Can someone post the Dervish/Monk running build !
I have been interested in running the droks run, and i saw the posts on Dervish/assasin and Dervish/Warrior builds. and after trying them, i still don't have any success, i keep getting slowed down to the point i get killed, i would like to see the build information on the Dervish/Monk droks running build. I would appreciated any help, thks.
Here's 4
btw: have you studied your path beforehand? It's not an easy run, and you have to know it by heart.
Here's 4
btw: have you studied your path beforehand? It's not an easy run, and you have to know it by heart.
if you keep getting hexed down by the imps and golems then u have a serious problem with using Vow of Silence, the skill is a 1 second cast and so is mind freeze, so basicaly its whoever presses the button first, you or the AI so what you do is activate VoS b4 engaging any imps or golem groups then run past them via Dash, Dark Escape harriers haste(pious haste whichever modification ur using)