Heroes Blaze Through Cantha's Most Difficult Missions



Debbie Downer

Join Date: May 2006


So, I was bored, and was testing a set-up for the ultimate 1 Human/3 Hero build for Hard Mode. I test-run the build in Tahnnakki Temple and Raisu Palace, generally considered to be the most difficult missions to obtain a Masters rating on in Cantha.

Well...the test...was a success.

Tahnnakki Temple

Raisu Palace

The Masters times for those missions are 20 minutes. Yet I beat it by about 6 minutes...that's about a 30% speed increase over the Masters time.

If you are bored, try these missions out, and see how easy they now are.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005



yes, Heroes are very strong. At UW, FoW weekend me and my friend made a team of 2 man + 6 heroes and we cleared every parts with not much problem.

I also did all Sorrow Fernace Quests, Titan Quests in Prophecies with my mesmer(I never get party with mesmer ) and I cleared every quests easy. ^^



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Kryta Province

Angel Sharks [As]

Oh yeah, I know. A while back, my wife and I did Gyala Hatchery with heroes and actually got Masters - on the normal path! We had never done that before. We always had to do the back way. A hero MM pretty much assures victory in most cases. Add in an SF ele or two, and you can plow through just about anything.

Although, I never really considered Tahnnaki Temple difficult. That one's actually fun, IMO. Raisu can be difficult, although probably easier with henchies than heroes since they at least get their celestial skills.

Mister Muhkuh

Mister Muhkuh

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


Ugly Ducklings [ugly]


yup, played through factions with heroes and henchmen only...
the only mission where I did not get masters was nahpui quarter(I joined a pug, did it again with heroes afterwards and I had lots of time left^^)

-Old 3FL-

-Old 3FL-

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006

Western Australia.

Crystal Mountain [CM]


Most missions in previous campaigns are easy now with heroes



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

Tahnnakki Temple 13mins..thats quite impressive, ive tried it about 50 times and always get 21 mins -.-




Join Date: May 2006

temple is indeed pretty impressive - raisu is not, knowing when to run and what to evade makes it a breeze.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes of the Horn


When I brought my Ranger over from Nightfall I just blazed through Factions. Masters through the first several missions no problem. Granted, the missions aren't all that difficult, but having the Heroes saved me from having to spam 'lfg' until I could find a decent group and they were effective enough to just blaze through those missions like a hot knife through butter. There were a couple of places where I ditched the Heroes and went with a party (Eternal Grove for one), but they made some of the most difficult missions a cake walk.

As for Tahnnakai, I seemingly don't have great difficulty getting Masters there. Vinzunah used to be a major pain, but it just seems easier with AI then PCs. Raisu is easy enough if you grab Danika & Talon and then just run through the Acid Corridor and take out the Ritualist boss. The problem with Raisu is finding a party and then convincing them to run the acid corridor and that taking Cynn and Argo aren't the best ideas...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

United Kingdom

Quit Whining And [PLAY]


If anyone can post decent hero builds to use to defeat Shiro quickly, then post away.

Awesome time on Raisu...I missed masters by 15 seconds when helping my friend which heroes do you run with?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Krimzon Odyssey [KO]


Originally Posted by pOmrAkkUn
yes, Heroes are very strong. At UW, FoW weekend me and my friend made a team of 2 man + 6 heroes and we cleared every parts with not much problem.

I also did all Sorrow Fernace Quests, Titan Quests in Prophecies with my mesmer(I never get party with mesmer ) and I cleared every quests easy. ^^ I did exactly what you say there, plus henched masters on all but 2 missions in elona(Jennur's Horder[needs more than one person to carry lights] and abaddon himself[couldn't hench it for some reason]) also many of them in cantha including the two shown in the first post, nahpui, vizunah, unwaking waters, and even shiro! even though technically I can solo him...

EDIT: I challenge any of you to beat my best Raisu Palace time: 7 minutes and about 40 seconds.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes of the Horn


Originally Posted by MrSlayer
If anyone can post decent hero builds to use to defeat Shiro quickly, then post away.

Awesome time on Raisu...I missed masters by 15 seconds when helping my friend which heroes do you run with? I once did Vizunah in 25:00. You need 24:59 for Master's...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005

Hardest missions, lawl. I mastered Temple first time with henchmen and Raisu first time with an unco pug.




Join Date: Jul 2005

Australian Discussion Posse HQ - Glorious leader

҉ ̵̡̢̢̛̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟&#


Just because they're the "most" difficult, doesn't mean their difficult. I'm not seeing anything extraordinary?

Ominous Force

Ominous Force

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

Vancouver, B.C.


Got Masters in Naipai mission with Heroes + Henchmens. I laugh at those people who spend 10 minutes spamming LFG masters or GLF masters.



Debbie Downer

Join Date: May 2006


A few more times:

Nahpui Quarter

Masters for Nahpui is 25 minutes.

Boreas Seabed

Masters for Boreas is 20 minutes. (???)


Masters for Arborstone is 30 minutes (???)

When's Hard Mode?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

United Kingdom

Quit Whining And [PLAY]


What the hell hero's do you take?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006




Here's a good one, unwaking waters in 8 mins

As you can see there were only 3 human players (hench on steroids anyone?).



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

United Kingdom

Quit Whining And [PLAY]


I henched unwaking in 8:53 on the first attempt I ever made at it, before I even had heroes. Its an easy mission.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Canada...... Eh!

