
Well done. =)
It's good to get a big, clean point of view once in a while, and this was a great time to put it out there.
Well done. =)