Originally Posted by MrSlayer
What the hell hero's do you take? Umm, ya. What he said. I've done Raisu Palace 5 times now. each time after the first I took me anywhere from 37 seconds to 1:52 over the time for masters. I got masters super easy one the rest of the missions in Cantha. I just keep gettting held up in Raisu for some reason. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

royaume de la lumi??re :D



raisu is the only hard mission in cantha
shiro is easy though i needed 4-5 tries to have master with heroes ^^

boreas , never miss the master , even when i was laying factions 1st time



Hugs and Kisses

Join Date: Oct 2005

Scars Meadows

Eternal Grove is probably the hardest for masters in Cantha, except you can't really speed run that with heroes/henchies since the mobs come at set times.

I pwnd U

I pwnd U

God of Spammers

Join Date: Oct 2005

in the middle of a burning cornfield...

Scars Meadows [SMS] (Officer)

Eternal is the hardest masters hands down, having to keep all the guys alive without a real monk or two is a pain. It is doable but eh. Anyways good job, that is all really impressive!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005



it's not that hard...i did it the other day with 6 heroes and one other guy. you just have to body block the two entrances.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

Eternal masters was the only thing I couldn't pull off on my own before heroes, but as it was said above, it is certainly doable now.

Morag D

Morag D

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2007




yeah, I've been blazing missions with Heros ever since they came out. It's lovely to have the option to do a mission 'alone' if one doesn't want to wait forever for a random-team (in which, sadly often, u're off worse than with henchs)

since Nightfall, it's either a Guild-/Alliance-team or Henchmen for me



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


...and people still argue that Heroes aren't overpowered.

Bryant Again

Bryant Again

Hall Hero

Join Date: Feb 2006

Heroes are just like bringing guildies who listen to you, run whatever builds you want, and don't bitch. Not to mention split second interrupts.

So yes, heroes ftw.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Zinger314
Boreas Seabed

Masters for Boreas is 20 minutes. (???) Zinger, you sux. I did that one in under 6 minutes... I'll check for a screenie later tonight when I get home :P

First time I went through factions, I think I got 13:00 and was kinda wtf'ed why master's is 20 minutes ever since.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006



I have to get in on this......

The eternal Grove was one of the easiest missions I have done with heros/henchmen. I grabbed 2 henchmen monks, 2 warrior henchmen, 1 hero warrior, 1 hero necromancer MM build, 1 hero healer and myself (warrior).

I put the 4 henchmen at one doorway and the 3 heros at the other. I did all the running killing the siege turtles and the rest stayed put at the doorways.
When the siege turtles attack from the sides they targeted my heros and henchmen, and my dedicated group of healers would absorb the damage. After the initial attack and the luxons surrender I would position the juggernauts to the doorways then 2 to the side with the henchmen and 1 to the other side with with heros. Finally I would run to one side or the other lending a hand and checking things out.

Phantom Flux

Phantom Flux


Join Date: Nov 2006

New York City

Phantom Flux (FLUX)


Heroes and Henchmen are the top way to beat any mission. Now these days you only can find morons for players in pve now. It's very sad. Monks, assassins, eles and necros who think they are front liners and acts oblivious to their deaths, Tanks who hide in the back....yeah Heroes and Henchmens are the only real solution.

the monkette

the monkette

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

I don't have a picture for it but i mastered Arborstone with pure henches (no heroes) quite easily. Some of the Canthan missions are pretty easy. I've also mastered Gyala with all hench but i cleared the path first.

-Old 3FL-

-Old 3FL-

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006

Western Australia.

Crystal Mountain [CM]


Well i was worried that Cantha would be long and less fun. But now i see that most missions aren't hard now (i hate you tyria ring of fire mission >_< ) I may go to cantha.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Centurion Guard


Post the builds or stop bragging



Debbie Downer

Join Date: May 2006


Originally Posted by Asrial
Post the builds or stop bragging Well, lookie here.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Just A Digital Pimp Slap [DPS] - Guild Co-Leader


u beat my thanaki temple mission record by 7 seconds. i hate u.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Centurion Guard


So how do these builds stack up in Hard Mode Zinger?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Netherlands


Yeah, how did you do in HM with your impresive Heroe's builds


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006



I made the screen after I went to the next outpost. Mesmer+Heroes=fast Unwaking Waters.


Quite an old screenie, but I only discovered this thread just now.

EDIT: This was not in HM.(obiviously)

Government Flu

Government Flu

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2007

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Paradoxa Zoloft Asylum [PXZ]


Heroes have really helped me out a lot. I remember I struggled with lots of missions but ever since I learned the right ways to use the AI, I've done much better. I even recently got Protector of Cantha, which I'm very happy about!

Never underestimate the power of the hero/henchmen AI. A perfect example would be in one of the Nightfall missions where you have to kill the harbingers with holy water. Well, the PUG group I joined was good, we took care of all the margonites including the mobs around the bonus harbingers but...there was some confusion as to where we should all go. For some strange reason we split up and the NPC we were supposed to protect died.

With heroes and henchmen, you have a great, great advantage. One mind is controlling the action instead of multiple people trying to sync together. Pulling is easier, group actions can be more polished and I generally prefer henchmen over people in most cases.

They have their limitations but that seems to take the backseat when my interrupter ranger makes sure Glint never casts a single skill or when Olias helps to make Varesh as annoying as a hangnail instead of a major headache.

The one seriously major gripe I have about the AI is the lack of a command to have someone pick up an item! My primary character is a warrior (secondary is a dervish) and it's very annoying to carry staves and urns around.

Oh well.